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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Tornado Chasin!

      by , 06-12-2012 at 11:07 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      I was in a Red River type place that was actually in Kansas, with Matte and some other people I couldn't identify. We were tornado chasing, although on foot. Mostly it was just a nature hike because it was a clear, sunny day with no clouds whatsoever, much less tornadoes. So we caravaned to a large picnic that was set up for our lunch. It was a nice looong table, shaded by beautiful cloth gazebos in bright colors, which flapped slightly in the wind. I was kinda looking forward to sitting by Matte, because hello, muscles. But he sat down by some people and there were no empty chairs next to him. Bummer. I don't really remember eating, but I remember they were grilling burgers, and I saw the smaller table with burger add-ons, like slices of tomato, and red onion, ketchup and mustard etc. Anyway I was walking a bit past the table into a huge meadow, where the horizon was blocked by huge trees. Suddenly the wind blew alot harder, and I heard thunder and saw lightening. I looked up at the tops of the trees, and a tiny little dark gray cloud appeared, sparkling with little flecks of lightening. It was really cute, if such a thing could be called cute. Then a tiny little gray tornado formed just under the cloud, though it was really high up in the sky, and miles and miles from being close to touching the ground. I screamed "Tornado TORNADO!!!!!" and a group of people rushed toward where I was standing. I immediately did the finger through palm RC, the one I always do when I see a tornado in dreams. Which is gay because it nearly always fails. It failed once more, and I thought to myself, "Well, I guess THIS time it's for real." Then I remembered how I ALWAYS say that, and it's NEVER real. So I just said "You know what, fuck it I MUST be dreaming." And then the fact that I realized this cloud was completely silly, and Matte, a guy from Sweden whom I've never met, was in Kansas with me, hunting tornadoes, confirmed that I was dreaming. I felt like I didn't really care that much. Don't know why. So I didn't really do anything special. I just kept watching the sky with the others. The little cloud sauntered along the sky, all by itself with it's little tornado tail. I said "That thing's too small to reach the ground." Other people muttered "yeah, lame." So we just walked off to continue the day nature hiking instead. As I turned to walk toward the trail, Matte grabbed my hand. So we held hands the rest of the way. Also there was a big hug in there somewhere, but I can't remember if it was before or after the tornado.

      I'm laughing as I'm typing this because it's so gay!!
      lucid , non-lucid
    2. No, Yes, I mean No You Can't Have Me! *faints*

      by , 06-08-2012 at 03:09 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      I was at the rec center, waiting for Danny and the kids to join up later. It looked bigger and fancier. Anyway, I hadn't even made it to the treadmill when a really handsome, muscular, full-of-himself guy had his eyes on me. He was flirting with me, and had that look on his face like "Yeah baby, I know you're loving the attention." I wasn't lucid, so I just kept resisting him because I didn't' want to cheat on Danny. Epic Fail. So the Dude asked me to spot him, something like 240 pounds worth of barbell. I said "I can't do that, it's too heavy." He said "Suuuure you can, come on." I felt helpless, like, truly. I didn't want to do anything that would get me into trouble, but I couldn't resist helping this guy. I managed to actually do it right, and he did some reps. Jesus help me. Then he suddenly grabbed these medieval looking wrought-iron lances with 4 prongs at the end from the back of the workout bench, and began chucking them at people walking by, nicking the top of one girl's fishing rod that she was carrying. I guess they were supposed to be for barbarian style target practice. I screamed "What the fuck man!?" He said "What, did I hit that girl?" I said "Very nearly! You hit her fishing pole!" He said "Oh well." and laughed a little. When he was done with his reps, he took my arm and took me into a conference room. He wasn't rough or forceful, but he was being kinda pushy, and grabbed me around my waist, asking for a kiss. I said I can't, I'm taken. He said "Why, what's he gonna do about it?" I said "He'll beat your ass!!" Though deep down, I was a bit scared, because Dude was waaaay bigger than Danny. I suddenly turned my head and looked out the window, where I saw Danny and the kids pull up in the car. I said "Oh shit." So this time I grabbed Dude's hand, and ran toward the dining area, pulling him behind me. I left Dude there while I went to meet Danny and the kids. As I tried to walk away from him, he was still holding my hand and wouldn't let go, and I think I was doing the same. Bad Ophelia. I finally let go, or he did, and I went out the front door and saw my family. Chris ran up to me, then did a fake out as I tried to hug him, then he came back and I gave him a hug and swung him around. Then I went to jump up into Danny's arms like I do sometimes, but he pointed to his leg and said, "I can't, it's injured." I went up and kissed him, then said "Of ALL the times you should have told me not to jump into your arms, this was NOT the time." Because I knew Dude was watching all of this. I was hoping that him seeing me with my family would deescalate things. When we went inside, Dude was standing there, with his arms crossed, looking at Danny as if it was some kind of showdown!! I got scared, I've never seen Danny fight before, but he did win Tae Kwon Do tournaments, and has some MMA training. Still... this Dude was BUILT. I explained to Danny that Dude had been hitting on me, and Danny just looked pissed. They talked a bit, but I guess worked it out, I dunno. I was just ready to leave because the situation was uncomfortable, and I was having trouble resisting this Dude. He was so sexy and fearless! I have a memory gap, but later I remember being in the dining area, sitting next to Dude. And before I was ready to get up and leave, I stuck my hand down the back of his pants and grabbed his bare butt cheek. Then I looked around real quick to make sure Danny didn't see.

