Last night I went to sleep very sad and depressed because I was acknowledging the fact that me and Kate weren't going to be a couple any more. So I went to sleep repeating a mantra in my head saying "Gabe I need to talk with you, share me your wisdom". The dream starts with me flying around my old neighborhood called Aranjuez, since I'm flying I know this is a dream so I'm kind of conscious. I'm in the sky feeling the air and flying the direction I feel the air touch my skin, I'm doing an exercise to become one with the air. Afterwards I start flying around because I remember I had a mission to find Gabriel and have a chat with him. Whilst I'm flying I see a parade with people dressed up has demons, it seemed it was Halloween, so I flew above them to observe what they were doing. Some of them were spitting fire from there mouth and others had whips in there hands. Then I was trying to fly past them when all of the sudden all of them noticed me and looked at me at the same time. This is when I realized that they were not dressed up like demons, they WERE DEMONS. The demon that had a whip in her hand used it to grab my foot from the air and brought me down to the ground. The demons surrounded me, they were about 6 of them. I got scared and screamed to the sky "Angel Gabriel I Invoke you, please help me" and nothing happened. Then I yelled "Angel Miguel I Invoke you, please help me" and also nothing happened. The demons were trying to hurt me but I didn't panic, I also remembered that I had special gifts in my dream so I did the following. I copied Ang from Avatar the last airbender and with the technique he used on the fire lord to take away his powers from him I went to a demon, placed my thumb on his forehead and said to him "return to the good person you were before being corrupted". This had an immediate effect as I could see how there eyeballs changed from a green dark color to a brown and more loving color, also they stopped being aggressive and got off from me. This worked well because I had full conviction that I could in fact turn them into good people. Then I went to a particular demon and got him right next to a wall, I placed my thumb on him and I repeated the same phrase as before. I was looking at him straight into his eyes. I could clearly see his eyes, he didn't have a normal pupil, he had a shattered pupil, with small fragments all over his eye. His shattered pupil was green. Whilst I'm trying to convert him I can see that the shattered pupil is coming together into a whole circular pupil again but he was fighting against it, like an exorcism, he resisted a lot and at last I couldn't convert him and left. I flew again and found a boy, for some reason I asked him if he knew the angel Gabriel and Miguel, he said Yes. I asked him where they were and he told me near the church. So I took him flying with me so he could point out the place. We got to the place and told me he bought the image of the angels for 30k each, The boy thought I was talking about the figure statue of the angels... Anyway I asked the lady if she could sell me the figures of the angels, She said NO. I told her I'll pay 30k for each one and she said NO. Then I offered 50k each and she said NO, she said "I won't sell them to you and if you want go search for them in D1".
Hola chic@s, anoche tuve una visión y quizás me ayuden a interpretarla. Anoche antes de dormir le pedí a mi guía espiritual si por favor me mostraba cómo era yo en mi vida pasada o qué me respondiera si no lo podía hacer. Tuve la siguiente visión, algo breve, vi en una hoja escrita una palabra que decía "biresin", la palabra fue muy clara y me levanté directamente a escribirla. Resulta que al despertar hice una busqueda en el traductor de Google y viene del idioma turco, quiere decir "eres individual".
