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    by , 04-10-2014 at 11:37 PM (945 Views)
    Pre bed: lecithin

    Pre wbtb dreams: vivid but didn't write down when natural wakes so forgot

    Wbtb: 1/3 latte

    It was very hard to convince myself to do a wbtb as I was feeling so nice and sleepy. The lds were interrupted so my memory is a bit hazy for all details.

    I miss the transition and a dream starts.

    LD [summary]: In a dream version of my school and class starts. I become lucid and decide to do my location experiments [go from one place to another or as far as possible without the world changing]. After opening a door after door after door, I finally manage to leave the room and continue down a very distorted corridor, then struggle to maintain the building as is. The dream interrupts a few times/blindness. I get out of the building but unexpectedly teleport in front of our old place. Here I feel weirdly confident about being able to change the surroundings by simply turning around due to the high level of instability. Yet, it's against my initial goal, so I continue exploring the street with emphasis on proximity until the dream blacks out.

    DEILD/or in dream chain:

    I appear in the bathtub a bit uncertain about what's going on. Awareness increases and I move my hands around to stabilize, etc. What's interesting is that the bathtub is getting full of nice warm water that feels quite similar to rl. There is also music coming from somewhere, I assume it's my dream tablet. Still a bit confused about which dream goals I was supposed to be doing, I conclude that it is perfectly fine for me to just relax in the bathtub and listen to the music. The song sounds like depeche mode and in the dream I know the song and chorus lyrics. I chill out and listen to about half the length of the song, where the lyrics are a bit gibberish and I also don't know them, but once the chorus comes, I confidently sing with it. Also, at the end mentally manage to increase the volume of the invisible tablet for an ever better sound. [Post dr: have no memory which Depeche mode song this was or what those lyrics I knew were, it may be possible I came up with a different song altogether!]

    There's a blackout/dream end and possibly I wait as in deild for the dream to continue.

    The next moment, I'm back in the bathtub examining my hands and wondering what's going on. Minor confusion but then I mentally fill the bathtub with warm water again and pay attention to the sensation. I think about the dream length and conclude not to worry as I probably have caught a long rem rebound. Finally remember a task - easter egg and remind myself I can summon one. I close my hands and try to produce an easter egg - something egg-like comes into existence, with decorations and stuff, possibly plastic. It then undergoes changes and becomes completely transparent. This kind of defeats the purpose of the task since I'm supposed to open it and I try the summon again. Once more I get some strange transparent plastic foil egg with cool colored pics on the surface and another transparent plastic egg inside. I think this is like a balloon and wonder about it being ok for the task. As I examine the pics for the journal I notice that the inside egg has now colored pictures of balloons on the surface and the outside egg some disney characters like Mickey and Pluto. I think at this point the dream fades again and I end up mid way to wake.

    DEILD/or in-dream chain:

    Memory gap but I'm now in my old room and remember the next task - to come up with a new plant. I approach the window and see a plant whose foliage already looks weird, the leaves are similar to pelargonium but more curled. I decide to add random red fruit there, getting a mini-mental image but this doen't change the plant accordingly. There are two plants now, and without touching them and using mind, I start to twist their leaves and stems into all sorts of shapes, trying to create some sort of different plant. In the meantime flowers appear on one of the plants - two different types but they are almost drying now. More manipulation until in the end the plant turns into a smaller plant, mix of an orchid and violet. I think about the size then conclude this experiment in botanics is enough.

    I then recall the tornado task and look out the window, thinking about one. The sky is gray and a tornado appears in the distance. It does look quite large and menacing and I briefly give in to paranoia, wondering whether I should hide since it is coming in my direction. Then I look at the opposite part of the sky and see that another one has formed. Two tornadoes, task complete and my mind is off the paranoia. Since this task is in line with my improve element manipulation goal, I wonder what else can I do here and decide that the thing to do would be to get rid of the clouds and tornadoes.

    I go out on the balcony and focus on a tiny area of the sky that is blue and hold my hands up as if I'm stretching the blue sky gap, then decide to use the cover with hands tech to continue, covering the entire sky with my hands but for the gap of blue sky, so that the only thing I see and perceive is the blue sky (thus making me think of only blue sky). Allow a short while to pass, then move my hands away to see that the sky is indeed clearing up and is mostly nice blue sky. There are a few completely black clouds in one corner which I find interesting. Thinking about more element manipulation, I want to do something to the other clouds now - rearrange the sky again. I pick up a tiny white cloud and try to stretch it to the sides with my fingers (not really touching it) but end up actually holding a tiny piece of cloud in my hand.