      What the fuck I would never do that in real life. Of course, Kraid ruthlessly manipulated me into sending a racy PM to a guy but that's a completely different thing.
    3. Mind the Gap!

      by , 06-07-2012 at 02:12 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      Non-lucid Chain: W-vacuum-noodlephoto-funeralnotice-Claudia-$5buttdress-Rammsteinspikedhair.

      Non lucid part:
      Came back to add the non lucid stuff based on that ^^. It's my new form of remembering dreams when I'm still in bed, waking up now and then, so I don't have to actually get up and write in a jjournal, whereby waking myself up too much. I call it "Linking Dream Topics."

      Ok the first and worst, the vacuum. I dreamed that I was at work, and I went to the meat department. I was looking for the ATL from seafood, oddly enough. And he was there. So I found him and followed him to the back of the meat department. Looked much different than in real life. It was huge and dark and deep and cavernous. As I followed behind him, I saw all kinds of strange devices, including a vacuum type apparatus that was used to suck out the eyeballs out of the lambs before processing the rest of the carcass. I remember seeing some eyeballs still in the clear tubes attached to the vacuum. They still had eyelids and some were still trying to blink somewhat.

      Later, I had a dream that really seemed to be in Red River again. I remember walking to the end of one of those mountainous, dusty roads, and there was a huge trailer. It was a film developing studio. For some reason, I thought it was extremely cool that it was what it was, and went inside. It was full of asians, and one offered me a bowl of noodles while he developed my film (that I didn't know I had). Best. Noodles. Ever. I remember them being egg noodles, the lo mein kind that I saw them make on Sesame Street once. I remember tasting toasted sesame oil, and there was thai basil and other vegetables. The whole dish was reminiscent of thai curry. I was just going at it with chop sticks until the dream changed again.

      Margaret from Highland Park finally kicked it, and I was supposed to write the eulogy. I kept procrastinating it until I saw other TLs at the graveyard, all complete with eulogy papers on their tombstones. So I stressed over writing one.

      Then some stress about getting a dress. I could only use $5, but the dresses were $100 or more. Then Claudia was wearing one and her normally fat squarish butt suddenly looked really round and bulbous. And I thought on the fact that I never noticed the bouncy bulbousness, which was REALLY apparent under the thin fabric of the dress. Hoppity hop hop hop..

      Dream changes to the Rammstein concert I went to in 2001, just 1 month after 9-11. I was amazed they let me fly from my El Paso gig to Dallas for the concert. In real life I met them, and in the dream I did too. Only this time, Til didn't cover his 'do. Me or someone said "Oh your spiky hair looks like a porcupine." And he had a gruff remark.
      So I set my alarm to go off at 11:15am, because I had #DVA at 11:30. When it went off, I resigned myself to not having any lucids, and just hit snooze to sleep stress-free for 5 minutes. Then I had an FA and got up to go to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror at my teeth. There was an unusual gap in between them, like the tooth had gotten chipped a little. I have a tiny filling there in real life, so I thought maybe the filling got knocked out or something. I thought, damn.. I really need to make a dentist appointment and get this fixed. I touched the gap and little flakes of tooth(?) wiped away. I got worried, like maybe I was losing a chunk of tooth or something. But when I wiped it away completely, the gap was gone and my teeth were normal again. I was relieved, and stepped back from the mirror a bit to look at my whole reflection. My lips looked really weird now.. like just, not mine. Not the same size or shape or anything. So I said, waaaiiiit a minute, this is a false awakening! I looked at my eyes really close, and sure enough, the irises were milky green, and no pupils. So I left the bathroom went to the bedroom door, where Daisy and Bella were sitting there, looking up at me. They are NEVER in my room. I just said "Hey doggies" and they wagged their tails. So I left the room and started down the hall. I knew at this point that I only had a few minutes, because I knew I had hit the snooze button in real life, and it was only for 5 minutes. And I had no idea how long I was in the bathroom. As I went down the hall, it got darker, and one eye went blind. I lifted my hands and the other eye went dimmer. I just kept walking down the hall, waving my hands and clapping, but everything looked like a big brown out. I wasn't waking up, so I just kept going. FINALLY, I ended up in a livingroom that wasn't my house. But Chris was there, playing and watching TV. Everything was much brighter and stable. I knew I didn't have much time, and I was feeling randy as usual, so I started to leave to look for an adult. I felt for my stuff as usual, and at one point it turned into a foot temporarily, but I fixed it lol. Then I woke up from the alarm before attempting anything.

