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    Lucid Dreams

    1. Most vivid lucid ever

      by , 10-28-2010 at 07:08 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Most vivid dream ever aswell, or perhaps it was because I became lucid and got a good look around. Anyways I hadn't had any dreams in three days, and went to bed last night a bit earlier in hopes of getting something. All of a sudden I am lucid.

      04.30: 10/10 Vividness but 0/10 Control DILD
      I'm at work and everything's more colourful. I'm standing on a ledge overlooking the digging site. Some of my co-workers are stacking file cabinets in one corner for some reason. It's break time and I see Björn roll in through the door on his white roller skates. I notice it's actually his normal shoes but with wheels on them. I sit down at the long 12-man table, three-four co-workers are already sitting there.

      "Can someone give me a phone?" I ask and everyone starts laughing. "What the hell is a phone" someone ask me and look at me like I'm crazy. Everything feels so surreal and people don't behave normally. Like everyone's alot happier and stupidier than they really are. "Here take this" They hand me a strange red walkie talkie. "You can light candles when it's blowing real hard outside with that thing" they say and I try it out. I swing it in the air and produce a flame from the antenna. I try to light a candle while it's blowing real hard, and it works!

      Björn decides to go home, and skates off on his white roller skates. I walk into the building and grab my bag.
      I turn lucid just like that. "Ok first of all before I try to get to the desert, I have to relax and focus at the same time" I tell myself and it's working great. I put the bag over my shoulder and walk towards a door. Suddenly I'm on a porch of some sort with a low triangle roof behind me. Like I'm on top of the roof. Everything's extremely vivid and I start to question if I'm really dreaming. I look at my hand.

      1,2,3,4,5,6,7 fingers. They are too short, chubby and pointy. "Yup this is definitely a dream" I think. "But why is everything so vivid and stable?" I walk towards the edge of the porch and get up on the railing with the intention of flying. I do my usual trick but it won't work! I try again but still nothing. I question if this really is a dream once again and count my fingers, getting the same results. "Then I should be able to fly!" I tell myself. I try to fly again but it only results in me almost falling off the railing. I sway for a second before I jump down on the porch.

      I look at the sun. It's burning bright on a blue sky. There's NOTHING in the dream which indicates it actually is a dream, and the lack of control makes me lose interest really fast. "I now understand people who are afraid of being in a coma or something when they can't wake up from a dream" I think and I decide to stop trying and do what my insticts really crave... I take a pee on a stone wall. It feels great. Then I start feeling my body.

      Amount of sleep: 6 hours

      Food before bed: 1 x 100 mg B6, 1 x 50 mg B6, 2 x Omega-3

      Action before bed: Meditation on shakti mat for 20 minutes.

      I actually had another dream, and a fragment/FA. But I cba to write them down. I'm starting to get worried that I need the B6 to be able to dream. I will not take it in a week or so, and see what happens.

      <-----Shakti mat

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
      Tags: vivid
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    2. Desert here I come! Fffffffuuu...

      by , 10-24-2010 at 12:03 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Got a pretty good night's sleep. Got my second lucid dream for this weekend! It was very vivid and clear, but I blew it haha.

      10.00: Cagefight
      I'm standing next to a boxing ring. "If there's any time to just don't give a fuck and do my best, it's now" I tell myself and I greet with the guy I'm fighting. He's a bit smaller than me and I know I can take him. I had just tried punching something to see if my wrist could take it, it hadn't hurt too much but I decided to just use my legs and elbows just to be sure. We would fight in tag-teams. But suddenly the guy I was going to fight went down.

      I end up having to fight a huge guy. We greet in the middle of the ring and he looks at my crotch. "Oh shit that's right, I don't have a cup" I tell him. "Haha that's alright dude, we can just take it easy" he tells me and I agree. I position myself under one of the lights and flex my muscles, showing all my veins. The crowd goes wild. We start off by stretching and I can tell he's pretty stiff. The gong sound and we start. I just jump around and do random spinning kicks, increasing the intensity and speed every second. Soon we're fighting for real.

      The dream changes and suddenly we have to go get something out in the ocean. We race through the water and try to grab a sword. I grab it and throw it in the water, the guy I'm fighting goes after it and I return to the arena. Just as he's about to return the gong sound again. "And the winner is Matteh! His opponent went over the time limit of sixty seconds, being outside the ring!"

      10.00: Finnish Swears
      I'm at a table with four other guys. "Satana perkele homo apina" I say and one guy gets all upset. "What the hell does that mean?!" he yells at me. I laugh and look at the monkey from family guy sitting at the end of the table. "Haha it's pretty ironic really". My friend's dad Benge, tells me a joke. It's a blow job joke, but I don't get it at all. He's talking way too fast and I try to understand but I don't. Something about vinegar. One guy at the table starts laughing.

