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    Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...

    04/12/11 - REM rebound

    by , 12-04-2011 at 02:40 PM (498 Views)

    Good morning! Had a couple of beers last night with the boys so I was up for some nice REM rebound. Took some 5-HTP and B-vitamins before bed to see what happened. Got some pretty nice REM rebound because when I woke up it felt like I had been sleeping for ages.

    02.00: Sleep

    06.11: Fragments
    *My boss asks me if I think it's nice to be working again. I tell him that it feels great and then tell him a story about how being at home might be nice the first few days but then it gets boring.

    *"You can wank to Oblivion if you like" someone tells me. The next thing I know I'm having sex with this girl, I can only see her ass but it's a damn fine piece of ass.

    *I'm not sure why but it's supposed to be good for me. I'm sticking needles right into my eyes. It feels very weird and my vision gets a bit blurry.

    12.30: Fragments
    *I'm with Monica and we're looking for a good restaurant to have dinner at. We head into a chinese restaurant and look under the cloths they've put ontop of the food. They've got bread and some noodles and stuff. "Nah I don't want to eat here" she tells me. We head out the store, but not before I ruin some pineapple slices they've stacked neatly.

    *My friend Felix and his girlfriend has broken up. "It's because of what happened that friday" Monica tells me. I think they're just being silly since what happened then was something minor.

    12.30: So far up!
    I'm standing on a field when three helicopters show up. They circle around me and cut the grass with their blades, show offs! They land the helicopters and a girl walks up to me. We're up on a mountain now overlooking the sea. We start talking and she hands me swimming goggles. I put them on aswell as some rubbery thing I'm supposed to have in my mouth to be able to breathe. I walk away for a while and talk to some person about how cute that girl is. "Doesn't matter though, got a girlfriend " I say and head back. I take a big breath before I jump off the cliff. I'm airborn for a few seconds which is alot longer than I anticipated. I hit the water hard and my whole body hurts. "OUCH!" I yell when I breach the surface. "That was way further than I thought." "It's eighteen meters" one guy tells me. "Holy shit that's like ten more than I've ever jumped before" I say.

    12.30: Meeting up
    I text a guy that I barely know about bringing some NES games aswell as a handcontroller. He tells me he'll be there soon. I head into a room with alot of other people. There's a girl there I've know all my life. Everyone around seems to be getting down, making out in the different beds. I don't do anything though. An enormous dog shows up but they tell me he's kind. I fall asleep on the bed and wake up several hours later. I check my phone and can see that the guy I was texting with has replied. He tells me he can't come to where I'm at because the busses aren't going there this late at night and he wants to grab something to eat then head home. It's only 7 PM though. I start texting him that he can crash at my place if he wants to.

    When I've finished my text, which is on a piece of paper, I realise it looks like shit. I scrap it and head into a room to pack my bag, intending to give him a call instead. My coworker Björn shows up. "Sup dude!" he says and grabs his bag. I start packing my own bag with alot of pillows. We head out the room and enter a forest. A bunch of bicycles ride past us. All of a sudden just as I'm about to give Tommy a call, he shows up. "Oh, then I guess I don't have to give you a call" I say. He's found a big bullfrog he intends to eat. We arrive at a camping site where I've kept my tent. I start taking it down, breaking all the sticks as I do. "Is this how you do it?" I ask. "I don't know, you're the one who's almost fully paid" he tells me as he's skinning the frog.

    12.30: Wake up

    Amount of sleep: 11 hours

    Supplements: 1 x B-Complex, 200 mg B6, 200 mg 5-HTP.

    That's it! No lucids still. Woke up and attempted a DEILD but I must have lost consciousness. Don't even remember getting into SP even though I didn't move a finger once I woke up.

    Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!

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    non-lucid , dream fragment