      I should have just utilized those 5 minutes to attempt the TOTM, since I was right there at the damn mirror anyway. But I forgot about it. Balls.

      Updated 06-08-2012 at 01:31 AM by 905 (added the non lucid stuff)

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
    4. The Nazgul, AKA DEILD/DILD.. My Subconscious Is Dyslexic

      by , 06-04-2012 at 02:33 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      Weening off 5-HTP.

      So since the kids are out of school, I set my alarm for 6:55am and 7:15am, as if it were just another school day. Danny came home off his night shift at 7:15 as usual, then went to take a shower. I fell asleep before he got back, for which I am glad. This usually sparks the biggest FA/lucid opportunities for me. Because he doesn't always work night shifts when I'm off. So I'm not always trying to get to sleep when he takes an early shower. The point I'm making, when he comes back to bed after the shower, I'm not sure if I'm dreaming it or not, so it's an excellent opportunity to try and determine if I'm having a false awakening or not. So....

      Danny comes back to bed and lies down. I turn over to look at him, and he's looking at me with the most ridiculous smile. Not a, "Hey baby, you want to?" smile.. more like a "My face is frozen in The Joker expression" smile. I just kinda touch his face and push his head down on the pillow. He just obliges and lies back, staring at the ceiling with the same creepy expression. If only I could screencap these things for him. Anyway, I was filled with that temporarily disorienting feeling of "I'm dreaming!" and went through my usual thing of carefully getting out of bed, feeling every movement to make sure I wasn't getting up for real, losing lucidity and therefore ruining the dream.

      Here's where things get odd.. I don't remember losing lucidity and getting it back, but I must have, because the next thing I remember is being in the backyard of an unfamiliar house. It was nighttime and winter.. lots of snow on the ground. But I didn't appear here instantaneously.. I feel there's a gap in my memory. Only thing I can think of is I lost lucidity, then DILDed and got it back, but forgot reattaining the lucidity. So weird. Anyway, it was so beautiful out, and clear. The air was still, and quiet. There were two old fashioned lamp posts, one on my right, and one on my left. And there was a full moon to my right, occasionally disappearing and reappearing from behind tall, black pine trees. Then I heard a horrible sound, like some flying predator diving and screeching, grabbing its prey, then returning to flight. There was so much flapping and unholy animal like screeches. I was lucid so I wasn't scared, just really curious! I stepped off the porch onto the snowy ground, and looked to the sky. It was hard to see because it was so dark, but I could make out something really high up, with giant black wings, that reflected the cold blue moonlight. I just knew it was a Ring Wraith on a fell beast. I screamed "NAZGUUUUUUL!!!!!" and it swooped down near me, then back up into the air again. I was filled with the excitement and desire for it to swoop down and grab me with its claws, then take me flying to god only knows where. I kept screaming for it, and it kept swooping down close to me so I could see it, but it never took me. I started to get blind in one eye again (I think disappointment triggers lack of clarity in my LDs.. just a hypothesis). But I noticed that it helped if I stood in such a way that the trees blocked the moon and the lamp posts. I lifted my hands to where I could see both of them, and I began snapping my fingers back and forth. I did that because I wanted to incorporate at least 3 senses in my stabilization technique: seeing, feeling and hearing my fingers snapping. Things got really clear again, but I woke up right after.
    5. The House

      by , 06-04-2012 at 02:14 AM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      The one before about me being a mistress. Non lucid. We lived in this beautiful celebrity mansion. The man was a famous black dude, can't remember if it was for movies or sports or what. I was his mistress. The big, beautiful wonderful awesome bedroom belonged to his little blonde wifey (bitch), and he and I just hung out and slept in the entertainment room. Which was a freaking movie theater basically. We were watching something on TV, and I was settled on the floor, while he was on the couch, both of us dozing off, or so I thought. I felt something tap my ear, and it was the guy, fucking with me. I remember thinking that I didn't want to have sex, just like the assistant manager dream from the other night. And another thought that doesn't go here.

      Later I went looking for my room. I assumed that's what I was doing. I was misssssserable. But I saw this amazing bedroom. It was so incredibly high up, and had beautiful, opulent furniture. Like the bedroom in the Zeffirelli rendition of Othello and Desdemona's bedroom. It overlooked the sea... like WOW it overlooked the sea. Then the shitfuck blonde came into the room and said it was hers. I was sooooooooooooooooooooo depressed lol. Then a few minutes later I found out she was sleeping with Ted Danson. Some drama later then I woke up.

      I remember being so stressed about sofie and ziggy, because of the carpet. I detest carpet.

      And then, Aaron dream.. I just, don't want to expand upon this.

      And one the other night where I went to a vending machine to get my starving family a single bag of chips, but when I opened the swingy door part, there were bags upon bags of junk food: chips, honey buns, chocolates... the machine had just upchucked way too many, so I grabbed it all.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. The Proprioceptor

      by , 05-28-2012 at 07:03 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      Woah I've been naughty with the dream journal. Naughty as in not posting my non lucids. Bad ophelia.