      10.00: Fragment
      It was 3 AM and I was going up at 5 AM. I tell another guy. "I'll only get two hours of sleep haha!"

      Mantra work: "I lucid dream" and "Jag ska klardrömma"

      11.00: Eventful workday MILD
      I'm standing in line at work. A new guy I haven't seen before is having a grand speech about how we have to stop slacking off. "A new team of construction workers have arrived from Hollywood" he tells us. Then goes on about how important it is to do your best, because the bosses are always watching! Three crane baskets drop down from the sky and starts swinging dangerously close. We stand our ground and a few seconds later they touch our heads, like the ones controlling the baskets are playing with us.

      A basket screws around extra much with me and I fall out of line and everyone laughs. I look at the building I was standing infront of and I can see six people with remotes in the windows. Suddenly a dog comes rushing towards me and jumps for my throat. I put up my arm with my sweater on and it grabs the arm. "Help?! Anyone? Whose dog is this?!" I yell and walk towards the door where the dog came from. All construction workers are gone.

      I enter the door and start looking for the owner while screaming. A pitbull comes up to me and I fear he'll start biting me aswell. A few other small dogs enter and they start biting me in the feet. I enter a room and I find the owner. She grabs all the dogs but a small one keeps biting my foot.
      I realise I'm dreaming and I imagine them stop biting me. They do and I stretch out my hand to sweep them out of the room with telekinesis. The girl leaves at incredible speed and I don't have time to do anything. The smallest dog (which is like 5 cm tall) keeps trying to get up on the couch. I sweep him under it instead and walk away.

      I walk through the appartment I'm in and out on the balcony. "Okay first I should stabilize the dream" I say and I look at my hand. It's incredibly vivid and clear. Almost like my hand is when I'm awake. I start counting fingers and I can see a very small one branching off of my index finger. Seven fingers. I'm amazed by the vividness and I decide to try to go to the desert. I spot a second balcony door. "There will be an entrance to the desert behind that door" I think and open it. The appartment again.

      "Damn... When I turn around, the balcony will be overlooking the desert" I tell myself and turn around. I just see the same courtyard. In my desperation of wanting to go to the desert, I decide to do something idiotic. I jump the rail and close my eyes. I can feel the wind blowing past me and it's very loud. "I will land in the desert, I will land in the desert!" I tell myself but I start feeling my body instead.
      I try to DEILD but I have no idea how to do that really...

      Amount of sleep: 9½ hours

      Food before bed: 35cl applejuice, 3 sandwiches, 1 x 100 mg B6, 2 x Omega-3

      That's it! This was a very productive weekend, and I think it's because I started slacking for a week with the realitychecks, then took it up this week. A break can do wonders! I'm going to look into DEILD a bit more and really try it out next time. I have no problems falling asleep, only problem is that I get a bit too excited when I look forward to what will come, and therefore I can't really fall asleep.

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
    3. Fooling around with telekinesis

      by , 10-23-2010 at 02:05 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Had a few beers and drinks last night and fell asleep around 3 AM. Had a lucid dream this morning, but it wasn't even half as exciting as I expected my next one to be. The entire dream was a bit vague and kept changing constantly. It's still something! I'm happy I got one, but I didn't have time to get to the desert...

      11.00: Jetskiing like never before
      I'm on a jetski at my grandma's vacation cabin. I go back and forth in the lake and it's really fun. I go up to the dock and my dad is there. Suddenly I'm outside my dad's house and the jetski is shrinking in size very fast. I jump on and race down the street in the puddles. "Get back our puppy, he has run away" my mom tells me and I look for him. I see a black puppy at the end of the road and I go to get it. Suddenly all kinds of puppies come around the corner and they wanna play. I look at the collar of the black one and I don't recognise the name.

      12.30: Fishing
      I'm on a fishing boat, going upriver in the jungle. My brother, his friend and his girlfriend is there with me and we're all fishing. My brother gets fish all the time and to get them off the hook, he just swings the fishing line in an arc. "Cut it out!" I yell at him, but he doesn't listen.

      12.30: Slow telekinesis DILD
      I'm reading some kind of history book. There's a city with a big dock, on a lush jungle island on one page. I see a few stone faces with text to them up in the mountains. The previous chieftains of this place apparently. "During the war of 1800, the entire place go overrun by people who wanted to buy stuff and it lost its touch" I read. Suddenly I'm standing on the dock itself, looking out over the water.

      "There were spies everywhere" I say to myself and I look for them. A very modern, red and black boat is docked and I stare at it suspiciously. There are wooden ramps on the boat, and on the nearby boats aswell. Suddenly a group of guys on bikes and quadbikes appear and they start jumping from boat to boat. I watch as they jump on land, wearing swat suits and heavy machine guns. They stop while going through an open container and open fire on the ground before them. The sand gets shot away and a small piece of the island starts floating out to sea.