So I'm chilling in kikos house, I go outside to feed some plantain to the bird feeder. As I exit the house I notice there were two new birds in the corridor but on the right side of the house, not by the feeder. So I go inside the house to not scare them, the birds were big and veryy beautiful, the colors were of all the phases of blue and purple, I googled them and found out it's called the Victoria crowned pigeon, they had a very beautiful blue crest on their head, they were very exotic birds indeed. So I'm inside the house spying on them and so is my uncle, so I whisper to him to bring me my cellphone so I can record them, and so he does. I get my cellphone, I peak outside the house to record them and one of them says "Hello", I look over to my uncle and he says that he didn't speak. I look back at the birds and the bird says "Yes, I'm talking to you", I got scared for a bit because a bird was talking to me. I said: "Heello (shaky voice), please don't go, I won't harm you" Male bird: "Yes, I know you won't" And so our conversation started. I started asking questions, and the first obvious one I asked was: me: "How can you speak in spanish?" Then both of the birds started talking to me, Birds: "We are special beings from another planet, we have lived on earth for many years now and we learned how to speak with humans and with birds. We really enjoy your planet earth so we like being here, we know how to speak really good spanish " My uncle disappeared, we were us three speaking. They never told me why they visited me. They also told me their names, their names reminded me of the greek alphabet but their is no way I could remember this. Me:" from where do you guys come from?" Birds: "We come from another planet, we travel through portals." Portals just like you see in the movies. Me: "how do you make the portals?" Birds: "They told me the name of a very weird material that they used to make the portals, it was something from their planet that made it possible to open the portal." Me: "Does your planet have a sun?" Birds:"Yeah, of course" Me: "How is your sun, yellow like mine?" Birds: "It's actually more orange than yours." Me: "Is the oxygen of your planet like earth?" Birds: "Yeah it is, you could actually go to our planet and breath normally" Me: "What is the predominant or superior species of your planet?" Birds: "It's us, my species, in our bird form, we also have an ability to transform into different creatures but we like the human form. With our intelligence our species is the most powerful one of our planet, our planet is about 500 (light years or something) away. The only way humans can get there is by using the portal. One time we saw a human in our planet but we think he was astral projecting because he disappeared suddenly or maybe he died." Me: "Can you guys speak with the bird species of earth?" Birds: "yeah we can, we can speak in their language" Me: "Do birds speak to each other when they tweet at each other?" Birds: "All birds of earth speak the same language, an eagle can speak with a pigeon, when you hear a bird tweet it's actually a secret phrase, it's actually a coded message that only the same species knows and the tweet actually means a long sentence. For example a short tweet can mean - go away fast that they are hunting us" Then both of them transformed into their human form, I couldn't see the process in which they transformed to humans, I only saw them as humans, it was a man and a woman. Then they explained to me that they needed to to a ritual in order to conserve their energy and to recharge their energy so they could maintain their shape and open portal, this ritual consisted of something with hugging a lot and being very close to each others bodies. They showed me a portal, I could see through the portal and the other side in their planet, I saw the portal but I was scared of entering it because maybe I couldn't return to my body.
Updated 05-08-2022 at 04:53 AM by 43768
I'm at a beach, I've never seen this beach before but the ocean didn't have blue water, it was more like the cartagena beach. I was at this beach with a dance partner (Julissa) and we were walking in the water but the tide was really low so we could see the ocean floor, although there was nothing really interesting to find on the floor. Me and Juli grabbed a shell so we could keep it as a souvenir. We then decided to walk towards a local park that was very near, it was an ecological park that had many animals, it was like an animal zoo. To get there we had to go through a forest, we start our journey and I notice that the floor was infested with thousands of crabs, white/pink crabs all crawling around the forest floor. As I'm walking over the crabs I was being very careful that a crab didn't bite me because I had sandals on and I was worried for my feet. After completing the journey across the crabs we come to an open road inside the forest. We follow this path and as we're walking I notice that ahead of us some weird footprints start appearing out of nowhere. The floor was wet so you could easily see the shape of the footprint, and it was from a horse. The footprints started going faster away from us, I came to the conclusion that it was a ghost horse or something like that and it was going fast, we couldn't see it because the horse was transparent but we could see it's print. I told July to take out her phone and to start recording the scene, in the video you could clearly see how the footprints were being formed out of thin air, at this point we were running behind the prints. After chasing him a little bit more the horse went to a stop, then I could clearly see it's silhouette. I saw it's silhouette because I noticed it had an BLUE aura around him, it was a very bright blue aura, a blue like the color of a horse, a very beautiful blue, I loved that color of the horses aura. Then