      Anyway, I was attempting my (formerly) usual DEILD, and there were just too many things waking me up... coughing kids dogs .. it's a holiday today. So around 10:30am, after yelling at Chris to let the dogs back inside because they were barking, and all but giving up on the DEILD, I began to drift off. Then I can't tell if this was real or not, but I heard the sound of a car hitting its breaks, and it lasted unusually long. Like 10 seconds maybe. I just kept listening, waiting for the car to stop screeching and be ok, or hear a crash. I heard a BIG BIG crash! I remember feeling sooo heavy and lethargic, and I wanted to get up and go check for hurt people. Almost felt like sleep paralysis, but not quite. I went straight into a dream, but didn't realise it. I was still thinking of the crash though, and found myself talking to my boss, Claudia, about it at work. So there I was in the bakery, and we were all "Ohhh, did you hear that wreck?" And she started to say something about some regional bakery members in reference to the wreck, but it made no sense. I said "Wait, what? Say that again?" And she just walked off toward her computer. I thought for a second, "That made no sense. I JUST heard that car wreck from my bedroom, but now I'm at work?" DOH! Lucid.

      So the dream immediately went all snowy, but I remained calm. I followed Claudia, asking her to wait and talk to me. Hoping that would stabilize things a bit. I could barely see, so I was just following her in my mind, since i know that bakery like the back of my hand. I looked at my hands incidentally, couldn't see much through the technicolored snow. But I could hear and feel around just fine, so I went with that. I made it to Claudia's desk, and sat on the floor for some reason, trying to get her to tell me more about the wreck. Nothing. I stood up, and my vision came back. Now it was Chris on the computer, and he handed me a post-it with some writing on it. "This is the grocery list Mommy." The only two words on the list were: carrots, frosting. I laughed and said, "Oh, so you want carrot flavored frosting?" He said "Nuh uh, ewwwww." And for a split second i was going to indulge this part of the dream, and go shopping around the store for damn carrots and frosting. But then clarity hit me again, and I said, "No I want to play!" So I went down the back hall towards prepared foods department, hoping to find on of the hot chefs that work there. I felt the front of my jeans, and sure enough I had big boy parts. I got to the kitchen but it was empty. So I just messed with myself for a bit. Something I don't think I've ever mentioned before, but when I feel it, it doesn't exactly feel like it's mine. Like it's attached to me, but I don't get alot of sensation. It still turns me on, like if I were touching another guy, but still not the same. So I had the thought to lick my hand. That changed everything. (If this is getting to be too much, stop reading. I'm trying to be vague, but still.) It's like I woke up a non-existent proprioceptor, in a non-existent fallace. A true phantom nerve.. except usually people feel that when they've lost an appendage, not when they've never had it to begin with. Small detail, but noteworthy nonetheless. Then I noticed my assistant manager appear in the kitchen. We'll call him E. Now I've dreamed about him before. I don't particularly like him, but if I were single and desperate. And possibly drunk. And if it was dark, then I might do it once. At any rate, lucid desperation also counts for something, so I said "Yoh E, come here." He was rushing around and said "Ok, gotta do something first, brb." I said "No you don't, COME HERE." So he did a 180 and ran into my arms. Felt incredibly real, like I was really holding someone. I remember the feeling of his shirt, it was this ribbed black polyester, but was flowy and breathed nicely. Vision was still a bit snowy, but I was 100% going on physical sensations now. He went straight for my neck, and started biting it in a really sensual way. Fuck yeah. I told him to grab it, and he started jerking it really fast. I was in heaven. He kinda stopped for a second, as if he wanted to go ahead and have sex, but I said "No no, keep going.." He did. Dream faded.
      Woke up.

      Still don't know if that car crash was real or not. I went outside but I didn't see anything. Cool dream.
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    7. Pygmalion

      by , 05-22-2012 at 05:54 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      Haven't been DEILDing much lately, not sure why. I'll WBTB, sleep and wake up a couple times like normal, get the vibrations, hell I even learned how to induce the vibrations, but I either wake up from the vibrations, or manage to slip into a nonlucid. Oh well, I've been having random DILDs so I guess I can't complain. Also, I was bad and didn't journal the ones I had sunday and monday, and I forgot them. I know that they were short though. The DILD I had this morning was better:

      After a gross non lucid dream about my assistant manager, I was dreaming that I was messing around with our Xbox kinect. I was doing that thing my son always does in real life, where he goes to our xbox live accounts, and gives all our profile avatars a makeover. So I was browsing through the different females, and hair colors and so forth, and I noticed there were a ton mroe options than usual, and they looked less cartoony and more realistic. I suddenly became lucid, but my mind was really set on creating a female avatar. I just kept thinking to myself that since this is just a dream, I can make a real woman and make her come to life. Just like Pygmalion! Or Weird Science, take your pick. At any rate, I was thinking black hair and blue eyes originally, but something pushed me to make her tall, blonde, blue-eyed, and a very regal looking blue gown. She looked very much like that blonde I chased around in that one DEILD. Except this lady was taller. I made her like 6'0", no idea why. She was like a damn barbie doll, but real. Satisfied with my creation, I clicked on a button at the bottom of the screen that said "Train Station." Apparently that's where you go pick up your creation.