      I change dreamcharacter

      I'm Magneto inside our local shopping mall. I've just done something bad but I'm not sure what. Anyways I have to get away real fast so I imagine having rollerblades on my feet. I turn semi-lucid and realise I can change the dream to my wish. I skate through the empty mall and exit the building. I'm back at the dock and I can see the piece of island floating out in the water with the container on it. I jump and starts flying towards it. The winds are really strong so it's pretty hard.

      I land next to the container and suddenly it's not out in the sea, it's on a parkinglot. I see a van a few meters away and I put my hand out, and drag it towards me with telekinesis. The tires screech as it stops just next to me. It starts moving away again and I have to repeat the move, only this time I "tied" it to the container. "Damn these winds are strong" I think for myself. I know someone's chasing me so I start loading the car with a few seats from the container, my brother Morgan is there. Monica shows up and she tells me she's going to stop me.

      I put my hand out and make her fly away, but there's like a seconds delay. She runs towards me again and I do the same thing. There's still a delay. I make a strangling move and she pretends to be strangled
      (we did this last night while drunk. The pretend that telekinesis works, not real strangling) I turn 100% lucid and realise it's all in my head. I make her fly away further this time. She still comes back. This time I throw her so far away in the sky that I can't see her. She's happy all the time and I don't feel angry or anything, it was more like a game. The dream fades.

      Amount of sleep: 9 hours

      Food before bed: Beer, 3 x 50 mg B6. 2 x Omega-3 pills.

      That's it! I wish I would have stabilized the dream as soon as I turned lucid... I will try to remember to do that next time I get lucid, but I'm not sure it would have helped. The dream had been pretty long and I think I woke up to Monica mixing her oboy with a spoon.

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!

      Updated 10-24-2010 at 11:34 AM by 36346

      lucid , non-lucid
    4. Dreamfragments... And lucid dreamtask completed!

      by , 09-25-2010 at 02:21 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning. This night wasn't a good recall night at ALL. Three fragments... But! I had a lucid dream during the 15 minute nap I took when I woke up! Awesome!

      Night Fragments
      *I'm at a carnival, and I have just been on some crazy ass ride. The whole world is spinning and I can't stand up straight. I almost fall over and walk like a drunk. I drop my bus tickets and I pick them up again after alot of effort.

      *I'm standing on a hill overlooking a huge, green meadow with my two brothers. There are blue inflatable pools all around and we run towards them. I feel the water and it's pretty warm. I think we jump in one of them.

      *I'm sitting in my sofa, and my dad hands me a few papers. "Look for a part time job" he says and I start looking. I see a pizza delivery job.

      13.17: Dreamtask Complete DILD
      I'm in a corridor. The walls and floor are made out of wood. A comfy, light-brown wood, with a nice shine to it. I know I'm in a dream and I start walking. I repeat to myself "What should I do?" but don't come up with a good answer. Apparently I'm at the local pub and I decide to see what Tommy (the owner) has to offer me.

      I walk up to the bar and I can see that everything's made out of the same kind of wood. There's no one behind the bar, but I expect someone to come through one of the two doors I see. A second later, Tommy shows up and he looks alot younger. "This must be what he looked like when he was younger" I think for myself and smile at the man standing infront of me. He has orange curly hair instead of being bald. He's pretty fit instead of being fat, and he's actually smiling! I still don't know what I am supposed to do... "Why the hell is it so hard to remember?" I ask myself and decide to just ask him for the first thing that pops into my mind: Kolaremmar. (it's a chewy, long, fudge candy) I try to ask for them, but no sound comes out of my mouth! I try a second time but I only manage to produce a tiny whisper. He still gets it and takes out three of them, and hand them to me. The dream is starting to get less vivid and I decide to stabilize it. I run my hands over the fine wooden counter, really focusing on the feeling and how it looks like, and after a second, I'm back on track.

      "Now I remember! I'm supposed to try out Dreamfruit" I tell myself and I ask him for some. I expect him to reach from behind the counter and grab me the Dreamfruit I've been craving for so long. He does exactly that and hands me half of a grapefruit, filled with all kinds of different colours. Exactly like the picture below. (I know, I shouldn't have expected anything) I'm afraid I will lose the dream before I get to taste it and I take a big bite, peel and everything goes into my mouth, and an explosion of sour/sweet bitterness fills it. I start drooling right away as I recognise several flavours: Lime, lemon, grape and orange. The overwhelming taste sensation de-stabilizes the dream and I get one more bite (this time it's pure sweetness) before the dream fades into nothing. But I don't care. I'd rather remember it all than trying for more, there's always a next time!

