I was moving up the main cross street to my house. The hill gets very steep at one point, and this is a point I'm very familiar with and had many dreams near in the past. As I reached the stop sign, I noticed a car spinning out of control two houses down on a cross street. It slammed into a house and destroyed the front of it with a crashing noise. I (oddly) immediately went looking for people walking nearby to show what happened. I assembled a small group, all within about 50-ft. I insisted they come take a look at what happened. When we passed the steep part of the street, I noticed it was no longer a street. It was painted red and not wide enough to fit cars. I brushed off the weirdness of that - and walked to the location of the accident. There instead, was a showroom with an awesome looking gray sports car. Press agents were around it taking pictures. One of the people in my crowd, a blond woman says (in a frustrated tone) "Hey, I thought you said there was an accident!?" To which I replied: "I guess it was a dream." Another throw away dream but again displays my newly fragmented dreamscape...
For a long time I've had Resident Evil themed dreams. Since Dead Space 2 came out, I've started having Dead Space dreams. I think its interesting because I loved Alien & Aliens, but rarely ever had dreams about them. I was in a social dream with people I don't recall. I walked down a hall way to find a bedroom that was massively gritty and futuristic. Lo and behold, I had the Detonator which launches proximity mines. It was the last weapon I purchased before going to bed and I hadn't used it yet verses any Necromorphs. The mines have three aqua colored lasers and the weapon was as realistic in the dream as it is in the game. I was now alone in a space station of tremendous detail and nearly identical to the game. I eventually came to a wall that was covered in bloody tentacles and gore. I launched a proximity mine directly in front of it, and it exploded when the wall began to undulate. What's interesting is that I hadn't yet seen a wall like this while playing Dead Space 2. Shortly after resuming my game the next day I did.
Updated 02-17-2011 at 07:31 AM by 32174
I was starring at my wall from my bed. I noticed a spider web (checking there is a similar web in this corner) with a red Newt trapped in it. (I saw two recently while on a walk.) My girlfriend emerged from the bathroom and I pointed it out. We both sat there starring at it a moment and my focus widened to reveal that now we were starring at my paneled ceiling. One of the panels was removed and a larger nasty looking network of spider webs was there. At this point, the two of us fell backwards onto the bed to match the depth and location of the visual. A large scorpion emerged from the darkness along the webs to devour the Salamander. This seems like another throw away dream, but here again is the new transition element I used to enter a TV scene in my last recorded dream.
Two nights ago, I had a weird unsatisfying set of dream fragments. If I had only recalled one of them, I would have thought they were part of a longer dream, and I would have been wrong. I was sitting at table with my Mom in a diner. She looked pale and she was arguing with me about salt and pepper shakers. She was much meaner than in real life but I was blowing it off without the slightest care. She said I was rude to the waiter, but he expressed that he took no offense. There was a TV on in the restaurant. I looked up at it and it was a show on 20's dance moves. I was instantly transported to the dance. I could still hear the narrator explaining which dance moves from the 20's could be applied to modern dance styles. I walked around on the dance floor. There were lots of colorful lights and well dressed people. Still it seemed slightly uninteresting... Suddenly I was laying down next to my girlfriend in a cool house on a hardwood floor. On her right side is Snooki. Snooki asked me to guess what month her birthday was? I said "September." She said, "It's September 2nd!" I said, "So I was right?" She said "Yes!" I said snidely "No wonder I'm so popular." (I checked, her real birthday is November 23rd.) Suddenly, I'm inside of an apartment that is warmly colored and seems familiar. I'm using a PC to check out my girlfriends Facebook. I wanted to upload a photo to it. On her page is only a colorful montage of unknown women. Several dozen in various outfits forming a horizontal diamond shape. All of them are facing away so that I can only see the backs of their heads. One of the pictures is of someones heavy set mother on a lounge chair in a bright red Moo Moo. I remember her from an earlier dream and feel surprised to find her on my GF's Facebook. I'm 100% certain this was all one dream with no time between the three completely different locations. I also clearly remember being aware of the prior dreams and amused by the thought of dance moves from the 20's making a come back.
