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    Ophelia's Book O' Fun II

    Cupid and the Clock are Against Me! (2 failed TOTM WILDs)

    by , 02-05-2013 at 07:39 PM (580 Views)
    Fun morning! Went to bed at 1am (I was baking bread late last night, bad Ophelia), and woke up at 5:30am when Danny went to work, then again at 6:45am when it was time to get Chris to school. I went back to sleep at about 8am, making myself think of the TOTMs (The cupid one and the clock one) so I could remember them later if I got lucid.

    I woke up maybe around 9am, and felt tired enough to try to WILD. I was able to initiate the vibrations again, which was bad ass. I gotta be the right level of tired though, because I tried a few times when I wasn't tired enough and it doesn't work. I forgot to incubate a new scene, so when I opened my dream eyes I was in my bed. I slowly sat up in my bed and saw a handsome man sitting on the edge of my bed. I said "Who are you?" He said some garbled things but I picked up the word "Lane," which was the middle name of my bf in college. "Michael!!" We hugged, and he wanted to make out (he looked goooooooOOOOD!), but I wanted to do the cupid task. I knew it wouldn't count because Michael isn't a celebrity or DV member, but I just wanted to see if we could find Cupid. So I grabbed Michael's hand and we left the bedroom. I tried calling Cupid, expecting to see him, but no Cupid. I told Michael to call him but he wouldn't. I even put my fingers on Michael's lips and made them move as if he was calling out "Cupid!", while I made the sound. Lol. Then I put my hands together, and imagined that Cupid was forming in my hands, then I threw them up in the air, as if to make Cupid manifest that way. Didn't fucking work. I suck at conjuring people I gave up and turned to Michael and we made out for a few seconds before I woke up.

    I half way rolled over, then rolled back and decided to try to initiate vibrations again. I was able to get them started, but it was like an engine that wouldn't turn over at first. So I tried to focus harder on the back of my eyelids and forehead, saying "focus focus" to myself again. It worked and I opened my dream eyes into an LD as usual. I forgot AGAIN to incubate a new scene, so I was in my bedroom AGAIN lol. That part is so new to me and has to happen super quick, so I need to add the word "incubate!" to my little mini "focus" mantra me thinks. Me, mantra? Haha, who woulda thunk? Anyway, I got out of bed and left my bedroom. RIGHT as I opened my bedroom dorr, I was trying to think of another task to try, and I thought "CLOCK." As soon as I walked out the door, I was outside in an alley behind a restaurant in Europe it looked like. And there was a little bench with a big wall clock laying on it! It was just a plain old round one with a white background, just like the ones they had at school when I was young. And yay it had a second hand. I don't remember what time it was, but I remember that the second hand was right on the 12, and it was ticking. It looked perfectly normal and vivid, so I picked it up and held it in front of my face, counting as it went along. It looked just fine, and 5 seconds had gone by when I thought to myself, "I so got this!" (fffuuu). As soon as the second hand ticked 7 times, the numbers started to flip. The 6 and 7 swapped places. Then the second hand would tick too far of a distance, then rewind a bit, and it would land inappropriately in between the tick marks. I watched for a few more seconds then woke up. Haha oh well.

    My subC: the Troll of Trolls.
    CanisLucidus and Xanous like this.

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    1. Xanous's Avatar
      Can you explain the sp initiation to us. I vaguely remember you talking about it before. I've only got it to work a handful of times but it was only when I was set up for a DEILD already.
    2. OpheliaBlue's Avatar
      It's a vibrations initiation for me (if SP is happening there, I don't notice it. Probably because the lucid dream starts so fast after the vibrations, that I don't ever have the chance to feel paralyzed). Anyway, if I'm tired enough when I WBTB, then I just lie still with my eyes closed. Then behind my eyelids, I focus really hard on the back of my eyelids. And to be honest, I think my eyeballs are crossed slightly. That feeling seems to intensify the vibrations once they start. It's almost like my eyeballs are the source. Really hard to explain, but if you have ever felt the vibrations before, then it's easier to recreate them.