      Amount of sleep: 8 hours

      Food before bed: 100 mg B6

      That's it! Finally after almost two months of craving, I get to taste the thing. Sadly enough it was something I expected it to be. My damn signature has been imprinted in my head, and when I think of dreamfruit, it pops up. Well it tasted amazing! I wonder what my next dreamgoal will be... Any ideas?


      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!

      Updated 03-19-2011 at 06:57 PM by 36346

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    5. Successful MILD?

      by , 09-23-2010 at 03:48 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Hey all. I'm noticing great progress in my dream recall! I don't know if it's because of the B6 vitamin I'm taking but I did recall two dreams after just 6 hours of sleep, and two more after sleeping a few more hours. This night I also had some funny hallucinations or whatever you call them.

      I just read the MILD chat from last night with PercyLucid. And it was cool! I will write down in my workbook what I think about before bed, and what's on my mind during the day. I've already achieved a few MILDs these last weeks, and I got one tonight!

      9.00: Upcoming party
      I'm outside of my appartment, and I'm talking to a guy I know. The subject is how people react when you take command, and how you speak with authority. "Some people are born alpha males" I say and he agrees. "Some people you can boss around, some people will boss you around" The subject goes on for a couple of minutes and it feels so right! Like everything makes sense. After the talk we walk towards some stairs and see a few girls standing in them. We all greet and apparently it's his friends. We stay there for a pretty long time, while smoking. One girl smokes four cigarettes and I tell her that her tongue will be black soon. She sticks it out and it's indeed black! I take out my cellphone to take a picture, but it's not enough light out for it to be a good picture. We start walking back towards my appartment and the guy I know asks if it's okay to party in my appartment. Like smoke weed. I tell him that I don't want them to do that, but they can party. I get a fake memory of a bike being thrown down from my balcony at an earlier party. I tell them not to do that.

      9.20: Kill or be killed
      I'm running through a cornfield, and I'm being hunted by something. It's like I'm inside a huge warehouse and I'm sticking to the wall, where a path has been made by some people ahead of me, ofcourse I'm at the back! I turn around and face the thing hunting and me, and knock an arrow on my bow. Just as I knock the arrow, a tiger jumps at me and I shoot. Missing the tiger which crashes into me. Luckily I had time to turn my bow sideways and aim it towards its mouth. I let the bow go and run for my life, taking a turn. The tiger struggles with the bow for a second or two then comes rushing back at me. I don't get very far, perhaps a few meters before he's on me again. This time I grab its mouth and put two fingers in its nose, and with a tight grib, I get it to be still. "Shoot it!" I yell and two arrows strike the wall just above the head of the tiger. I push it upwards with all my might and some arrows hit it this time. A small girl in primitive clothing jumps up on the tiger, and draws a stone dagger and plunges it into its skull. The tiger stops struggling and collapse in my arms. I let it go and look around. Suddenly some kind of monkey comes out of nowhere and he looks alot like a human. For some reason he just falls and turn into a big pile of rotten flesh and pus. I look around and the entire field turns into these strange monkey-men and they all die. I can see some people up on a platform and I draw the conclusion that they're the ones responsible. One of them comes down and starts running towards us. I pick up some flesh from the ground and I throw it at him. It hits the ground at his feet and he dies instantly.

      10.30: Action movie turning into a fieldtrip MILD
      I'm on the side of a big truck and I'm hanging on for dear life. The guy driving is insane and we're going atleast 100km/h. I have a glock in one hand and I empty the magazine into the windshield, with no effect. It's made out of bullet proof glass. The guy inside shows me his teeth in an evil grin, and he looks alot like John Travolta. I look to the side to see where we're going and we're heading straight for a big warehouse. I look back at the guy driving and he's holding a gun of his own to his head now. A second before impact he pulls the trigger. The truck crashes into the building and I fly head first into the metal wall, and bounce off it. I somehow know it's a dream, and even though I fly perhaps twenty meters, I manage to land on my feet. Everyone in my class comes up to me and we all take a smoking break. One girl takes a seat on my stomach and we talk some about thieves. "I fucking hate people stealing other people's stuff!" I say. Suddenly I hear/see this voice, telling us that North and South is blue, and East and West is red. This somehow triggers a memory of my DJ (the colors being red for lucid and blue for dream) and I get the feeling it's Alex saying it all. I get lucid, but decide to just sit there for a while and see what happens. Suddenly the dream starts to fade. I wake up by my alarm clock going off. EAT S**T YOU SON OF A B****!

