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    by , 09-09-2014 at 10:09 AM (415 Views)
    Full moon in the Northern hemisphere people. Some researchers say it's a good dream time but the Moon doesn't seem to affect me....not even hairy hands...

    Weird, frankly unpleasant dream. It followed my WBTB after 1 choline and very small coffee. (so far, that experiment always results in "yukky" dreams) Seems to bring out my dark side?

    With a mixed group at a gathering or party and there's a row of toilets in the centre of the room. Men with their (girlfriends?) piggy-backing decide to sit on the toilets and do their business...still with the women on their backs! Sometimes, when the men finish the women drop off their backs and do their business...it gets worse.

    One guy stands up and he's still got his woman on his back and she does her business from a height...he notices and says "Ugh!" and lets her drop. Ugh indeed!

    I'll carry on trying the choline/coffee mix just to see if it always results in an unpleasant or uncomfortable dream...I can't, for the life of me, see why it should but we'll see.

    7.30 Fragment
    Working someplace (DS) and preparing to go off shift. Wandering around, carrying my work clothes and watching the clock as if time was fast running out and not seeming to know what to do or where to put the work clothes (worth turning into a major film do you think?) Slight variation on my major dream sign.

    The earlier dream, though unpleasant, set me thinking...complete lack of any odour. If you're going to throw dreams like that at me Ed, maybe I'll make lack of odour a DS...then one hint of lavender and it's a dream buddy!

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    non-lucid , dream fragment
