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    Ophelia's Book O' Fun II

    DEILDs and Basic Task

    by , 10-22-2012 at 07:03 PM (925 Views)
    I think I'm just going to continue revovling involuntarily between every goddamned induction technique they ever came up with. This morning was probably my first DEILD in it's truest sense. I mean, I've woken up and had 2 or 3 WILDs back to back before, but there was always minutes in between, and I didn' enter the dream where it left off. And the dreams were longer. This time I had maybe 5 or 6 (lost count!), and each time I would wake up after a quick 2-3min LD, be awake for a few seconds, then slip right back into the same story, fully lucid. No vibrations, and I didn't always start the LD in my stupid bed for a change! Like the last post, I'm a bit fuzzy on what happened in which dream, except for the first one and the last 2.

    I woke up at 6:45am, and got Chris to school, then back to bed at about 7:20. But I tossed and turned for aaaages. I was sick yesterday so I still had cold medicine in me, and my sleep pattern was all jacked up. Not sure when I finally fell asleep.

    In the first lucid, I dreamed that I woke up, but I wasn't sure if it was an LD because I didn't have my usual vibrations. I noticed it was super dark out, even though I remember it being light when I went back to bed. I was pretty sure I was lucid, and when I slowly got out of bed with blankets stuck to my back, I knew for sure. I went out the bedroom door and it was super dark. I flipped switches like crazy, to no avail. Then I remembered the flashlight me and CanisLucidus had talked about previously. So I felt my way to the livingroom and felt on an end table, willing a flashlight to appear. I felt something cold and cylindrical and picked it up. There was a little slidy button (like the flashlights we had in the 80's haha), so I pushed it up and it turned on with an ok-ish light. I shined it all over the livingroom, asking out loud "Any vampires in here? I actually wanna get bit. Free meal. Anyone?" Nothing. So I went out the front door and shined the light up and down the block. I saw a short old mexican man across the street. I ran across the street and asked him, with the light on him, if he was a vampire. He said no. So I reached up to touch his teeth in case he was lying, and he backed up saying "Hey leave me alone!" Then I woke up.

    I fell right back to sleep and immediately was standing in the hallway, lucid! This time I was blind in my left eye again. I actually put my fingers on my left eye, to feel if maybe the lid was glued shut. It was. I tryed to pry it open, but each time it snapped back shut. I thought to myself, "Hrmm, all this time I wasn't lucid blind, just lucid winking lol." Then I woke up.

    Fell asleep, woke up in bed again. Dark again, so I knew I was dreaming again. I was a little frustrated that all these dreams were so short, but thankful that I was popping back into them lucid each time. Still set on the TOTM, I decided to try to use a mirror to find a vampire. Guess which lucid prop decided to finally cock block me. I tried 2 mirrors, and one reflective picture frame, and each time, the mirror pivoted instead of letting me pass through. In retrospect, maybe the space behind could have acted as a portal, since the mirror always pivoted into a dark cube of space in the wall. Anyway, I was too focused on solving the issue, so I just went out the front door again. I still had my flashlight and was shining it all over the lawn, asking "Any vampires out here? Helloooooooo?" Something in my front yard quickly passed through the cone of light from my flashlight, and started to hurry away. The surprise made me drop my flashlight. I said "Hey, stop!" The figure stopped and came toward me, and I struggled to make out his features in the moonlight. He stepped right in front of me and I could see him better. He was a young guy, in his 20's maybe, wearing jeans, a blue hoodie, shoulder-length wavy brown hair. And damn sexy. I asked him if he was a vampire. He smiled and said "yes," and I could see a flash of white, pointy teeth. I said "you can bit me if you want." He asked "Are you sure?" I said "Do it, it's for an experiment." So he said "Okaaaay...." and tipped my head to the left. (Interesting note I just realized: the vampire chic in the last dream went for the opposide side of my neck than the dude.) He bit down on my neck in the traditional spot, and again, it didn't feel like a puncture, more like a super hot hickey. Wow. You guys seriously gotta try this! Then he just slowly urged me down on the grass, and without breaking the bite, started removing our clothes. HELL yeaaaah. I really wanted it. But then I remembered I wanted to see the transition even more than vampire sex ( maybe next time). So I pushed him off and said "Sorry" and ran into the house. I went into the hall bathroom which was already lit up, praise goodness. I looked at my reflection and saw the bite marks, same as last time. I reached up and could feel them too, a little gross but no blood. I felt awakeness start to pull me (ffffuuuuu!), and I woke up, with the image of my reflection staring back at me, burned into my mind.