      13.00 Drugs and driving
      I'm in a car with my brother's friend. It's dark outside and it's raining heavily. We're outside of the local hospital and I'm holding some drugs he just handed me. "You sure this will make my better?" I ask and he nods. The drug is in a glass vial and it's red. I bite off the small plastic cap keeping the liquid in and I swallow it all. We drive off and head for my appartment. "Do you take any performance enhancers?" I ask and he says yes. "But you're not aggressive at all" I say. "Well I don't do the heavy stuff" he tells me and lets me off outside of my appartment. The dream changes somehow and I'm on a go-cart. I feel the urge to go somewhere and I see an open door infront of me in the building. I ride through the door and I see another one ahead of me across the hall I just entered. I drive through several doors and when I look back, I can see dirty track marks on the floor. I decide it's time to get out of there and go out the backdoor. The backyard is filled with ancient, large, grey stone slabs and I climb them for a while. I end up on the edge of a huge ravine. Ahead of me is an enormous stone wall, with a temple in it. The gap isn't big luckily and is definitely jumpable. I jump it and enter the temple. The dream changes and I'm with my family inside of a really old house.

      Nightly Adventures
      *I keep poking my girlfriend in the side until she wakes up. "What the hell? Wtf?" I ask her. She gets all confused, and I go back to sleep.

      *My snowboard hanging on the wall is falling down! I jump up and grab it. "Damn it's stuck hard" I think for myself. "Well, gotta take it down to be safe" I jerk it loose and put it on the floor. My girlfriend ask me what I'm doing. I'm fully awake and know EXACTLY what I'm doing! I pee then go back to bed.

      Amount of sleep: 10 hours

      Food before sleep: Nothing special, 50 mg B6 at 9.20 though.

      That's it! Fun dreams. I've been trying to clear my mind every time I'm going to sleep, and telling myself to get a lucid dream. Everytime I wake up during the morning, I tell myself I will dream. Especially at 9.00 when my gf goes up for work.

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!

      Updated 01-16-2011 at 04:53 PM by 36346

      lucid , non-lucid
    6. God? The REM-rebound paid off

      by , 09-14-2010 at 02:40 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Hey all! That was one frustrating night... I went to bed at around 01.00 and woke up again at 03.00. I had several strange hallucinations or whatever you call them. I can't really explain what I felt, but it was like I was trying to understand something. Something about Magic the Gathering. I had to have enough power bla bla... I woke up several times during the morning, but couldn't recall anything! I was so frustrated. But in the end, I got my LD!

      Night: I am god. I know that I'm dreaming and I am almighty. I wake up and I'm really confused, did I just have a Lucid Dream? I won't count it as one, as it was more emotions and strange feelings, rather than sight. I do have have this godlike picture of a man standing in light in my head.

      12.45 D1: I'm in our vacation cabin in northern Sweden. Me and my brother are going fishing and I'm trying to find a fishing rod. I find one and it's a modified spinning rod. "Can I use this?" I ask and show it to some of my relatives. "Hmm no... That's Lisa's rod" one of them say and I wonder who the hell Lisa is. A girl we call "Ankan" shows up and that's apparently her. "Uhm... is that her real name really?" I wonder and fail to notice the dreamsign! I end up having to fix the rod from scratch, with some piece of string.

      D2: I'm at a hockey game with my cousins. I'm having a conversation with one of them, Michael, about melting temperatures. "Hey, how about kelvin?" I say and we're wrestling for some random reason. "Hmm is that hot?" he asks. "Yeah! It's like super hot". I start playing with an electric socket which is faulting. Sparks are flying everywhere, like it's a broken hose. "What if the current would be AC instead of DC?" I ask an old man, and he says it would be very dangerous. I can feel the shower of sparks on my leg and I direct the thing toward my little brother. He has hair in his armpit (he's 10) and he tells me he wants to go to sleep. I follow him to a room full of bunkbeds, and he lay down in one. I kind of wake up but fall asleep again, and the dream continue.
      I'm at the other side of the room, in the other entrance and I'm trying to turn on the right lights, damn things won't do as I want them to! I can see six or seven buttons and I try to get the right lights to light up, for atleast thirty seconds. I don't want to wake up anyone, and finally I manage to do it.
      Suddenly I'm playing a cool video game in the middle of the room. I got my feet on the table and the game is a cool version of pokémon. The creatures in the game keeps vomiting when I attack and the effects are awesome. The game evolves somehow and now it's about running in 2D. It's like guitar hero where you have to time the buttons, and I suck at it so bad! In the end, the pellets are counted and it turns out I didn't get a prize.

      LD: I'm in my appartment, looking out the window. The entire landscape is moving, and it looks like I'm on a train. I point this out to Monica and she doesn't react much. I get lucid and instead of the building crashing into the next, it turns and continues down a slope. "Hmm, this doesn't feel right, we must be on a pulka (check picture). Suddenly we are, and I'm on the side. I feel like flying, so I make the pulka fly by willing it. We're far up in the sky now, just circling the home town. After like fifteen seconds, we start to descend and end up at my old school. I can feel the dream start to de-stabilize and remember instantly what I read on DV. About concentrating on my hands. I look at my hands and focus on my sense of feeling and sight. The dream stabilizes and gets very vivid right away. The feeling of cold snow against my hands worked great! I leave the pulka and start walking. I think about the task of the month, the elevator task, and decide to try it out. I know there's an elevator on the side of the building, but weren't you supposed to create your own? I decide to make my own and I tell Monica to wait for me, while I walk down a few stairs. On the bottom I expect to find an elevator, only to find snow. I close my eyes and try to concentrate. When I open them again, the snow is still there. I can see a door which is almost buried. "Hmm, what if I try to open the door just a little bit, and crawl in?" I think and I try to make it open. I start to feel my body and wake up almost instantly.

