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    Lucid-Wannabe's Dream Journal




    1. So this is how mirrors work?

      by , 12-23-2023 at 08:25 PM (Lucid-Wannabe's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1

      I’m standing in a bathroom that has a very large mirror that takes up one entire wall and another that takes up the wall behind me as well.

      I’m in front of the sink and notice in the mirror that when I start walking, copies of myself begin spawning behind me - they leave a trail of where I was, the first one spawns in front of the sink when I step away from it and another one spawns for every other step I take - they all mimic my exact movements.

      As I retrace my steps back towards the starting position by the sink, the copies of myself in the mirror merge back into me and vanish, until I’m back at the sink with only me showing in the mirror.

      I take this as how mirrors have always worked but find it really curious. I begin experimenting. First I put on a hat and start walking, as the copies of me spawn in the mirror they all have the same hat that I just put on. This makes sense.

      I went back to the sink and put my hat on the counter and began walking. The new copies of myself have no hat of course. Once I walk until there are three copies of me, I motion forward with my arm, all of the clones in the mirror do the same. I move my arm around as I watch the arm of the clone by the counter and navigate it so it’s hand lands on the hat, I close my grip - it does the same and grabs the hat. I motion as if I’m putting a hat on my head, and watch as the clone does this until the hat is properly on his head.

      Now there’s the clone at the sink with a hat on, one after with no hat and me on the end with no hat at all. Weird!

      What if I walk farther, causing the sink clone to walk and a new clone to ‘spawn’ again at the sink, will it have a hat on too? I test this idea and the new one that spawns has no hat!

      I keep doing tests and notice there are other things that are odd. For example if I just start to sprint but immediately cancel it, the other mirror clones actually sprint for several steps before sort of rubber-banding back to where they should be.

      This opens up the possibility for all sorts of other tests to do but I decide to go talk to other people about this to get their opinions.

      I go and find Elisabeth and Brennan and as I ask them what they think about all of this it was hard to get their opinions, this sort of thing was normal in their world.

      I then find David who is more scrupulous, but to a fault as he can be, he focuses on details that aren’t very relevant.
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      Dream 2 (fragment)

      I’m in a garage with a car in it, I need to use the bathroom.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Offroad driving into zero-g, Gundams and VR

      by , 12-22-2023 at 09:30 PM (Lucid-Wannabe's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1

      I’m driving offroad in an old station wagon style car with Tami in the passenger seat. There’s a grassy plateau that seems designated for a destruction derby sort of setting, where two cars enter and just smash into each other until only one works.

      I swap out and have Tami drive. She has trouble getting up to the plateau area and accidentally drives into an underground tunnel. We keep getting deeper and deeper, there are constant forks in the path and it feels like we’re going in impossible directions.

      Suddenly we find ourselves in zero gravity, floating in a more cavernous part of the cave. Small things are floating past us, a single rib for instance.

      Someone radios in and lets us know that there’s a reset button if we’re stuck. Relieved, we press it and we are instantly teleported back to the surface in the grassy, hilly field.

      The plateau was like this but larger and not so raised off the ground:
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      Dream 2

      I see views of a large real life gundam mech. I’m getting the information that it was built to handle complex movements and that it’s very robust. The actuators in particular are very high quality.

      An example movement happens as the arms take a rifle and it holds it across the chest. A voice is telling me that the actuators can only move once every 20 minutes or so

      I’m confused by the great lengths that were taken to make such a high quality mech, yet it can only take one physical action every 20 minutes? That’s too bad.

      Now I’m speaking with a certified ‘screw-hole’ glue guy. Apparently he had to go through a lot of training in order to take a glue gun and squirt colored glue into the holes in the gundam mech that had screws to conceal them..

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      Dream 3

      I’m handing over $100 bills to Danny one at a time and counting. After I’m done handing them to him I try to figure out why I’m doing this, it was for my car or something. We both realize I don’t need to be doing this and I take my money back.