      Hope that helps, if I think of more, I'll add it. And I'll pay attention to other details the next time I do it. It's so hard to explain because it's so abstract, ya know?
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    3. Xanous's Avatar
      Ah yeah thats good. I put sp and vibrations in the same category. It seems they only happen together for me. Whether or not its true sp I dont know.

      What I do is pretty similar execpt my eyes roll back instead of cross. I keep forgetting during my micro awkenings, but Im trying to devolpe this for DEILDs. The only trouble with that is I usually sacrifice recalling the previous dream if I fail to pull it off.

      It seems conditions have to be just right for it to work but I think with more focus and practice, this could be THE method... At least for me.

      And mantras are how I rememer to do any of it.
      OpheliaBlue and CanisLucidus like this.
    4. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Nice LD's Ophelia! You really make those long, active WBTBs work. Most nights where I go to bed at 1 AM don't have a lucid happy ending in the morning.

      As far as summoning Cupid, my favorite approach for summoning DCs is to believe that they are standing right behind me. When I turn around, they are usually standing right there (or flying if they're a little cherub.)

      I think that attempt with the clock actually went really well! It's an intimidating task but this makes me really believe that it's possible. Very demanding in terms of concentration, but I think you were really close.
      Xanous and OpheliaBlue like this.
    5. OpheliaBlue's Avatar
      Xanous: Yeah I have to admit, I almost never remember the dreams I have before a WBTB, whether or not I succeed with the LD afterward. But it's a price I'm happy to pay.

      CL: I like your idea about believing a DC is right behind you. I used to use the "call them on the phone" method, but that was scarce at best. I'll have to make myself remember that next time. Oh and derp you're right, I forgot to wing myself for the flower task lol.
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    6. Xanous's Avatar
      Totally! But if you fail you get nothing

      Hey yeah that worked for me for the October TOTM. I used expectation and believed there was zombie coming out of a garage accross the street. I ended up getting 3!
      OpheliaBlue and CanisLucidus like this.
    7. OpheliaBlue's Avatar
      Oh dudes, after reading a bunch of stuff, who's to say I'm even awake when I "wake up" at around 9am or so and conjure these vibrations?

      Don't get me wrong, yay lucid dreams. It just dawned on me that maybe all this SP, or vibration nonsense is occurring after we're already lucid.. already in a lucid dream. The lucid onset has already passed, if only mini-seconds beforehand.

      Something to think about. Fairly sure this has been brought up before but I don't remember where.
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    8. Xanous's Avatar
      Yea that maybe true. I have really been analyzing this lately. Maybe that explains why it is easier to DEILD after a lucid than a non lucid. I was really focued on this this morning and I was able to induce the beginnings of vibrations during a WILD attempt but I was already in some deep HI, really over half way there. Maybe were just giving ourselves that extra focus or push at the final moments of transistion. I failed BTW. Got excited.
      OpheliaBlue and CanisLucidus like this.
    9. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Wow, great thoughts on all of this. Ophelia, I had genuinely never explored the idea that the vibrations you experience might even be occurring as part of the dream.

      Another idea that I don't necessarily believe but nonetheless find interesting: what if the vibrations are a dream state that you incubate? In other words, you're attempting a WILD, fall asleep still aware but simply do not realize you're dreaming. Just like how you often create your own bedroom (because this is where you expect to be), what if you incubate the experience of vibrations (because this is what you expect to feel)?

      It's mind-bending to think that it's very hard to tell the difference between experiencing the vibrations in waking life, in a dream, or some combination of the two. Wow! Thanks for this thought. Really exciting to consider.
      OpheliaBlue likes this.
    10. Xanous's Avatar
      You know what ya'll? *Chuckles* I don't know if you have read EWOLD but today I revisited it at work (we are slow) and I realized that LaBerge already taught me everything I know about WILDs (and maybe Sageous). Take a look at section 4, page 73, The Twin Bodies Technique in particular. I think we are doing a simplified version of what he was talking about here. It's just been so long since I read this book that I totally forgot all of it.

      There is a PDF floating around the Internet if you need it.