Updated 02-01-2011 at 11:58 AM by 32174
This is the 3rd dream in a month I was riding a BMX bike! There was a beginning and end to this dream that I only vaguely recall. I had this dream last night: I was hanging out in my neighborhood and when a white car started to follow me. I remember I rode away on my bike causally at first but he kept coming. So I peddled hard, cut through the park and double backed uphill to my house without getting winded. I completely lost the person who was following me and I clearly remember crossing the street most likely to bump into him while doubling back to my house. He was not there either. I never got tired and I easily had my bike up to 25mph+ When I reached my block, there was a lot of activity and cars parked on the street. Lots of neighbors were in front of their houses. In May and July 2010 I spent many nights trying to induce dreams about my house and city, and didn't have one that I recalled. Now I am having regular dreams about my city, and strangely, my old bike! I was fortunate enough to have my own car at age 16, the incorporation of my bike to escape from "threats" is an old dream theme. In the past I have noticed that dream seeding takes weeks of build up, then often, those planted themes become regular. This happened with the High School dream theme.
Updated 11-30-2010 at 06:01 AM by 32174
I was driving in a large parking lot area with many people walking around. Almost like a parade. (This entire section is weirdly disjointed.) I remember there were police directing traffic and being worried I would get undue attention on account of driving a red car. Adjacent to the parking lot there was a diner/hotel/bar building with a glass store front similar to an ice cream shop. In front of it, people were standing around. Kenan Thompson, a cast member from SNL was there dressed in a gray trench coat that looked dated. Vaguely like a Sherlock Holmes costume. I clearly remember thinking: "He is the kind of person I could actually be friends with." I offered to give him a ride through the traffic/parade situation and he eagerly accepted. I went back to my car, looped around the entire active parking lot again, cops and all. When I got near to the building I didn't see him so I parked my car (which converted into the bike I rode when I was 14-years old) out front by leaning it against the storeroom window. I looked around for Kenan, and there was no sign of him. I entered various areas lightly populated by workers. Near the far back end of the building was something like an old cheap looking dive bar/pub. I walked into the area, looked around, didn't see him among the old worn out looking patrons, turned around just in time to see Kenan downing a shot. I remembered him drinking earlier in the dream at this point. He looked sweaty and guilty. I asked him if he had been struggling with a drinking problem? He nodded awkwardly. Note: I thought Kenan Thompson was hilarious in his first show All That and I do watch SNL (even though it's 95% horrible currently) - but I haven't given the man any serious or special thought whatsoever.
Updated 11-26-2010 at 04:28 AM by 32174
The past two nights I've had complicated lucid dreams, that I only remember in fragments. I'm not remembering to remain motionless when I wake up, and every move I make weakens my memory of the dreams. They are very weirdly disjointed dreams that possibly mark different brain modes and rhythms. Or possibly just minor adjustments of my head while asleep? I was in a multi-storied apartment building crossed with a community center. It had vibrant red checkered floors and lots of friendly people. I was with ex-girlfriends off and on. And I was also with a group of friends and family. At some point I was lucid and started to fly. I vaguely remember a flying Disneyland style tea cup! I was using it to fly others around with me. I also remember passing through "a rip in the dreamscape." To my horror, I remember very little about the events leading up to the fantastic conclusion: I was standing in front of my Mother and Ex-girlfriend. I was holding a cylindrical rod in my hands. I asked them in a somewhat smug tone: "Do you like how I merged the dream world with the real world, permanently?" I remember they were reclined with drinks, looking very comfortable in the luxury high rise apartment I was standing in. I remember reviewing in my mind the portals that merged the "two worlds." The rod was about 1-ft long, made of fine grain wood, and had two silvery caps on each end. Similar in shape to a pipe bomb.