      So I went out the front door and immediately I was standing at an old fashioned train station. A train pulled up, looked like something from the late 19th century. People started filing off the train, and I could see the blonde. I suddenly became extremely aware that I was a 5'8" woman, but I did NOT was us to be lezzies. So I made myself into a tall male just in time for her to get off the train. She looked impossibly beautiful. I'm impressed that my mind could create something like this. I remember she was carrying a small suitcase. Not important, just saying. She walked up to me and said hello. I just put my hand on the back of her neck, and pulled her in for a kiss. It was a really really long kiss, and it felt really good, but we didn't use tongue for some reason. Maybe they didn't back in the 1800s lol. When I pulled away, I noticed she looked like she might have a fever. I touched her forehead and it was hot and a little sweaty. She said she didn't feel good. So I picked her up all romantic movie-style, and walked into the train station, willing the doors to open to a hotel instead of a station. I carried her into a room and tucked her into the bed. She looked more comfortable, but sometimes she looked more cartoony, I don't know. Back and forth a little, like she wasn't always clearly real looking. I went to the bathroom to get a cool washcloth, and I randomly looked into the mirror. I'm glad I did this because I was getting a bit too lost in the dream. I saw my reflection, but I was a really hot looking guy. Dark wavy hair and dark eyes. I did one of those James Bond faces and stifled a laugh haha. I'm glad this happened, because it really crisped up the dream. Things looked more clear, and I didn't feel as compelled to be so caught up in the story. Like I could just abandon this whole thing and look for something else to do. Still, I went to the bed to check on the blonde, and it was amazing. She was crystal clear, 100% human looking. She didn't look sick anymore, and she looked up at me and smiled. I put my hand on her cheek and just stared at her. I remember thinking I wanted to have sex with her so bad, but I didn't want to if she was still feeling ill. Why do I get so wrapped up in these DCs. Now I know how some of you guys get completely stupid and unfocused when you have a hot blonde girlfriend. Anyway, the last thing I remember is my hand on her beautiful face,
      then I woke up.

      Typing out this dream seems like it was really long, but it probably spanned only about 15-20 minutes. Still kinda cool.
      lucid , non-lucid
    8. Dr. Ophelia in the House.

      by , 05-17-2012 at 09:35 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      My lucids have been brief and hazy ever since I got this cold. I keep coughing which wakes me up too much in between REM cycles, making DEILDing nearly impossible. But I still get random DILDs, so neh, I can't complain.

      This morning I slept in, and i had a dream that I was in one of the large bathrooms at SMU Meadows School of the Arts. (In real life, it's a long bathroom with tons of sinks, long mirrors, and even showers at the end. I would use them alot when I was at SMU because it was close to the dressing rooms, and really convenient before and after performances and rehearsals.) The weird twist though was I was in the MEN'S one. (Kinda backwards now that I think of it, because I remember my gay guy friends always hung out with ME in the women's one irl lol). Anyway, I was just leaning back on one row of sinks, watching these two guys chitchat with eachother. I noticed one of them was a friend of mine from a few years ago, named Jake. I'm just watching them talk, and suddenly I think to myself "Why am I in the men's room?! DOH! Lucid." So I took my friend Jake's hand and we went outside. (In real life, Jake had been badly burned as a child, all over his chest and stomach. He had extensive skin grafting, so the skin was all wrinkled and off colored. I always felt bad for him, he was such a nice guy. But he had a good attitude about it. He never let it get him down, and it didn't stop us from doing it once, and he was comfortable enough to take his shirt off and let me see and feel the scars.) However, since I was aware this was a lucid dream, I told Jake that I was going to make the scars go away. I conjured up a jar of cream, and started rubbing it all over his chest. It didn't really work the first time, so I did it again, and really worked the stuff into his scars. It made like 90% of it go away, he only had a little bit around his collarbones. I woke up right after that. Balls. I could have gone for another round for old time's sake.
      lucid , non-lucid
    9. A Bunch of Messy Lucids

      by , 05-15-2012 at 01:31 AM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      So bad about keeping up lately. Last 4 days or so:

      1. My usual 7:30am WBTB this morning. I had a DILD where I was experimenting with a DC (Sign Bob) but lost lucidity when we kissed and I closed my eyes! Bad ophelia.. closing eyes in a lucid is the kiss of death for me. But I had fun looking in mirrors, touching things, making things brighter. All in all not bad.

