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    Not an OBE

    by , 05-19-2014 at 10:28 PM (679 Views)
    From 17/05

    Bf wakes up for a quick bathroom visit. In the meantime, I'm trying to fall asleep and end up wilding in the bedroom. Everything is very blurry and I'm a bit surprised to be here so fast. I take a moment to examine my hand and move it around to make sure this is a dream and not HI. A little bit of trouble manoeuvring around possibly feeling minor paralysis feedback from my real body. In spite of the blurriness, it gives me the impression of an OBE, everything is the same and the light in the room is exactly the same as during that time. I head down the corridor and towards the bathroom thinking that bf will come out any moment now. He comes out and sees me, looking rather distressed and backs away. I start worrying about what he thinks he sees and me causing all this stress so I decide to wake up immediately and explain.

    I wake up. Bf still hasn't come out.
    Xanous, fogelbise and CanisLucidus like this.

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    Updated 05-19-2014 at 10:32 PM by 61764

    Tags: no supps, wild


    1. Xanous's Avatar
      I hate it when I think of LD as something connected to the physical. Cool experience though.
      NyxCC likes this.
    2. NyxCC's Avatar
      Lol, yes, it can be very confusing at times. I liked the ld though, because it turned out like an experiment.
      Xanous likes this.
    3. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Heh, cool... that realism can really throw you. Even though I view my lucid dreams as purely a mental phenomenon, after I've had a particularly realistic experience I sometimes can't help but ask Wife whether she "heard anything strange" last night, or if she remembers talking to me, etc. Sometimes it's hard to believe that even after making a bunch of dream-noise or scaring the crap out of a loved one that there won't be some lingering effect in the waking world.
      NyxCC likes this.
    4. NyxCC's Avatar
      Heh, yeah. Those experiences can be quite confusing. I think it's very challenging to be able to prove anything, but it's fun trying.
      CanisLucidus likes this.