Updated 11-17-2010 at 10:32 AM by 32174
Last night I had a mix of dreams that when I woke up, didn't seem super worth remembering so I didn't push myself to recall all the details: I was in a hotel being invaded by zombies. I remember going into a room with my ex girlfriend (who gave me a vibe that she was there with another man) to warn her. I remember going into the basement and it looked like my local shopping mall. At one point, I became lucid. I was walking down one of the hotel halls and a guest or hotel worker was walking by. As she did, in the corner of my eye, I noticed she had a shadow. I thought: I bet I can turn her into a different person by pulling her through her own shadow. I grabbed her and pulled her through her shadow and she became someone else, but not anyone I recognized. Another dream, there was a trail of ants entering my bedroom. It was massive. I looked closely and determined it to be made of ongoing, and oncoming traffic. I counted about five lanes moving in each direction.
Updated 11-10-2010 at 09:04 AM by 32174
This was my last dream of the night. Unfortunately, I don't remember the first dreams. There was also a beginning to this dream, that I don't recall any more: I was with a partner. I want to say it was a woman. I remember her being very acrobatics and focused. We were in an industrial area infested with zombies. I vaguely recall shooting one in the head with a handgun, at some point. We entered into a huge cylindrical factory. Five or six stories high. The center of the factory was mostly empty, with multiple stories of girder like cat walks forming circles around the middle. I remember several (blue-gray) male zombies followed us into this area. My partner had something like a hefty trophy. Except the trophy was made out of zombie meat. It was like a cup with two large winged handles. It was a sickly skin color with dark greenish veins that ran throughout it, including the handles. It looked like a normal trophy, wrapped tightly in flesh. This object (I knew I think from the forgotten beginning) contained the genetic information and viruses that made the outbreak of zombies possible. It was our intention to make sure that no one ever found this object again. My partner suggested we stuff it down a grate that was at the center of the factory. This was like a manhole sized storm drain. We did. Then filled the drain with gravel. Somehow, we ruptured the water mains next. This clause the entire structure to collapse in on itself. We barely got out. I remember seeing the entire area submerge with water as we made our way to an island. This island was in fact a mound of my own clothing (!) situated at the far corner of yet another, still larger warehouse. I remember thinking: I hope my computer backup files are safe from this flood. At this point I began to walk along the far wall of this enormous warehouse and it emerged into a Costco/Target like superstore. One of the female employees, wearing a white lab coat and glasses passed by me and without looking up said: " I hate customers." I walked a little further and came to the hair product isle. I grabbed some shampoo and proceeded to take a shower. Because situated in the shampoo isle, strangely, was my home shower. I began to wash and lather my hair. I had a thick full head of it. I remember thinking: why didn't I shave my head before I took a shower? (My usual pattern is to shave my head before I take a shower.) Nevertheless, I kept shampooing away as I looked around at different products on the shelves nearby... The next thought I had was: "How does Costso know which stuff belongs to me?" Then, a final more horrifying thought occurred: "Maybe Costco will be (or is) in the business of public housing...?" In recent years, Costco has gotten into the business of health insurance... I haven't been to Costco in years. Or thought much about their health-care. I have been searching my brain for creative solutions to the US economy. This is not one that occurred. Seems my subconscious hinting at a new hope: corporations that act in the place of governments. I was woken by my cell phone at this point.
Updated 10-31-2010 at 06:50 AM by 32174
About a week ago, I went to bed worried. I recently lost a very important journal and I was attempting to clear my mind to remember where I might have hidden in. I started to dream instantly when I fell asleep - which has only occurred a few times in my life. I was not attempting a W.I.L.D.: I suddenly found myself walking on 101 (a 5-lane freeway in California) in the middle of the last lane before the fast lane. I paused to look around. Even though it was a starless night, I could see in perfect clarity and the visuals were photo realistic or better. I walked a few steps forward towards an overpass that was maybe 20-ft ahead. In the dark, I heard a car crash in the lane ahead just beyond the freeway overpass. I couldn't see that far in the darkness... But, I could hear car parts flying everywhere. One large piece of a car door came skidding directly towards me and stopped just at my feet. The visuals were so vivid, that I instantly suspected I was dreaming. I looked around again, no other cars or people were around. I moved my hand up as if to direct myself into the air. I levitated off the ground, above the height of the overpass with complete ease and control. Stationed on top of the overpass was something like an unused construction piece with a tower like structure. Atop that structure was something large with multiple points, covered in a tarp. The dream began to fade. I thrashed around to keep it going, and I remember thinking: this is my chance to search my subconscious for information. Instead, I woke a minute-or-two after I had laid down. I still haven't found the journal. If my subconscious was providing me with some sort of clue, at present, I have no idea what it was. Nearest I could figure, the journal might have slid underneath something. However, I searched my floor thoroughly. Any and all possible interpretations are welcome...