      Prior to the random DILD, I was attempting DEILD like I usually do. I felt the usual vibrations, then the sensation of something coming up behind me, lying on top of me, sliding his arms around me and grabbing my hands. At one point we were kissing, and I could feel sharp teeth on top and below my tongue. I knew it was the DEILD Demon, and I was so sure he was about to bite my tongue off lol. Even though I know it isn't real at the time, the sensations are still strong enough that it feels real. And having my tongue bit off would hurt, and I don't want it setting up my subsequent lucid experiment badly. Anyway, he didn't bite my tongue off. But I broke the kiss and looked at him, and he looked just like a vampire, teeth and all. Kinda hot actually. But when I reached to touch his face, he bit my finger. I just.. never learn. So I said, Nooooo, noooooo, no biting, and he let go. Danny was in bed with me asleep in real life, and one time that DD lay on me, we were both on top of Danny's arm, which was kinda weird hehe.. the 3 of us in the same bed. Then another time, I had a FA where I saw a creepy doll on Danny's pillow. I suspected it was DD, so I flopped over on Danny and knocked the doll onto the floor. I thought I really woke myself and Danny up in the process, and I apologized. Forgot to ask Danny this morning if I actually flopped on him or not lol. Well next time I'm going to try the less is more approach that oreoboy and I discussed. Whatever DD does, I'm not going to try to manipulate the transition in anyway, and maybe it will go alot smoother next time.

      2. Not much of an LD, there was a short one but I didn't write it down so I forgot it. But I had some nasty SP where some creep was going to turn me into segment 2 of the next human centipede. He had already picked the one to be the front: a young fat kid that he just kept feeding french fries to, to keep him from being scared and calling for help. I partially awoke right as I heard whispering in my room, and amongst the many voices I heard the creep tell me that it was time for my butt surgery. I could tell I was in my room when I heard this, and in some pretty bad SP. I knew I was lucid, so I forced myself in an upright position, and yelled back "No it's NOT!!!!" and woke up. I started to drift off again, and felt the vibrations come on, only there were more of those whispering voices accompanying it. Couldn't make out anything they said, but at least there was no more talk of sewing me, ass to mouth, to anyone. The rest of the night was really uncomfortable. Hard to sleep again, and I had to get up for work at 6:30. That was the most weird thing, I had this experience at around 4am, but I had gone to bed at around midnight. I never have WBTBs lead to lucid experiences after only 4 hours of sleep.

      3. Was having an odd sort of relationship with OldSparta and limitless. I just kept on kinda, going back and forth between the 2. And the scenery kept going back and forth between the beach and the dining bar at work. I was talking to OldSparta at the dining area, and that triggered lucidity (because I realized I had never met him or seen him in real life.) The scene immediately went back to the beach, and I grabbed his hand and pulled him down the beach a bit. I had plans but I woke up.

      4. I'm pretty sure Dark_Merlin and I went to prom together. Nice tux. Bad hair.

      New Dream Sign: sitting at the bar in the dining area at work. That's where I had both DILDs.
    10. Girl Don't Know What She's Talkin' 'Bout!

      by , 05-08-2012 at 06:51 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      Initially this dream was non lucid. Though it's not that unusual for me to bounce between DILD and DEILD unintentionally. So Danny and I were on our staycation again, driving downtown, looking for 1200 Commerce Street. Somehow we ended up driving down the hallway of a building, looking for the address. I told him to, so that was my fault. We found it, but couldn't get there in the car until we got the car out of the building. But the exit door was much smaller than the door we drove in, and there was no way to turn the car around in the middle of the hallway, so Danny had to lift it up some stairs. To which I replied, "Good thing you started working out again." Lol.. I don't deserve him

      At any rate, we ended up at the hotel, and he was doing god knows what, and I was on my laptop on the bed, on dreamviews. I was actually on IRC, chatting with OldSparta, ShockWave, Kraid, and Alex. And we were just shooting jibes back and forth, but I was having a really really hard time typing. The ! and ( were switched, so everytime I tried to type an exclamation point, I'd get parenthesis. And other oddities. One of them made a sexual remark about Danny, and I tried to type "Uh oh, Danny's tattoo is growing" (inside joke irl) but it was near killing me to simply type out D-a-n-n-y... then I went OHHH duuuuh, lucid. I got up, and now it was my own bedroom and I was alone. But everything was soooo bright and clear, for a change! No blindness or fuzziness or dizziness. I went to the window, but it wasn't my usual scene, the house was about 20 stories up in a skyscraper, over looking hills and dales. I thought wouldn't it be creepy if I touched the window and it vanished. So I did and it did. But I felt tethered, like on some kind of bungee cord. I kept swinging around different skyscrapers, going from window to window, looking for something to do. It was really disorientating, and I finally settled in an apartment because it had a pretty Christmas tree all lit up inside. It took me a while to get over the vertigo feeling of swinging around, then I finally stabilized. I was feeling a bit randy, and felt like having another good gender swap, so I looked around for someone hot. The living room was deserted, so I went to the bedroom door, and all 3 of my dogs appeared behind me, bugging the shit out of me. Took a minute but I pushed them away. I opened the door and there was a 60 year old woman in the bed. No. She woke up, and looked at me as I looked in the adjoining bathroom. I just told her, "Don't mind me, I'm just a little lost." She said ok and went back to sleep. I left the bedroom and headed toward the kitchen, where an ok looking blonde lady in her early 20's just entered. We exchanged "Hello's" then I popped back into the living room for just a second. (I don't want to be too vulgar here, but I gotta post this because it's soooo funny.) I pulled out my thing, then waltzed back into the kitchen to show the Blonde. She was busy putting something in the fridge, so I said "Hey, Look!" To which he replied "Oooooooo, that's just disgusting." I said ORLY? Then I told her to turn around and put her hands on the table, and she obliged. Some skipped details later, she was bending over all annoyingly, scratching an itch on her ankle, and I wasn't able to continue. Details details, I woke up.
      lucid , non-lucid
    11. TOTM aka Giraffe Ride

      by , 05-04-2012 at 06:32 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      I had an impromptu WILD this morning. Hooray for sleep and 5-htp.

