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    Ophelia's Book O' Fun II

    A Brief WILD

    by , 09-06-2012 at 02:44 AM (592 Views)
    I went to bed late, around 1am, because I stayed up watching underwater dinosaur videos on youtube (TOTMers will understand ). Anyway, I fell right to sleep, but I woke up at about 3:45am and couldn't get back to sleep. I was frustrated because I knew the alarm was going to go off at 6:30 for work. And the frustration was making me more awake. Finally, I heard Danny's daughter get up at about 5:15am, just as I was getting drowsy by going to my "happy place." I rolled over one last time in one of my prime positions for LDing, not intending to LD, but rather get comfortable so I could get at least one more hour of sleep After a few minutes, I got the vibrations. As usual, just a few cycles would wave over me, and I am getting better and better at focusing the vibrations. It's hard to explain, but sometimes I can control them and intensify them, which catalyzes the WILD. After the few cycles, I felt my body slide across the bed involuntarily, like I was being pulled gently across it. Then I opened my dream eyes slowly. I knew I was in a dream immediately because it looked just like the bedroom from our last apartment. The dream character version of Danny was lying next to me, and he got up to get ready to take me to work I'm guessing. I waited for him to leave before getting up myself. I was excited because I couldn't believe I could WILD on a work morning, especially after only a couple hours sleep and a 90 minute WBTB. Anyway, as soon as he left the room, I floated up out of the bed, and flew/floated around the room. I thought to fly all the way up and phase through the ceiling, but I lost momentum and just kinda bounced my hands off it. It's really amazing how I'm starting to copy some of the experiments I read about other LDers trying. Anyway, plan B, I decided to just phase through the wall, since I was always able to go through mirrors. I went through the wall just beside the window, and I remember seeing a layer of sheet-rock in my peripheral vision, then wooden lats, then about 4 inches of empty space, another layer of wood lats, then I was outside. The morning sun was just rising over what sorta looked like my old apartment complex, except I was high up, as if I came out of the 3rd or 4th floor. The grass was bright green and dewy, and the air was cool as I flew between the buildings. As I rounded a corner of one of the buildings, I looked down and saw a big blue and white beach ball. I aimed downward so I could get it and play with it (at no time did I think of the TOTMs, which was fine because I wasn't sure how soon the alarm would go off, and I was just going with it, ya know?). Anyway, I picked up the ball and flew up with it, but the ball got really blurry. I don't think my brain can process all those images at once sometimes lol, so I just dropped it. As I rounded another corner, it turned to night, and I could see downtown Dallas all lit up beautifully like it always is irl. I suddenly realized I was impossibly high up, about to pass over a cliff. It was a little scary at first, but I went for it. I floated easily over the cliff and looked down, there were tall buildings down below, waaaay deep down below.. like Grand Canyon deep. I didn't feel vertigo, just awe. A little way past the canyon was a large field studded with juniper trees. I decided to land and walk around. The grass was so cool and soft. I like being barefoot in my LDs, this is a product of becoming lucid in my sleep environment and pajamas, I think. I turned and looked about 90 degrees, and I saw something way up in the sky. I could never tell what it was because it was too dark, but I'll say this now, I swear it looked like the silhouette of Elliot and E.T. on the flying bicycle. I darted back up and started to fly after it, saying "E.T. phone hoooome" and giggling to myself. "They" kept slowly going higher and higher, and so did I, with one outstretched arm. But I couldn't get to it. Pretty soon I was struggling, and doing a kind of breaststroke to try and reach them (ALSO something I read in another journal..). I couldn't reach them, and I could feel my heart beating like crazy, and I wondered if it was beating that fast in real life, and if this would wake me up. After a few moments, I did wake up, but my heartbeat was totally normal. Isn't that trippy?!?!? That whole dream was maybe 5 minutes, but I felt like I had slept a whole hour.
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    lucid , memorable


    1. flyonee's Avatar
      very cool