      Amount of sleep: 11 hours

      The damned buttons from hell^___________________________Pulka^

      Well that's it folks. Feels great to finally get a proper LD, and not just fragments of one. I will try to rebound my REM atleast once a week from now on, it'll be nothing but good for me. I'm off to buy some B6 vitamins!

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
    7. Gentleman in a Lucid Dream

      by , 09-13-2010 at 10:26 AM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Hello there. I don't recall ANY dreams last night. Maybe it's because I just slept five hours, or maybe it's because I lent my awesomeness to my girlfriend, who knows? Anyways I will give you guys one last old LD. This one's pretty memorable (even though I almost remember them all) and I had no trouble summoning stuff in it. I was supposed to summon a blonde gal, but ended up being a gentleman instead haha!

      I'm walking around in a very dark maze and I can feel that I'm starting to lose the dream. I concentrate real hard on the dream and manages to stay in it, perhaps by touching one of the walls. The dream stabilizes and I walk out of the maze and enter a club. I lose my lucidity and I'm standing on top of an escalator with Monica, and the club is huge. To get down we go on a water slide and end up on the dancefloor, which is filled with water. The entire club seems to be inside of a big mall and I'm about to take a couple of drinks from a tray. Monica points out how disgusting the water is and I decide not to. We splash around in the water some then I take her into my arms, and we walk away to another part of the place. "My panties feel wrong" she tells me and I tug on them to correct them. A couple of girls walk by and starts giggling. I get lucid once again, and I put Monica down. "Hey, this is a dream" I say and she asks how I could be so sure. I try jumping and notice that the gravitation is a bit off. I double check my taking a look at a clock on the wall. "Do you wanna fly?" I ask and she nods. I take her into my arms and after a few jumps, we're flying through the mall. From one wall to another we fly and I try teleporting and it works. I fly down a corridor and ask her if she wants anything to drink. She just looks at me and smile. I know what she wants and I snap my fingers. A can of coke appears in my hand and I give it to her. A second later I realise she prefers it in a bottle, and with another snap of my fingers, I'm holding a glass bottle. We fly into the main hall again and land in the newly created V.I.P section. We've got a large table for ourselves and I ask her if she wants anything to eat. "Hmm, I want fish" she says and I turn my back on the table and try summoning different dishes of fish. When I turn around, there are plates with fish everywhere. We start eating some fried fish with potatoes and I start to wake up

      Well that's it, man it sucks to not get enough sleep...

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
    8. Old Lucid, the Devil gets it!

      by , 09-11-2010 at 03:39 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Hey all, I barely had any dreams last night, which sucks. I do remember chopping up some onions... So here comes an old LD I had a few months back, it was one of the first LDs I had in which I didn't wake up immediately.

      LD: I'm taking a shower at work, and I don't have any shampoo. I take some from a bottle next to me and do my thing. When I'm finished showering, some guy walks up to me and starts asking me about my education. "What are you studying?" he asks and points at my books. I tell him about it and he walks away. The dream changes and becomes totally random, suddenly I'm having a fight with The DEVIL! I somehow manage to trap him in a pile of coins, and hide them under a bed. I then take a newspaper and put it on top.

      "You do realise I will break free as soon as someone remove these coins? He asks in his Devil-voice.

      I start thinking about encasing them in concrete and walk outside. I follow a road which leads to an intersection and I time it so that the cars don't hit me.
      I realise I'm dreaming, and decide to try to jump. I go like ten meters up in the air and land hard on the side of the road, on a small hill overlooking the town. I feel extatic and jump up in the air again. I fly down to the gas station in a few seconds and starts circling it. A few seconds later I'm down on the ground and the dream changes somehow again. Suddenly I'm ontop of the hill again, only this time, a road leads down to a dock filled with dumpsters. "Maybe I should try skateboarding?" I try to summon a skateboard while running but it just won't work! I close my eyes and try again and when I open them, I'm on a skateboard, heading for a big jump. I do the jump and fly several feet up in the air, and do like four spins before I land it. I head for the lake, which is now frozen for some reason, and come to a river. I'm not on a skateboard anymore, but on a surfboard and it's like I'm being dragged by an invisible line. The river changes to a lush jungle with bright yellow bananas on the sides. I can really feel the heat of the sun, and the colours are incredible.