      I did my usual WBTB and went back to sleep around 8am, a little on the later side for me, but I was thinking about stupid stuff. A dog barked and woke me up. I was in the perfect sleepy state for a WILD, so I just relaxed, kept my eyes closed, and felt the vibrations come on. They waved over me a couple times, then I slipped into a dream. I 'awoke' in my bed, and Daisy jumped onto the bed with me. I knew it was a dream immediately because she never does that, and the door was closed anyway. Plus Daisy was outside irl. It was really fuzzy lucidity, and I had to lay on the bed for a bit, looking over my hands until things became clear. I commanded some lights to turn on which also helped my usual left-eye blindness. When things looked good, I gave Daisy a little pat, then I got up and left the room. I went outside and flew for a little while, really low to the ground. I like flying now, more control and no vertigo. After I did that for a bit I tried to remember the TOTM. So I looked on my porch and there was a little stuffed giraffe. I almost willed a Winnie the Pooh, my true favorite toy, but I changed my mind. I thought a giraffe would be better because I could try to ride it. So I picked it up and took it into the livingroom. I set him in the middle of the floor, stepped back, and did the hand stretchy thing that I usually do to stretch my DCs back to normal size after they shrink. He grew reaaaaaaallly big! And so fluffy! I just ran up to him and gave him a hug. I was scared for a minute because I was 100% sure he would bite me. He didn't. One would think that by worrying about it, I would make it happen anyway and ruin the whole thing. Lucked out somehow. Guess DD took the night off. Anyway, I went behind him and tried to jump on his back. It was so hard to stay on because his back, like a true giraffe, sloped down. I grabbed some of his mane, and he didn't seem to mind. Then he just took off out the front door, with me constantly slipping down the back, barely holding onto tufts of giraffe hair. After about a minute I was tired of getting hooved in the butt so I got off. I flew around some more, lost lucidity and woke up.

      I love giraffes!! They're hard to ride!!

      Some stupid hat dream too.
    12. No Luck with Ryan or the Acrobat

      by , 05-03-2012 at 07:32 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      DEILD Demon messed up my lucid with Ryan Gossling. I was chilling out in his living room, and he was explaining to me how he did some kind of experiment on his testicles that left him sterile. But sex with me would somehow cure it. He was ambivalent about sex, but I kept persuading him. So he said, ok then. When he pulled down his pants, he had completely shaved EVERYthing, and only had a little nub for a penis. I was about to change my mind, when he grabbed some special medicated lotion, and started going to town with it. Wasn't long before he was completely functional. So we started to do it on the couch. I became lucid right away (usually happens during dream sex), but I thought I'd finish with him before going off and doing a TOTM or something. I reached my left hand for his face, but the bastard bit me right between my thumb and forefinger. This was the 3rd time in a row and I was getting sick of this shit again. So, with my hand still in his teeth, I pushed him down on the floor, saying very forcefully "Stop it. You need to take it easy. Niiice... eaaaaaaasy..." He shriveled to the size of a little girl, wearing a fluffy little girl dress with a stuffed animal on her stomach. I said, "Ok, now pick up your toy, lie back down, and put it on your face." (I used to do that with my son to calm him down when he was acting spastic. Once he even fell asleep that way lol.) Anyway, DD picked up the toy and threw it at me, laughing. I said "PICK IT BACK UP AND PUT IT ON YOUR FACE NOW!!" So she did, and then she reduced to the size of a tiny, happy little puppy. I explained to her/it, that when I'm lucid dreaming, it's MY personal time, and that she needs to understand that. She just wagged her tail, and made happy puppy faces. Then my other dogs appeared and I gave them all hugs and kisses. But by the time Bella my chihuahua appeared, I lost lucidity and woke up. FFFFFFfffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

      Earlier I had a non lucid dream I was at some old people's house. They had a sexy young son or grandson, in his 20's or so, who was asked to take me home. He said "Ok, but she needs to take that aspirin first." I took it, but then realized it may have been a date-rape drug, so I spit it out when he wasn't looking. We went down these looooong stairs and suddenly, he grabbed these wooden rails above the stairwell, and began doing these acrobatic moves down the stairs. I was impressssssed. Then he took off his shirt and came back up the stairs toward me, doing even more impressive moves. I was completely hopelessly turned on by his showing off. And his tan muscles. We made it down the stairs, chitchatting about something or nothing, and some other people met up with us. Including a woman in her first trimester, who peed her pants a little when she laughed. The Guy and I kept kinda touching eachother, you know, the way you do when you like someone and you're talking, and incorporating as much "innocent" touching as possible. The last thing I remember is looking at his chest, which was eye-level to me, and the cool air was giving his tan skin goosebumps and making his nipples hard. I lightly touched his chest, and he made a sigh that sounded like he was turned on, then I woke up because there was a knock on my bedroom door. FFFFFffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