      Then we see a large yacht parked on a street, it’s white. It had a ‘hood ornament’ - which was actually a full sized car. I notice that only the front grill and lights of the car looked like a mustang I used to own, Danny agrees that it looks the same.
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      Dream 4 (fragments)

      Elisabeth, Johnny and James are over (Tami was probably there too). After we are done hanging out they all leave.

      James ends up coming back, apparently he left on foot (he had a lot of gear and backpacks) - he either got lost or the trip was too far for him to make.

      Dream 5 (fragments)

      I’m in a fancy apartment in new york city. It’s on a very high floor and has an absolutely amazing view over the city. It’s extremely small and narrow though, like 9 ft wide by 20 ft long.

      My new espresso machine (which should arrive tomorrow irl) is set up by the window.

      I’m testing a VR game that I’m developing in this dream. Using the valve index controller I made it so dragging down on the touchpad causes some haptics and in the game it pulls back the cocking mechanism on a revolver handgun. It feels pretty satisfying and would probably work pretty well irl.
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      Dream 6 (fragment)

      I’m describing how the wireless RODE microphone system works to Elisabeth. Pointing out that when we first got it we weren’t sure how a certain aspect of it worked, but now after understanding it that it’s not very complicated at all.


      I would like to increase the vividness of my dreams. When I woke up this morning I was fairly certain that I didn't have much for dreams to recall based on nothing really stuck out in my head. Of course after thinking on it for a bit I got all of these dreams to come forward. I just wish they were more vivid more often, to the point when I wake they just jump out because of how memorable they are.

      I guess I'm only a few days into working on building my recall back up again so I don't have to be too rough on myself about that. Before these last few days it's been months since I've tried to recall a dream at all.

      Updated 12-23-2023 at 08:20 AM by 106

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. Spooky horror night

      by , 12-21-2023 at 08:59 PM (Lucid-Wannabe's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1

      I'm in a horror-movie-like scenario. I'm in the bottom floor apartment in a large building and it's very dark outside, as far as I know it's always night time here. The 'main characters' that were with me in this apartment were replaced with older versions of themselves, which unlike the original 'actors' - these older versions of themselves knew that this was a scary scenario and they really wanted to avoid dying.

      I look out the window and there is a delivery truck stopping. I get the feeling that not many people are allowed to do things outside, but delivery trucks were one of the exceptions. A few men got out of the front of the truck and went to open the back, I had the feeling that I knew one of them.

      There was a woman inside the house but she was unhinged, yelling and throwing things - we knew that she was actually some sort of monster or creature but in human form. We didn't want to point this out though because even though she was being annoying, I got the feeling she was lethal in her monster form.

      Then she was talking to one of the 'main character' people, a guy. He had curly hair but was showing signs of balding. There was a photo of him on the wall behind him which showed him with a full head of hair, (because he was actually supposed to be younger in this 'film'). The guy was aware of the picture behind him and the fact that he looked pretty different from his younger self and was really nervous as he spoke with the woman/creature, until he was sweating a lot.

      She ended up noticing he wasn't who he was supposed to be and there was a sort of dramatic camera angle showing his shadow on the wall with his hands up to defend himself as he screamed and I guess died somehow. He wasn't in the dream after this.

      Then we all paused (including the woman/creature), we could hear the silence coming in. It was like everything was getting progressively quieter outside and it was encircling in on the building. We all started to hide under desks and odd places. Things got quieter and quieter until some sort of shadowy beings appeared behind each person and very slowly pulled everyone away from eachother, outward - through the building walls and into the night until there was a sort of deafening silence and the dream ended.

      Dream 2

      This dream starts in the building from the previous dream, it's still dark outside but it's no longer the same scenario. I'm sitting at a computer desk with two monitors wwatching a movie, James and Miguel are behind me also watching along. They were on a couch that was on a raised portion of the floor, because of this I was raising and tilting the monitor so they could see better - but then it would be turned too much towards them and I would adjust it back to me a bit so I could see too. For some reason this was really annoying and I had adjust the monitor over and over again.