Updated 10-28-2010 at 10:47 PM by 32174
Last week on a date I saw Inception, it was okay. Apart from the fact that is massacres all of the standardized dream lore, and ends in a way that screen writing 101 states never to end a movie... But here is the dream: I was in a large theater, similar to where the actors and director were interviewed about the film, for those who happened to see some of the promo stuff. I was actually cast in the "movie" Inception. I was extremely excited to be in my first movie, and have it be about dreaming... I remember thinking, "they cut my part down to a small speaking role near the end, but at least I made it into a feature film!" At some point I had the thought, but how can I be in a movie that is already out? I must be in the sequel is what! (A dream about being in a movie that is in a dream.)
I had two vivid dreams last night. When I first woke up, I recalled much more. But, I was forced to deal with real life almost instantly. My memory was reduced to only the very last segment of my last dream: I was standing with someone on a very rundown, overgrown, bridge. We were throwing explosives into a river about 15ft below. As we did, great white sharks the size of buses would spring out of the water to eat the explosives as they blew up! I remember their eyes rolling back into their heads in a somewhat comical way, but nevertheless, I felt extremely vulnerable like the bridge was about to collapse at any moment. I walked off the bridge, turned around to get a close look at it. I expected it to give way into the river, but it was stable. The weeds growing on it, and the cracked aged look was totally realistic.
Updated 03-16-2011 at 08:00 PM by 32174
I had very long dreams last night. Even though I laid still for a good five minutes after waking, and may have awoken with my eyes closed, I seemed unable to piece the dream back together at all. I had a strong feeling about the people I was with, and one vague image of rolling dry California hills in every direction. It is all still on the tip of my recollection... What I did manage to recall in full detail is definitely strange to me and may be illustrative of how/why dreams are formed... I was apparently trying to take a nap on a medical gurney parked outside of a burrito place I thought about 2-days ago. (My thought 2-days ago was "I'm glad my friend didn't get a burrito from that place for me the other day, cause she likes them, I don't, and last one I ate years ago - had two hard objects in it." As a side note, my family use to own this particular building when I was a kid. It was an ice cream shop, and that thought had not occurred to me.) The Sun was at about 3:30pm. This is an accurate location for the Sun to be, relative to this shop. The bright beams kept getting in my eyes and waking me up... So I rolled the gurney around to catch the shadow of some small trees and shrubs that are actually out front of the building. This was I think the very last part of a series of dreams. I distantly recall flying and being lucid at points.
Updated 07-26-2010 at 11:26 AM by 32174
As far as I could tell, the dream began as I was starring at a porch light (or lantern) mounted behind my PC monitor on the wall. Nothing is there in real life. I was noticing how glowy and warm it looked. I remember the light fall off was very sharp. Meaning, only a few inches away from the light it was still very dark. As I was looking, I stood up from my chair and noticed there were a dozen or so plump crickets and beetles hanging out around the base of the lamp. Unlike real life, I didn't have a horrified reaction. Curiously, I instantly thought of a plan to remedy the situation: Get a garbage can.Place it under the lamp area.Bang the wall to knock off, and collect all the insects at once. I turned on my bathroom light without breaking eye contact with the lamp. The bathroom light cast a bit more light onto the dark wall, and the bugs started to stir. -Then I woke up. Note: This dream occurred the night after I read, and posted Dream 051 which is similar. I rarely dream about insects.