      At least I'm getting laid in real life, because all that ^^ pissed me off.
      lucid , non-lucid
    13. DD You Dick

      by , 05-01-2012 at 06:02 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      Some non-lucids and lucids:

      I was in the LOST series. I was basically Kate, but it didn't start out that way. I think first I was just watching, then I became her. Anyway, after a bunch of ruckus about finding people's decapitated heads in the trash, and a monster killing people in elevators in the hatches, me and Jack were captured by the 'others'. I don't know why I [Kate] was, but they explained to Jack why they wanted him. They told him it was because he was 10% better than any other human on earth. Whatever that meant. He seemed really proud of that fact though, and I admit I was a bit turned on by the fact. And he started to appear sexier, and more attractive to me. So there he was, going on and on about himself, and I was massaging his muscular shoulders and back. We began making out.

      I suddenly became aware that I was lying on my side in my bed, making out with Jack. I knew I was in my bed, and that I was dreaming. Because I was supposed to be alone lol. And this weren't no Danny! I was really turned on and wanted to have sex with Jack, but he kept resisting. We just kept kissing, and I could feel my hand on his face, and his arm wrapped around me with his hand on my back. So I reached around and grabbed his hand, with the thought that I could place his hand where I wanted. He laced his fingers through mine, then pulled my arm toward him really hard. I sensed his transformation into DEILD Demon right away. He began growling and snarling and drooling over my arm, like he wanted to bite it soooo bad, but something was holding him back. I wasn't that upset, because usually these confrontations with DD turn into a rather enjoyable DEILD chain. I just needed to free myself. So I jerked my arm back and forth, trying to get out of his grip, screaming LET GO OF ME YOU LITTLE SHIT!!!

      I immediately woke into another lucid, where I was in a different bed in a different room. I was still screaming and wiggling for a second, which scared the shit out of a cat that was sleeping next to me in the bed. She was a cute little siamese, but she hissed at me lol. I thought she might bite me, but I guess she got over it, and curled up by my stomach. Where I guess she felt was safer than by my wild arms lol. I saw another cat that I also didn't know, sitting up on a cabinet, just chilling. I tried to will myself out of the bed, but I had that 'tired within a lucid' feeling that I couldn't escape. I closed my lucid eyes,
      and woke my real ones.

      Oh well.
      Tags: deild demon
      lucid , non-lucid
    14. Lady Gaga and A Mouth Full of Perpetual Plastic

      by , 04-28-2012 at 09:07 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      Last night - I won a talent competition by singing "You and I" by Lady Gaga

      Yesterday's nap: I saw my old friend Mary Pratt at a courthouse. She told me she married her brother. And while we were trying to chit-chat, I kept pulling these little pieces of plastic out of my mouth. But I could never get them all out.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    15. Pensive Patrick's Whale and the Shrinking Snape

      by , 04-24-2012 at 11:35 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      First I had a non lucid about Pensive Patrick's bridge and the big bloated whale. I had to cross a bridge and there was a giant bloated whale/sea creature looking thing below me. It was bloated and red and gross. And whenever I tried to cross, it would jump up at me, trying to bite me or something. Finally, frustrated, the last time it jumped at me, I put my hands on it's head and said "You need to shrink down to something more manageable." With each jump, it became smaller and smaller, and more and more like a slightly larger and fluffier version of my black lab, Daisy. Finally it was just a playful dog, and I thought to myself "I can't believe I managed that. DOH I'm lucid!" I immediately went into a building that looked motel-ish. I tried to will it to look like Hogwarts. Sadly, I was blind in one eye, and my walking was all wonky. I remember shouting for more lucidity and vividness. Finally I blacked out completely, but was fully aware that I was still dreaming and still lucid. I could feel myself in my bed, but all balled up in a way that I never am in real life. So I started to slowly rock back and forth, carefully so that I wouldn't accidentally wake up, than I was back in the motel, in one of the rooms. There was a knock at the door and it was a young Snape and some other students. I think I had been calling for him. I kept trying to make the motel look more and more like Hogwarts. It finally did look like one of those outer corridors, but then Snape shrunk down to the size of a little toy. So I did my stretch technique with my hands, which stretched him back into roughly the size of my son lol. Then I woke up.

      I had a pretty rough night actually, our ac messed up so I was hot and sweaty and tossing and turning alot. So I was happy even with just a brief lucid, and my efforts to stabilize. Plus I hadn't had a regular old DILD in a while.
      lucid , non-lucid
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