after I saw it's aura the horse turned visible again, you could see the horse now and it was a black horse, a very big and beautiful black horse. I was that we had made it to the entrance of the park we were going to, we left the horse behind and entered. We go in the park and it was a total chaos inside. All the animals had escaped, the tourists were running from the animals, everything was crazy, people screaming, we went inside, ran a bit to the right side of the park and ended up in a small wooden cabin. Inside the cabin there were many kittens! There were 2 adult cats and 4 small kittens, we played with the little kittens. They were so adorable! I was playing with them, they were really small, I carried them around and petted them. Juli notices that one of the cats had a pattern of stripes, I analyzed them and realized it was a baby leopard! I was playing with a small baby leopard. I tell her that we have to take him to a guard that can care for him. I'm going outside the cabin and as I'm going outside the door I see a big adult tiger outside looking at me right in my eyes. This tiger had a collar so he was from the zoo but had escaped. I look at him and he jumps at my to try to eat me, I quickly close the door so we stayed locked inside. The tiger was very beautiful, amazing orange and black stripes, big and alpha but he wanted to eat me jeje. So we look outside through the window to check when the tiger was gone, as soon as he left we go outside the cabin. We come across a path were we saw all sorts of birds passing by, Ducks, turkeys, and all sorts of the duck family. The dream ends with me trying to find a guard to hand over the small leopard. Two weeks later I visit a farm that had the exact birds I was on this dream, the farm was in támesis.
So I'm gonna document the responses my guardian angel gives me when I ask him a specific question at night, the way he replies is that he gives me a very memorable dream and the next day I wake up and remember the important message of the dream, I'm gonna right down three of them. The following dreams occurred the same week. 1) I asked Gabriel if he could please reveal to me what happened to the disappearance of Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon, two girls that died in vacations while in Panama. That night I had the following dream. I'm seeing the dream through someones eyes, but it's not my body. I see someone with a knife and hes peeling and cutting to pieces a plantain. He's also stirring a soup, he's preparing some sort of dinner or lunch. I focus a lot on that knife, it's for sure a mans arms, a sharp knife and I really pay attention to the way he cuts the plantain, he cuts them the way my mom prepares it when she makes beans. Small cubed shaped pieces of the plantain, he gathers the pieces and pours them inside the soup, starts stirring, and it's hot, it's a big cooking pot for like at least 10 people, a very big meal. The soup looks greenish, I can also see garlic and long onion roots as well. I wake up, analyze the dream...after a while of thinking it hits me... the girls were eaten, they were killed by cannibals 2) I ask Gabriel if he can confirm his name to me, I'm not really 100% sure if he's called Gabriel so I wanted to verify his name. That night I had the following dream. I'm playing with three kids a game of tag. We are in a neighborhood with many houses nearby, but I've never seen this place before. It's like a block similar to the ones I use to live in Miami. Then I call out Gabriel and say "Gabriel come here let me tell you something" And a boy comes out from his hiding place, he's a black, around ten year old boy, he responds affirmative to the name I called him. Then a little girl, about the same age as Gabriel appears, she says "Hi, I'm Alba" and we start playing with Alba too. A third boy was with us but I can't recall his name. The dream continues but it's not important what happens, can't really remember much. I wake up, come to the conclusion that yes, definitely Gabriel is his name. About the girl Alba though, there are two theory's, 1) Gabriel has had 3 life's before, he has been two boys and a girl or 2) the three kids are my guardian angels, I've only met one so I should meet Alba and the other boy. 3) Last dream. I ask Gabriel is he can please help my Grandma rest in piece, she stated in the past that she was tired of living, she's about 88 years old, she can't walk anymore and can't eat on her own, she can't sit up straight on her own and needs help to do every task because she can't do anything by her own. My grandma really deserves to rest in piece, she had a good and long life, we believe it's time for her to go and reunite with her husband, we love her too much and it breaks my heart to see her in this condition. That night I had the following dream. I'm in my grandmas house. In the bedroom where my parents sleep, I'm in this room with all my family. My uncle Omar comes in and says "take care of them", he then proceeds to release to cockroaches on the bed. I understood that the roaches were his pets, he puts them on the bed and I feel very disgusted by seeing two roaches on the bed. My mom just grins and says "fine". For some reason I didn't ask anything, I acknowledged the fact that he had two pet roaches and that I couldn't kill them because my uncle was taking care of them. I wake up and instantly know what the message is. The two roaches represent my dead grandpa and grandma. My uncle stated in the past that he was the last person that spoke to grandpa before he past away, meaning that he took care of grandpa in his last days. The roaches represent the will and desire he has over my grandparents, I understood that my grandmas life and future is controlled by my Uncle and Gabriel cannot interfere in that regards. When Omar wants grandma to go then she will go to the next life.