    I contemplate what else to do, might as well do the zoom task finally. Look to the other side of the balcony, where I see the neighbors' kid and his grandma and try to pick up a spot to zoom into. I look at a spot that will not be a too drastic scene change and point out to it, saying something like I want to be there. Nothing happens, but I see a second transparent but colored layer of my finger while pointing. The kid says something meaningful, giving me the impression of a smart DC so I think about interacting with him, also mentally remind myself not to lose my lucidity when doing so. The dream ends, back in bed and waiting for a bit but nothing more happens.
    fogelbise, CanisLucidus and Xanous like this.

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    Updated 04-11-2014 at 12:16 AM by 61764

    lucid , memorable , task of the month


    1. fogelbise's Avatar
      Awesome, awesome, awesome!!! Congrats NyxCC!!! I like all of your experiments and great job with the TOTMs! I loved the warm bathtub and music part!

      I don't know entirely what is going on with me. I know that last we talked I was riding high and then I definitely slacked off in my daytime practices and have also been sleeping quite deep. I am starting to get my recall back up, but I have had my longest dry streak in the last 9 months!..10 days without a lucid dream. I also had a 2am and 1:30am bedtime Friday and Saturday night that didn't help. I had a "false" lucid about a week ago where I was in a room with a group of other people and I was trying to do telekinesis and saying to the others "see it is not working" before floating up in the air and saying oh wow, at least that is working...but not a lick of self awareness...it was as if I treated the whole affair as real life in which I can do these things...dreaming of lucid dreaming powers with no true realization that I was dreaming and I can make the TK work if I really want to. Sorry...writing another book in your DJ.
      NyxCC likes this.
    2. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      What an amazing series, Nyx, congratulations! You did, like, every single April task!

      Your summoning, dream control, and confidence really showed throughout the dream from the easy egg summon to the insane stuff you were doing at the end with tornados, weather, and rearranging the sky. I mean, that is the stuff people fantasize about being able to do when they lucid dream and then work so hard to master.

      What was your zoom task? Were you trying to use the pointing to aid in flight or going more for an insta-zoom a la Robert Waggoner? In any case, I'm sure this was just a fluke. When you get the chance to really focus your intent on that target spot, I think it's going to work perfectly for you.

      Great job!!
      NyxCC likes this.
    3. NyxCC's Avatar
      @ CL - thanks for the kind words and all the support!

      What was your zoom task? Were you trying to use the pointing to aid in flight or going more for an insta-zoom a la Robert Waggoner? In any case, I'm sure this was just a fluke. When you get the chance to really focus your intent on that target spot, I think it's going to work perfectly for you
      I was trying the zoom move to a particular spot a la CL. You're actually quite right about this, I think I didn't attach my intent to the action. It can be quite difficult to get the hang of this sometimes. At times we happen to do a task spontaneously and all the pieces of the action plus intent, focus, etc are perfectly aligned and it's super easy. But if it's a new action it may take a while for things to click. It's interesting how we have our personal things we're good at. Some people are very successful with summoning DCs just by shouting out their names. This hasn't worked well for me so far, I suspect precisely because I don't attach intent to it. Oh, well got to keep on trying. I certainly want to learn that zoom tech some time in the future, it's so cool!

      @ Fogelbise

      Thanks a lot fogelbise! I was about to reply with another wall of text, but am happy to see you broke your dry spell. Off to your journal then.
      fogelbise and CanisLucidus like this.
    4. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      You are exactly right, Nyx, I think it's all about getting intent and the action wrapped up together. What makes you believe something, you know?

      Because one of the issues I had early on with flight is that I'd begin drifting in random directions, getting blown by the wind, etc., I think that the pointing thing is particularly well suited for me. I can pour my focus into one spot and it seems like that tendency to drift just vanishes.

      We already know what we're capable of. (Pretty much anything!) The challenge is making ourselves utterly believe it in the moment. So far this part seems to take loads of practice!
      NyxCC likes this.
    5. Xanous's Avatar
      Great set of dreams and nice goal completion! But I really like how you just chilled in the bath listening to music. It sounds like something I would have done; just chill and enjoy the peace.
      NyxCC likes this.
    6. NyxCC's Avatar
      Thanks! I also love it when the dream allows for a moment like this where you can chill out and enjoy!
      Xanous likes this.