      At one point I accidentally hit the corner of the monitor I was adjusting onto the 2nd monitor and it looked like I cracked the screen, which sucked because that one was the 240hz monitor. But when I looked closer the cracks started to pull themselves back together, sort of like how the cracks in the mirror did the same thing in the Matrix movie. The monitor was alright after all.

      The movie we were watching was about a computer hacker or something. Then at a certain point the movie paused at a hacking scene and turned into an interactive hacking moment. I had to take over and start doing actions, which was annoying because I just wanted to watch the movie.

      Then a dog came around the corner from another room in the apartment, it was a bull terrier but it was completely missing it's nose. As it breathed and swallowed and stuff I could see it's nose/insides moving all strange - it was so gross. A lady came around the corner and saw me just staring at the dog, she laughed and exclaimed that 'oh he's fine, he can smell better this way!'

      Updated 12-22-2023 at 04:07 AM by 106

    4. Elements and Pirate ships

      by , 12-19-2023 at 09:53 PM (Lucid-Wannabe's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1

      I take a cup out of a freezer and go to drink it but notice it has mercury in it. I show Tami and then leave it on a table. She then starts playing with it and gets it on her face and it starts to cover her skin in a similar way to gallium. I was pretty freaked out over the toxicity of this. Just like gallium, it comes off easily with soap.

      Dream 2

      I find myself about 18 years old, most of the other people are as well. I'm on some sort of cruise with Tami. I find myself as sort of a hostage. I peer out from the deck at a cul de sac, it's as if I'm looking out the front door of a house (yet I'm on a boat) and the homes are full of bodies, my captors did this.

      View from the boat of the cul de sac.
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      There was a girl that wanted to swim with me but I wasn't interested. She ended up laying down on a very large sail-like structure above me. I found out she had an identical sister who then went up and laid down by her, they were sun tanning - though it was now getting dark.

      Then a third sister of theirs with dark hair was talking with me a bit before going up to meet the other two, she was very friendly.

      Then I met their mom and we were talking about me having dry eyes. She was saying if I got some sort of surgical lens installed I would be cured. I was interested in this and she said she could inspect my eyes and let me know if I was eligible.

      She then says she can do this inspection while we go on a two person sort of boat ride. The ride goes from your present and into your future, and you discuss with each other about what is seen during the ride. She mentions in an off hand way that there is also the possibility to go into the past and sort of brushes it off with 'but yeah, you know - that's optional we don't have to do that'. I get the impression that secretly she wants to do that part of the ride the most.

      While we were talking I had a vision of what this boat ride would have looked like:
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      For some reason I need my clothes washed before going on this ride. I find a tiny secret door in a wall and push my clothes into it and watch them fall downward. I go down one level on the boat to see where they went.

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      Turns out they landed in a large washing machine but there were already a ton of clothes in it. I contemplate turning it on or removing all the other clothes and only putting mine in so I can run it at a faster setting so I can finish this quicker and go onto that ride.

      I wasn't very interested in the ride thing, but nothing else was going on.

      Updated 12-19-2023 at 10:21 PM by 106

      non-lucid , memorable
    5. Jean-Luc Picard's thoughts on AI

      by , 12-19-2023 at 05:33 AM (Lucid-Wannabe's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1

      Jean-Luc Picard was sitting in a chair on the Enterprise in his private quarters and was holding an i-Pad like device. He put it down and exclaimed that there's such a backlog of technological advances that have been made by AI that he will never get through them. And on top of that, all the information he was sifting through was from 10 years ago when he was last on earth - the amount that things must have advanced since then back on earth must be astounding.

      Updated 12-22-2023 at 10:04 PM by 106

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Patent theif

      by , 05-18-2020 at 03:51 AM (Lucid-Wannabe's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1

      I had patented a remote controller for phones and learned that some guy was infringing on my patent. I stalked him, he walked to the end of a dock and rested his hands on the railing as he looked out at the ocean. I snuck under the dock and saw that his shoe was sticking out over the edge by a few inches. So I cut a little hole in the bottom of his shoe and his money began to pour out, I held out a bag under it and bagan collecting the money.
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