    I immediately went back to sleep (I can only thank my new found ability to ignore feelings of disappointment or dispair in LDs, as they deter from goals. If only I could apply this irl.) Anyway, sure enough, I went right back into the dream staring at my reflection.. same pose and everything, and completely lucid (that's a lucid first for me!) I was determined not to let this one go without experiencing the transition, since I remembered everything from the previous dreams at that point. I opened my mouth and stared at my teeth. After a few moments, my incisors lengthened and sharpened, but they looked like they had rotated 90 degrees. That's odd. I kept watching and those same incisors grew a little longer, and additional sharp growths sprouted from them. I watched as the other teeth did the same thing. I looked at my irises, hoping for some bad ass color change, but they stayed normal. Lol the ONE TIME. I stepped back a bit and opened my mouth a little wider, to see all my teeth. Every one of them was sharp, with tiny barbs protruding from each one. That would make a hell of a bite I'd say! The last thing I saw from that dream before waking up, was staring at my creepy new teeth, with a big wide grin.

    I fell back to sleep for what would be the last lucid of the morning. I appeared in the same bathroom, fully lucid. I remembered all the vampire stuff, and even wondered if it would count since it was split up. I looked at my teeth to make sure they were still monstrous, and they were. So I thought I'd add a bonus to this task and go find some hot guy to bite. I left the bathroom, and now the hall looked like the hall of a university building. There were open doors, and rooms full of college students. I walked by one open door and a cute guy was standing right at the opening, so I grabbed his arm and pulled him down the hall. I found an open storage closet with a chair covered in a sheet, and I threw him down on the chair. We started making out, and I shouldn't have started with that, because it just made me horny. I started taking his pants off, then mine. I convinced myself that I could have both: the sex and the bite. I was greedy, because I woke up before I could have either. DAMNIT. But also yay!

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    1. paigeyemps's Avatar
      Wooo!! That is really awesome Ophie. LOL at the mexican dude and the closet sex x)

      Also, I just realized that I read all of that with your voice in my head. Hahaha those podcasts really got me :3

      OpheliaBlue likes this.
    2. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      You were just killing it this morning! Congratulations on this big honkin' pile of LDs! I'm usually good for jack squat when I'm sick, while the only symptom of your illness appears to be "lucid diarrhea".

      I'm stoked that the flashlight idea worked for you! Since our conversation, all of the darkness problems seem to have (temporarily?) left my own dreams so I haven't gotten to try any of the solutions we were discussing on #DVA. Reading this, though, I don't think I'm even worried about it anymore! I'm sure my grasping paws will find some old 80s-looking flashlight to help me out.

      The bite and transformation were really cool as well. I don't wanna be a follower but you're making my planned werewolf bite sound a lot less fun. These vampire bites are sounding like party-party-fun time and I'm over here planning to basically get bitten by some huge dog. Gotta say, though, those barbed teeth you got in your transformation sound vicious.

      Also, I'd like to think that somewhere in Tijuana this morning an old, short Mexican man woke up thinking, "Dios mio! Just what the hell kind of dream was that?"
      OpheliaBlue likes this.
    3. OpheliaBlue's Avatar
      Paige: haha I do the same thing when I read RareCola's posts. Once you hear the real voice, it's all over

      CanisLucidus: You know, the thing with vampires (at least from my point of view), has always been a death mixed with sexy thing. Of the 3 (zombies, werewolves, and vampires, oh my!), the vampire still looks most human. They are charming, often better versions of themselves, in terms of visual beauty and strength. And all they require from us is blood! And if you've ever been in an emotionally parasitic relationship in real life, well, a little blood is hardly a sacrifice. Unless you go further, and inherit immortality. Immortality seems a bit drab, I admit. But if I'm gonna be immortal, I'd rather face it not looking like a melting corpse, or a hairy beast who can't even remember all the fun things he did at night. All that being said, I would still want to try the other two, just for the sake of gore.

      As for the old Mexican, well, he should know better than upon whose dreams to tread.
      CanisLucidus likes this.