I’m walking my dog, a beautiful female German Shepard called Shylo. We are walking on a bridge, it’s sunny day, about noon, I see over the other side of the bridge there’s a political campaign going for a president for election day. As we’re walking on the bridge we see it start crumble, before we could do anything the bridge collapses. I’m falling and I try to grab on to a handle or anything but there’s nothing near me to hold on to, in mid air I could feel when Shylo got under me, she put her body under mine so I wouldn’t get hurt from the fall. I land on top of her, I didn’t get hurt, I look at her and say “Why did you do that???”, she communicated with me telepathically, then she said “I’m gonna die here, I have some fractured ribs, I can’t breath”. I’m crying, I say “Nonono, the ambulance is coming, hold on tight, you can survive, please don’t go”
This dream is just unreal. This dream is a vision of a parallel universe, it felt really real. I’m at my mom’s house, apparently I still live here. I am in my dad’s room when my sister comes to me and says to view the video, she just sent me. I open my WhatsApp and there is the link to the video. It is a live sex video going on at that exact moment. I looked so confused and lost because my sister sara was sharing a porn video with me, that’s just nuts, so I’m just out of words, I look at her and she is very chill about the situation, this is very bizarre to me. Anyway, I open the video and there’s a couple having sex, the man is recording while the woman is in cowgirl position. My sister then asks “Do you want to be part of the video?” I am like: “Of course not” Then she goes back to mom, which is in the living room, and both of them with my younger sister sofi watch the video. In my head I’m really lost because my family is watching a porn video, my sister sent me a porn video then asked me if I wanted to be part of a porn video. I look back at the video and I could see that the room seemed quite familiar, the walls of the bedroom and the color of them looked like a room I knew. I was trying to see more details of the room because I was sure that I knew where this was, but before I knew it the guy finished the video and ended the stream, apparently he had cum. Then, as soon as he finished, I heard someone yell my name in the house “Hey Alex, come please”, I look at my sister and she says “they’re calling you from your room”. I go puzzled to my room, thinking “who the fuck is inside my room without my permission nor supervision?” The door was closed, I open it, the first thing I see is the girl on the bed putting her clothe on and the guy saying “Hi man, why didn’t you join us?” ---Holyyy shittt, In my head I’m flipping, IT WAS THE COUPLE FROM THE LIVE VIDEO, they just live streamed a porn video in my bedroom, without me knowing about it, my family was right next to them and everyone allowed them to stream, and on top of that they just had sex on MY BED. Fuckkkkkk I was so pissed about my bed, I can’t recall the last time I was this angry. I say “WTF is going on here”, the guy is like “Hey Alex, do you have any baby wipes you can give me to clean your bed?” FUCKKKK NO, now I’m just furious, I’m sooo mad, I was about to kill someone “You mother fucker, who the fuck gave you guys permission to have sex on my bed, in my bedroom, without telling me?”” ---The girl immediately hides under the bed. This guy is like “Bro, what do you mean, we had talked to you about this, we made a deal” I had no idea about this deal, maybe the me of this parallel universe knew about it but I didn’t. “Get the fuck out of my room” I kicked this guy out of my mom’s house. I go to my mom and ask her how could she allow this considering the fact that she had never let me bring a girl back to her place, and she says “Well, he paid you for the space” I woke up so angry and emotionally affected that it triggered me for days, I had to write this down.
