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    Sensei's DJ nld

    by , 05-19-2015 at 04:29 PM (829 Views)
    There is a scene change and I am now looking at Sensei's dream journal, which is quite a large book, which when opened reveals that for this lucid dream that was 1.10 hrs or 110 mins long Sensei has decided go draw the entire dream. I browse through several large fully illustrated pages. On the first page is Sensei himself like on a large poster, it looks like a mix between a very good drawing and a computer manipulated picture with really cool colors. He is wearing a sort of anime style/futuristic adventure outfit. The whole journal entry comes to life and now looks like a youtube video. In the meantime, the real Sensei comes in the room and starts to voice synch the journal entry that now's playing.
    Sensei and CanisLucidus like this.

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    1. Sensei's Avatar
      That is awesome! Sounds like some awesome stuff. I love the futuristic anime adventure clothes! I generally do wear that in dreams if I remember to put some cool clothes on.
      NyxCC likes this.
    2. NyxCC's Avatar
      That is awesome! Sounds like some awesome stuff. I love the futuristic anime adventure clothes! I generally do wear that in dreams if I remember to put some cool clothes on.
      Really? That's so cool! The dream was like a super vivid mix of all the elements that are your style.
      Sensei likes this.
    3. Sensei's Avatar
      Haha. Yeah it sounds a lot like dreams of mine. Surprised you didn't get lucid! It happens to all of us though. Seeing other DVers and not thinking anything of it.
      NyxCC likes this.
    4. NyxCC's Avatar
      Haha, yeah! Next time I'll be on the lookout!
      Updated 05-21-2015 at 12:20 AM by NyxCC