Lucid: Blue Approaching Lucidity: Gold Non-Lucid: Black *Color Coding hasn't worked in my DJ since mid June 2023, so LDs are simply marked with: (LD) from that point on.
I see the back of my car and take a few steps. My awareness raises. I'm lucid. It's daytime and it's parked at the edge of a lot next to a few other cars. I need to get some points for the competition! I think of basic summoning, yet decide against it and think of light and phasing. I repeat "dream, dream, dream" as I walk forward. I raise up and float toward a black hatchback parked next to my car. I phase through the right side and end up above the center console. I decide to go for full transformation and shrink down into mouse form. I feel like it's not perfectly accurate, so I begin to revert to humanoid form, phase back out through the side of the car and fly upward. I transform into bird form and feel my wings flapping. I'm happy with the shape and fell of the dream body. I fly forward a bit toward a field on the edge of the lot. I land, reverting to humanoid form. I see a lone tree standing a few meters in the distance and stick my arm out to go for mass telekinesis. The tree doesn't budge. I decide to just run up and use super strength to rip it out of the ground. I begin to feel that I'm waking up. The dream blurs a bit as I reach my arms out toward the trunk. I wake up.
1. The Bus (LD) I head from the first level of the bus onto the second. As I head onto the level, I see about half the gray seat filled and a female with black hair, head hanging down. I recognize her as H and become lucid. I approach. I need to score some points for the competition! I jog my memory and think of full transformation. I shrink down onto H's lap and turn into a mouse. I crawl up her leg a bit. I then think of flying as well as phasing. I lift off and fly up a bit, then head through the wall of the bus to the left. I quickly phase back in and approach H once again. I lay down next to her and give her a hug. I begin to wake up. 2. Chocolate Shop (LD) I walk farther down the hallway of the office and my awareness begins to rise. I'm facing a doorway on the far end. "I'm lucid in this place". I'm lucid. I turn to my left and notice that the quality is a bit fuzzy. I begin shouting: "Clarity! Clarity!" The dream comes into focus and my awareness raises. I begin thinking of what I want to do and soon think of points as well as exiting the office building. I fly down the hallway and phase through the glass window on the end. I lower down into the area and see several buses in front of me. I transform into a mouse and run closer. I begin searching my memory for different activities to score points. I revert to humanoid form and decide to basic summon a genie lamp. I search around the first bus, yet only see a mental wisp of a lamp which disappears. I imagine cocoa around the next, yet don't find any. I begin to fly toward a nearby bus, deciding to board. I fly toward the entrance of one and board. I see a male bus driver who is roughly forty as I walk up. I snap my finger to go invisible as I head up the stairs. I want to test the invisibility, so I shove my head right in front of his face. He stares through me. I then begin to go for his golden necklace. He doesn't react. I back off. He then turns toward me and asks in an angry tone if I'm just going to stand there and expect not to do anything. I cross my arms to turn on invulnerability. I see that he activates some super power within him and seems to give off an alien aura. I pull my arm back then throw a super punch, knocking a head off and through the window. I then look back at the driver and head is back on. I hear an alien sound as he begins to skitter nearby. He hints that he's going to use a super attack to slice my arm off. He goes for the strike, yet I'm unharmed. I head to the back of the bus, thinking of other dreamers who encounter beings of incredible power. I exit the bus and find myself on a countryside road which I don't like at first. I then notice a simple, wooden two story structure to my right. I float into the main entrance and decide to try to find cocoa. I snap my fingers to go invisible and float pass a worker inside. I see shelves on the edge of a counter in the center filled with chocolate bars. I grab an artisan one off of the bottom shelf that has a tan cover and bite into it. It's great! There are hints of berry. I once again set my attention to advanced summoning. I decide to find a Cadbury bar at first, then switch to a blue chocolate bar. I find a bar with a tan wrapper and blue writing. I take a few steps to the right, beginning to head to a back room. I begin to wake up.