Here we go again, I'm in my ninth grade class, the teacher is the spanish teacher Lina. I'm sitting in the middle of the class and she starts grading some assignments. While she´s grading them she makes eye contact with me and says that "why didn't you turn yours in?" I didn't answer, inside me I didn't give a fuck. Then she stopped grading the rest of the assignments and just started talking loudly to me in front of every one. Her: "You could of been the best student of the year, why did you stop trying alex?" "What a shame, with your current grades you are going to fail the year" "Your grades are barely a 1.3" ---All the class starts looking at me Me: "I don't care anymore, I have a scholarship to a masters degree, I don't need to win this course" " I don't need t try hard no more" She then put a new assignment, in groups. I decided to sit at the back of the classroom where the bullies are, I talked to the kid that punched me before, "sebastian" I asked him if I could be there, he said yeah, no problem. I was sitting in the group of the kids that never did anything in class, I was in the group of the bullies, troublemakers, the bad boys. I was in a position where never in my head would I have thought of. And then I looked at the group of my "friends", they were happily doing the assignment, no one asked for me, I was with the others doing nothing.
After waking up from the dream I instantly remembered a conversation I had with a dude that told me that he had remembered all of his past life’s, he said he had awoken from his amnesia and that he lived in Jupiter. He told me that our imagination wasn’t really an “imagination” it was memories from our past lives, so everything we saw in our creative minds were events we lived in previous minds, what this means is that our scariest monsters that we have ever thought of really do exist. Back to the dream: I’m at a mountain (I’m thinking the Himalayas for some reason). I’m near a hotel that’s located on one of the mountains, I came to this place to meet a guy that had domesticated a very rare eagle. He said that the eagle was the most expensive to have and keep in the world. I saw the eagle, it was white and could move its neck like an owl. The eagle behaved like a dog, it would play fetch with me, I really liked the eagle, it was kind and playful. I played with the eagle for a while, tossing a stick so it could go catch it on the ground (it would hop on its two legs to get the stick and bring it back). Then I decided to throw the stick off the mountain, with a lot of strength I tossed it and the eagle immediately flew at a very high speed and gave it back to me. I was completely amazed and enthusiastic about the eagle, I started talking with the trainer, I was asking him how he trained the bird and where could I get one… We are having a conversation when all of the sudden I see 2 big wings in front of me. I was sitting down, in the position I was in I could not see the body of the animal but the wings were huge, I got really scared. I looked at the trainer and he was as shocked as me. He said: “I have never seen anything like it, what is it?” I was feeling scared but curious, I stood up and saw the face and body of the bird. The body of the bird and all the way to his head was a little more taller than me, I would say 1.9meters. The bird looked young, it looked like it was still growing, not and adult yet. The color of its feathers were beautiful. It was all very purple, dark purple with red, mostly dark purple. The dark purple really opened my eyes, I was amazed with this bird, I was thinking about it and all I could think of was the pokemon Moltres. I told the trainer: “Yooo, it fucking moltres!” He didn’t say anything. His head had like a little bun of feathers on top, like the one moltres has (I googled and a phoenix is also drawn with this particular aspect). The wings were very big, but when we started to inspect the bird we noticed he was malnourished (he looked anorexic), we could see his bones and almost his skeleton behind his feathers. The bird looked in pain and I felt he didn’t have any more energy to fly, I quickly told him to bring food. We ran inside the hotel, got some food but we were very afraid to get near the bird, we didn’t know if the bird could spit fire and burn us or how could it react (it was a legit question). We threw the food from inside the cabin of the hotel, I remember the bird started eating all of it and the dream ends.