      The dream changes but I still manage to keep my lucidity. This time I'm on a cruise ship, and I'm having an argument with myself. In the corner of my eye I see a room filled with porn. "Oh that's right! I gotta try to summon a girl" I start to read a magazine and I can see that they've actually taken those pictures right where I'm standing. The dream starts to fade and I don't get laid.

      That's it folks! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. It was sweet.

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    9. Moving spaceship with telekinesis

      by , 09-10-2010 at 03:13 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! I only had two dreams last night which I could remember, and they weren't long enough to write down. Something about being in a shower in a cellar, and watching the boss's woman touching herself, and some other dream about going on a hike. And packing my bag full of survival supplies.

      Here's the last real lucid dream I had, it happened a week ago.

      We're orbiting around another planet in our spaceship, and we're about to go down and explore it. A team of four people is sent down, including me.

      We end up in someone's backyard and our readings indicate that the oxygen level is perfect. We remove our masks and take a better look around. I see three small human-like creatures running around. Their eyes are glowing yellow and they're scared of us. I chase them down and make them relax. They're just children I see now and not so scary at all. "Which one of you has the most power?" I ask and realise I'm dreaming. A small girl raises her hand and I tell her to destroy a wooden fence. The whole thing blasts away and reveals a deserted landscape. Suddenly we notice something up in the sky, it's a huge, yellow/green spaceship.
      Apparently it wasn't welcome here and the girl starts summoning large meteors from the sky. The ship retreats quickly and I decide to help. I try summoning both lightning and fire, but nothing work. Disappointed I watch the ship go further away. Then I figure I could pull it back with telekinesis! I stretch out my hand and make a grabbing motion in the air, and pull towards me. The ship stops in it's track, and is suddenly coming back! The meteors continue raining down and they finally hit the ship, which explodes.

      The dream changes.
      I'm sitting at a table by the pool in the same backyard, and drinking beer with my friends. "Hey Matteh, why don't you grab me a beer?" Eric asks and I take a look at our backpack, which is lying twenty meters away. "Why would I go and get one, when I can make it come to me?" I ask and make a beer fly towards me with telekinesis. It flies past me and is kinda hard to control, but I get the hang of it pretty quickly. I do this four times since some of those beers were actually water bottles.

      The ship in the sky looked something like this, only HUGE and alot longer.

      Amount of sleep: 10 hours

      That's it folks. I hope you enjoyed it, any questions or something just ask away.

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
      lucid , non-lucid
    10. Tense meeting, bad service and weird subway

      by , 09-08-2010 at 12:39 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Hello everyone! I was supposed to try out the CANWILD method, in which you set an alarm, don't move a muscle and slip back to sleep. I was way too tired this morning to be bothered hah! If I don't have to get up, I won't. Anyways I did have a nice night, three long dreams and two fragments, in one which I had an LD! It was the shortest one I've had but still. Here they are:

      D1 Night: I'm sitting at a table with my grandpa infront of me. He's about to have a very important business meeting and I'm there as his consult or whatever. I take out my cellphone and turn on the record function. I barely have time to put it in my pocket before a man enters the room. He greets us and they start talking business. I can tell he's really nervous and is sweating like a pig. Instead of talking to eachother, they start drawing pictures with crayons. Just random colors on the paper like a three-year old would do. I can see that there's text hidden in those symbols. Just as if there were cameras in the room, recording everything. After ages of drawing, the meeting is finally over. I go to the bathroom and take out my cellphone. The record had stuck at two hours. "Damn that was a long meeting" I say to myself.

      D2 Night: I'm at McDonalds with my friend G. The girl serving me is a complete bitch, and as we are about to walk out of there, I tell her that her performance sucks. Apparently she is going home with us. G gets angry at me and starts whining. I really don't feel like taking his crap so I tell him and his new girlfriend to walk ahead of me. He agrees and I ask for the keys to the appartment. He throws them at me and starts running. After a few seconds he comes running back panting. "I forgot, I don't even have the key" I give him the keys back and he runs off again. I'm left all alone in the middle of the night and walks slowly home. After a steep hill I can hear some weird noises coming from a barn on the side of the road. I can tell it's children doing something bad, like drugs! I start thinking of going in there to scare them a little.

      D3 Night: I'm on a cool boat with my girlfriend Monica. We're cruising down the river here in my hometown and Monica is hyped up. "We should put down crayfish traps all the way to the end!" I try to turn the boat around but it's too narrow! Somehow I manage to do it anyways but the boat almost turns over in the process. I can hear glasses shattering under deck in the cabin.