Updated 01-20-2024 at 12:00 AM by 50425
1. 1. Hand And Pillar (LD) I raise my right wrist to glance at my watch. It’s not there and I see a slight tan line. That’s…strange… Nose pinch. I’m lucid. “I knew it” I head toward a nearby table, put my arms up and float up above in a prone position, and view a woman who’s slightly heavy-set with darker skin in a seat to the left as well as a woman to my right. I lower down onto the table. “Check this out guys - I’m going to levitate.” I press myself up, yet quickly lower back down. I press up again, yet once again quickly lower. That’s… strange. I feel I’m getting distracted and set my mind to honing in my awareness. I walk to my left and wrap around a nearby gray pillar. I stick out my hand and focus intently, raising my awareness. I begin to head back to the table. I begin to float up, yet my lucidity fades.
Winter Competition 2024 - Night 9 1. Abodo (LD) I'm aware as I'm looking at the counter top in the kitchen of the main house in Syrano. I see my tablet just where I left in waking life. I figure I can begin sliding my dream body into the scene. I begin to reach my hand out slowly as well as move closer to the counter. I'm in. I turn and notice that the visuals in my left 'eye' are dark. I shout "visual field, fill in!" and think back to a message I sent someone in the omni discord a few days prior. My visuals fill in. I head into the kitchen. I need to get some points! I decide to grab some chocolate. I head to the waking life location, but there is n't any there. Let me check the dream world location I turn to the cabinets to my right, head to the top shelf, and they're there like always. I grab a thick bar and begin to eat it. It's awesome! I head toward the main entranceway and begin thinking about my three step. I need to teleport next and then...oh yeah, mass telekinesis. I decide to go for Djinn transformation and my body enlarges to about eleven feet tall, my shoulder expanding and my body turns to dark smoke, the lower portion becoming wisps. I turn to my right to cast portal into the wall, yet nothing clearly visible appears. I phase into the wall and go to void. I cross my legs to meditate in the void and begin visualizing Forest Haven. After a moment, I appear in front of a large pool type structure with a fountain at the far end. A large forest sits in the area beyond, just behind what appears to be a large fence. I'm not sure if this place is actually Forest Haven, and wonder if there's a way that I can find out for sure - asking a DC perhaps. I turn to view the area behind me and see two massive manors. One with a cream colored stucco, sitting about two stories tall with pillar shaped corners catches my attention. I wonder the name of the place, and the name 'Abodo' suddenly pops into my my mind. I decide to explore the manor and fly in that direction. I enter the manor and notice that there's nobody present, however the rooms are adorned with furntiture. I head toward the back section and wonder if I can come back to this place. I decide to leave and head back through the entrance. I fly a bit further toward the neighboring structure and feel as though I'm beginning to wake up. 2. The Night Sky (LD) I'm laying down on the ground and see couches in front of me. Dream I'm lucid. I stand up and begin to explore the area. I enter the neighboring room and notice it's a kitchen area. I should score some points...I'll drink something first. I ate something last lucid so I'll mix it up. I consider coffee, yet don't see a coffee maker on the counter when I look for one, just a wooden knife holder and some other appliances. I'll just grab a drink from the fridge I begin looking for something, yet don't find anything I particularly want. I keep pulling out large bottles of Sprite. I begin to think that I need to find the exact drink I imagine for points, and wonder if I can find a Fresca. I pull out another bottle and it's another...Sprite. I see a bottle with some blue behind them and wonder if I can find a bottle of alcohol. I dig behind them and find a bottle of vodka. I wonder how it'll affect me as I've never drank in a lucid before. I turn from this area and re-enter the room I just came from. I take large swigs from the bottle. I phase through the wall and enter an outdoor area with two large houses beyond a small fence. I drink more from the bottle and feel for a moment that I'm getting a bit tipsy. The effects dissipate rapidly. Oh! I should do some mass TK! I turn toward the first, darker three story house on the left for a mass TK. It doesn't budge. I turn toward the one to it's resists as well. I'll go for that huge tree I focus on it as I stick my arms out. I feel that it's raising and that it's roots are beginning to rip out. Suddenly I begin moving the entire thing into the air and my gaze follows as it raises high into the air. I see the beautiful night sky beyond the tree, filled with brightly glowing stars. They seem to be comprising a galaxy in the far distance. I consider flying to the