I woke up a 7:10 am and quickly went back to sleep and automatically entered a Ld. I was in a shopping mall and I remembered my mission and started looking for Gabriel. I screamed at the top of my lungs: - Gabriel, Where the fuck are you? I need answers. Then a random guy came towards me and asked me to follow him. Me: Who are you? Him: You know who I am. Me: Give me an answer to my life, I’m getting lost. Him: Right now, on your current life situation you have a problem. You want to make your mother happy, your father happy and yourself happy, all at the same time. You want to do these 3 things all at once, look into that. I was baffled by his comment, left me thinking. So he took me to a room where a very particular lady was. She had very long blue hair, white colored and reminded me of a small fairy. Him: This is your lucky charm. She follows you everywhere and there are only 16 of them in your world. Me: Where can I find you when I wake up? I asked her. Me: How can I contact you when I’m awake? No one answered ... Him: Alright, let me take you to a special place, hold my hands and we will travel. He started to open some kind of portal and the room went black, GUESS WHAT HAPPENED? I WOKE UP, shit.
Medellín, I'm waiting for my bus campo valdes 052, on the oriental avenue. Next to me is another girl waiting for the bus. We see a campo valdes coming to a stop and she got in it and I followed. The bus didn't go to the route it normally went to, I had gotten on another route wich was the 051...I followed this girl because of no reasons. But thanks to that I saw the most precious girl sitting in that bus, emma watson. There were no chairs left so i stood up almost next to her. The bus was near the hospital metro station when we stumbled uppon a motorcycle crash with a bus, so I got out to see. I got out the bus and so did Emma, I saw an injured man but he didn't have anything critical so he was just waiting for the ambulance. But next to the crash there was a protest of mutilated men and women that were protesting against the goverment. Emma saw them and leaded me through the crowd. She grabbed my hand and pulled me inside the multitude and when I got to the other side of the protest I was at shopping mall but alone. I had lost emma out of sight and was desperately looking for her. Out of nowhere she returns for me and gets really mad at me for leaving her alone. I said I was sorry and at this moment my lucidity kicked in. I told emma, wait let me stabilize, so I looked at my hands, rubbed them, and I also did some spins just to make sure. I was so happy I was lucid dreaming with emma watson. I looked at her and said " kiss me" She hug me and our lips did the rest. During the kiss I closed my eyes. I knew I had really screwed up because its really hard to open my dreaming eyes and not my sleeing real eyes. I told her to open my eyes, so she did. When she opened my eyes I didn't see anything, everything was all black so I had no more other options. I opened my eyes and woke up.
Updated 04-28-2015 at 11:52 PM by 43768
The dream starts of with me looking at an old photograph of the white house and its perimeter. I'm inside the white house and I'm on a tour of it. The tour guide said it was estimated to be worth at 126m, but I didn't agree, I thought it was over 2 billion. Guess what, next to me is D. After the tour we have a break while the guide is getting our lunch. The photographer that is with us is a freind of D, a 40+ big women. This lady said that she loved photographing D because she came out gorgeous and that she's being doing it for like 4 years. She then offered me to see the album. Some very "interesting" photos of D were there, on one photo it was her with a guy, and another gentlemen was on the background. The lady said: - That's D with her boyfriend while her husband is on the background D replied: - Well... i wasn't happy with my husband of the time, and that relationship with my boyfriend didn't work either. She stared at me with so much determination in her eyes and said: - Don't worry, I'll get you out of there, trust me. I heard this and part of me wanted to cry, so many feels, such a heart warming moment. The lunch arrived and we ate, it was a very elegant plate with snails to eat... We returned to a little camp fire outside, I sat down and she laid on my knees. Continuing the conversation; i said: - But d, times have changed, you have changed. - You are living in the past, this is the old you, who knows what you think now about this... tell me whats the current date. It's march 2010 - she smiled. A tear fell off my right eye, - D... it's march 2015 You could see her startled face, like if she had no idea and someone told her she had cancer. she said, I'm so sorry I hugged her so hard, I knew she was saying the truth. I put so much emotion on that hug that I woke up