      D4 10.30: I don't remember much but I'm with a girl dressed in black. Suddenly I get lucid after remembering the girl in the bathtub. The girl in black lay down and I position myself ontop of her. Instead of getting that nice feeling, I'm starting to feel my body. "No, no, no!" I think for myself. "Someone told me to concentrate real hard on the dream, it might work!" I try concentrating and the dream doesn't vanish! I'm once again in the dream and I try to move a little, it feels nice but the dream is too fuzzy for it to be exciting. I black out a few seconds later.

      D5 11.30:I'm in a cab with my friend G. We're going to Mörby and I'm wearing a thin jacket. The cab stops and we get out and starts walking towards the subway entrance. The guy in the booth is sleeping so I tell G to just walk on without paying. On the very slim escalator I see alot of people, wearing ghetto-clothes. "Hmm this must be the new ghetto in Sweden" I think for myself and we enter the subway station. Apparently there's a new track being opened today. It includes 10 new stations and the old track is closed for repairs. I don't recognise any of the names on the board and I don't really know where I'm going. A train enters the station and we are about to get on, only if they hadn't occupied the entire thing. We end up standing on the platform, watching the train leave the station. But wait? We're the ones moving, not them! I point this out to my friend Felix and he agrees with me. "This is awesome!" I say and fall down. I feel really drunk and can't stand up properly. The tickets on this new train, are wooden sticks of some kind. I'm holding two and I notice that I'm wearing my winter-jacket. "Wasn't I wearing my autumn-jacket?" I ask. "And where's G?" I figure he must have left on the platform or something. Suddenly I want to get off the train, and ask if Felix or Eric wants to come with me. They don't and I walk out all by myself. I'm in my home city again and in the middle of a roundabout. I run to the other side of the road and cars have to stop. My shoes are now some kind of flip-flops and I'm greeted by two alcoholics with no front teeth.

      Amount of sleep: 9 hours

      I just signed up for a MILD class. I really hope I get in, since I'm not really a newb. But I do need the motivation and some tips on how to achieve lucidity. I just think about it alot and hope for the best.

      Any suggestions? Are RCs really THAT important? This is what the paintings looked like in the first dream:

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!

      Updated 09-08-2010 at 12:43 PM by 36346

      Tags: boat, drunk, subway
      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. Three lucid dreams and my first false awakening!

      by , 09-06-2010 at 02:17 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)
      I had these dreams a couple of weeks ago. This happened in the same night and was definitely one of the top three dreaming sessions I've ever had. I've had around 15 lucid dreams this year, but no false awakening. This time I got one!


      LD1:I'm in a big house with some other people, the walls are covered with doors of glass and for some reason I'm in a fight. A girl enters the room and she attacks me instantly. I reach out with my hand towards her and makes it into a fist. As if by some invisible force, she almost gets crushed. Her eyes widen with shock and fear. I fling my hand to the side and she flies through the room with incredible speed. I pull her back infront of me and she slides in under a table. She gets smacked up and down all the way to the roof and back down again as I do an up- and down motion with my whole arm. I laugh evily at the ammount of power I finally have with telekinesis. Two other people comes rushing in the room and I make all three in the room face eachother in a tight bunch. I make a chain wrap itself around them all and I laugh some more as I watch them struggle in vain.

      LD2:I'm on top of a large mountain with some guys. We're doing some kind of "Jackass" show and I light a ball of hay on fire and throw it at one guy. He panics and everybody laughs. Suddenly the fire spreads and I notice that the whole mountain is made out of hay. Within a few seconds the entire place is on fire and we run for our lives. I run through some woods and end up at my old house which I used to live in when I was a kid. There, next to a car, is my family. "Wait a second... This is a dream" I say to myself. I try to convince my family that this all is a dream and they don't have to fear the fire. They refuse to listen to me so I give up and walk away. I enter a plowed field and while standing there in the mud, I try to think of something to do. I can't really think of something as I remember how I had dominated with telekinesis in my last dream. I decide just to fly some and it feels awesome as usual.

      LD3:I'm at a big lake with my dad and my youngest brother. I instantly know it's a dream and I convince my dad that it is. "Look, I can shoot pinecones" I say and pick one up. With it in my hand I hold it up towards the sky and it shoots up and out of sight. Ten seconds later it falls down just next to us. My dad wants to try it out and my brother too. They aren't as good as me at it but they do alright. I decide to take a swim in the big lake and as I dive off the cliff I can hear my brother yell something behind me. It sounds as if he doesn't want me to do it. I plunge into the water and it's as if I'm being propelled by an invisible force. I decide to try to fly out of it and makes a jump, just like a dolphin before on my second try, I am soaring through the air. A couple of seconds later I start to feel my body.

      FA1:I wake up and I'm sure I've overslept. The neighbours are playing real loud music and I get pissed off. I wake up for real and realise I've had my very first "False Awakening"

      This was the first time I could use telekinesis properly. And I've had two lucid dreams since then, in which both I could use it without any problems.

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
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