galaxy, yet decide to stay in the current area. I continue to move the tree over house, and it begins to move in a strobe-like fashion. I finally decide to turn and explore the area behind me a bit further. I fly over to what appears to be a playground, bottle of vodkae in hand. I feel that the dream is de-stabilizing. I enter a void for a moment, then begin to visualize the forest once again. I soon pop up on blacktop in a slightly industrial area. There's a builidng at the far end of the pavement and some trees to my left just beyond a small fence. I decide to jump up and slide down the top of the fence. I begin to think of other dreamers and how much lucid time they have. I pop off and think I should do some transformation. I transform into crow form, yet don't feel that it's as accurate as I want. I shrink down to mouse for and feel that it's far better. I head toward the small building, then turn around to an area of dirt, going into cat form. I run up the dirt area and see three small dinosaur looking creatures a few feet ahead. They soon fuse into one small T-Rex-looking dinosaur, roughly the size of a raptor. I revert to humanoid form. Time for super strength I punch it in the face, then grab it by the neck and launch it over the fence behind me. I begin to feel that I'm waking up. 3. Coffee Break (LD) I'm laying down on the ground in a somewhat dim room. I see a student. Dream I stand up and begin thinking I should get some points. I'll try to get some coffee again. I see a couple of women in a kitchen behind me, head past them, and make my way over to the counter top. I quickly find a coffee machine. I turn it on, then notice that only hot water is coming out, dropping into the carafe below. Oh...actually putting coffee in the machine would help.... I turn to one of the ladies behind me. "Hey, could you help me make some coffee?" She comes over and starts to use the machine. Hmm...I should still try to find some stuff to add... I open the fridge to our left and quickly find a small container of milk. I grab it, then pour it right into the carafe. I feel the dream beginning to de-stabilize, so I grab the cup it was poured into very quickly and raise it to drink...I wake up.
Updated 01-15-2024 at 04:00 PM by 50425
Winter Competition 2024 - Night 7 1. Plant (LD) I walk farther into the room and see many lounge seats spread throughout the meeting room. The dream begins to fade a bit and I'm become lucid. I walk up to a large plant in a gray container on the near side of the room and set my mind to stabilization. I begin rubbing the container and grab it. I continue engaging tactile sense, encouraging the dream to rematerialize. The room comes back into view. I consider nose pinching for stabilization, but don't really feel like it. I walk forward and begin losing lucidity as I turn toward the mirror to my left. 2. Office (LD) I'm facing a glass door. "I'm lucid in this place". I'm lucid. I phase through the wooden door with glass on the top and enter a small reception area with two secretaries working. I immediately begin thinking about earning some points. Invisibility comes to mind. I go invisible and then head to test it out. I walk by the first desk and they seem oblivious. I feel that one may be looking in my direction after a moment. To test further, I walk up to her desk, take her tumbler and walk away. She remains oblivious and turns toward her work. I enter the next office area and see a heavy set man in a brown suit sitting in the area beyond. I see a collection of stuffed animals of various colors in a bin to my right and go for telekinesis. None of the items move. I explore a bit further into the office area, heading down a hallway. I jog my memory for dream goals and other ways that I can earn points. I think of flying and rise up, gliding down the hallway. I consider teleportation, but I don't want to risk destabilizing the dream too early on. I think of other dreamers and how long some of them spend in lucid dreams. I think about alternating night and day as well, then turn my attention back to points. I want the dream to be a bit more clear. I shout to the dream: "This is going to last an hour", willing the dream to continue. I see a man working at a desk in a cubicle in an area just ahead. I cast invulnerability, yet I'm not sure if I'll have a way to test if it's in effect. I decide to interact a bit. I rush up, super punch him under the jaw, and launch him into the area beyond. I feel a bit bad about how rough I was with the DC as I usually don't do that outside of competition. I decide to score some points with healing. I stick my hands out and see golden healing light go in the direction of the DC. I imagine him healed and getting up, going back to his desk. I see a wisp of a figure head back to the desk, then disappear, although it's not very clear. I continue heading down the hallway thinking about other dream control. I decide that I can find some thing to eat. I walk a bit further, then wake up.
Updated 01-14-2024 at 03:43 PM by 50425