So i'm in a new area, never been there before. It has a middle east vibe and escenary, i'm with my mom and sister sara. The place was like a neighborhood / block that was surrounded with a fence and on one side with concrete wall. The building and houses are fairly poor looking and some of them aren't finished yet. My mom and sister are near a construction of a building that only had it's pilars built. When suddenly an alarm starts going like crazy and I see a military talk going through the principal gate. I saw panic in my mom and told her to sit down and be as close to those concrete pilars as possible with my sister. I run to the fence to have a better view and then I see th military of the area with the tank. It was an army of blacked armored soldiers with smoke masks and big rifles. At first I was very prepotent and with a heroic super guy atitude, did not fear a thing. I new I was dreaming but wasn't conscious about it. I saw some soldiers coming in from behind, so I went to the nearest fence and grabbed it, I looked at my body and made it turn invisible. I then was planing on beating the soldiers up and killing them while on stealth but first i was going to haunt them. While on stealth (invisible) I climbed the fence and started shaking it like crazy, 6 soldiers turned around inmedietly. I hadn't felt this sensation of panic in a very long time. Actually the last time was when I got robbed at gun point and realized that my life was in danger, a few years ago. There was so much horror in my eyes and I was so shock I coudn't move, I was paralized of what i was seeing, I was dead scared for my life. The soldiers turned towards the noise and took at an electrical net and started hitting the air as if searching and maybe hitting something invisible with the magnetic energy of this weapon. They were headed towards me while I was invisible with this net weapon and I was freaking out, I was going to be found and electrified, later to be killed. But I new i was dreaming so I quickly looked at the sky and wanted to fly out of there so bad, So i started flying but was moving slower than a snail. I was so terrified that I was flying at 2 centimeters an hour, it was ridicoulus and I coudn't fly fast... I tried with all my might to fly out of there and managed to fly over the soldiers, they were still hitting the air with there nets in search of me. I felt a little more self As I flew higher and the they started throwing the damn nets to the sky, one flew 4 centimeters away from my nose, I woke up.
entering a building and in the entrance a lady says "hello again" (never seen her before). I'm going up the stairs with my mother, and in front of us another lady is going up too. We're going to our apartment and the lady in front of us sees a cat wrapped heavily in gift wrapping paper, the cat couldn't move his front paws and was walking in his back ones. The lady got scared and left him there. I went to the cat and was shocked to see the poor animal defenseless and my mother said to leave him alone but I couldn't , she screamed at me and left me there.i untangled the cat from all those wrappings, and the door next to me opened, the "owner" appeared. A lady around her fifty's appeared and said that the cat was hers, she grabbed it and took it back inside her home. 5 seconds later the cat came rushing outside, ran away from there like crazy and went through the stairs. The lady then said it was all my fault and took out a knife, she came right at me. I dodged her and managed to punch the knife away from her. I took her down and we started a fight on the floor. She got her hand and from her nails she took out another sharp object, it came out of her nails and stabbed me. She hit my leg and then I kickd it away from her, I connected a direct punch in her face and took her down. I stood up and she started laughing, -you can't kill me, I won't die... Her face reconstructed itself and she was back to normal, no scars. I was shocked and then she laughed -you fool, you'll never change, to bad I married you and now you are just another crazy person. I looked at her in her eyes and and was furious, I was so mad I bit her nose off her face. She looked at me and laughed, you can't hurt me , you are lost in your head. I looked confused, I didn't know what was going on, I ran away from there, as I exited the building I looked at myself in a mirror, I was a bald old man, I had aged out of nowhere. I ran out the front door and the same lady that greeted me before said "see you again tomorrow"
So this dream is strange. I see myself with my tuxedo, and my bride is with me. We are laying on a sofa and she had a very beautiful wedding gown. It was none other than D, she was the bride. I stood up and went for the baby, not sure if it was my child but it probably was. I carried him and couldn't believe the situation, I just stood there and looked at D, I had married her and apparently we had a baby. I was shocked....This dream was so vivid