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    Percy's Void of Thoughts

    Looking for Gladiators... at the wrong age!!

    by , 09-06-2010 at 04:36 PM (630 Views)
    Looking for Gladiators... at the wrong age!! (MILD)


    Not a bad night. A long fragment, a medium long dream and a long lucid dream.


    While falling asleep I told to myself that it has been four days with no lucid, so I had to lucid dream. I started to visualize until I fell asleep.

    I was working in a big store. It was like in a Target, at the groceries section. I was working around and when ahead to a aisle where help was needed. I suggested to stock the chocolate brownies together, so people could buy more. They did and they liked how it looked. I exited the store and it was day. I called my wife and then, I went back in.

    I worked for a while until I went back to the aisle were I helped before. The manager from an old job I had (Olive Oil store) was around. She said to the co-workers that I had an awesome idea stocking the brownies all together. She told that it looked great and the customers would be happy. I knew she was trying to make me happy, as I recalled I quit the Olive Oil store due terrible management
    (plus the opportunity I got in my business) She announced she was going to smoke. A few seconds later, I followed her. I wanted to talk with her.

    I exited Target, but instead of leaving, I was in another room. This was an empty room with white walls and a pale light. I exited this room as well and I reached outside. It was night now. I did not see the manager so I decided to walk out a little bit and enjoy a 5 minutes break. I looked at my hands for no reason like I would do in waking. However, I told to my self I was not dreaming. I did not notice anything odd in my hands.
    A few seconds later, I told to myself that I was self-employed and I did not work for Target, so I had to be dreaming. I looked at my hands and the looked blurry. The dream quality was very low. I was experiencing double conscious, feeling my dream body and my physical body. I started to fly to stablize the dream. I could see a little light coming from the top of my eyes. I tried to look for that light, however, I remember that I could see the same light I see while I am in bed and my blackness glasses are not right in front of my eyes. I recalled that I when I wrote my last night, the sun was rising, so now it had to be around 7. I pushed that "darkness" down to the height of me eyes. I only saw darkness again. A few seconds later, I was able to see properly.

    I stopped to fly and landed in the street. I recalled I wanted to find Gladiators, so I started looking around. I saw an old house and entered it hoping I would find something. Inside, I saw a not so tidy living room. There were three female characters, about 14 years old each of them. They were watching TV, but they ignored me. The TV was old, but it was working. I walked around the house hopping I would find something. I went into the kitchen and a room, but found nothing.

    I found a very old school remote control. This remote was old school looking, but it had a small analog screen were I could see the numbers I was pressing. The screen was green. I tried to press a year where I wanted to travel, but this remote did not have a button that said "BC" so I could not travel to the proper year, so I threw it away.

    I saw a pool and jumped into it. The pool was super deep, but I was not worried, I knew I could breath. I checked my hands to remind me I was dreaming. I had a 6th small finger. I started to dive into the pool and it was gigantic. The scenery of the pool was like a Mario Bros underwater stage

    I started to swim and I saw a huge whirl pool in the middle. I thought that it could be a good way to travel. I went into it and when I was getting close, a voice adviced me I could die. I ignored the warning because I knew I was dreaming. I spinned because the dream was turning blurry. I got sucked by the whirl pool and I saw how I was entering the crust of the earth. Suddenly, I was at the opposite site of the world, still inside the whirl pool. I got out of they and went to the surface. I arrived in a beach and I saw a very old castle up in the hill.

    I flew to the castle and enter it. It was huge. I saw inside the castle a car repair shop. I wondered how come there was a car repair shop instead of the gladiators I was expecting to see. At the end of the car repair shop, within the castle, I saw a balcony. I hopped they would be there. I saw huge machinery, but not gladiators. I saw a small round entrance that went underground. I flew towards it and enter it.

    It was a long tunnel. It was a little bigger than me. The imaginary was very stale, so I kept thinking in the dream and moving my eyes to avoid awakening. After a while, I reached the end. I was inside a somehow dark place. It looked like a factory. The walls were gray and dirty, and there was machinery noise. I saw a few DC working around and asked them, "Where are the gladiators?" They ignored me. I remember reading about dumb DC that ingore you. I screamed a couple of times until one said, "You must get out of here and go to the mall you will find at the end of the round." The place were I was supposed to exit, had no door. I pushed the wall and it broke, so I was able to exit.

    My dream suddenly started to vanish, I knew I was going to wake up and though I was so close. While I was still in the dream, I remembered that if I would met the gladiators, it would not be valid. I had to be at the roman age, and I was definitely at the modern age, so I did not care in trying to recover the dream until I woke up.

    Missed Dream Signs:
    - None.

    Noticed Dream Signs:
    - I was working at target.

    Reality Check Performed:
    - Hand Check (failed. Turned lucid)

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    lucid , non-lucid


    1. Serenity's Avatar
      While falling asleep I told to myself that it has been four days with no lucid, so I had to lucid dream. I started to visualize until I fell asleep.
      What did you use to visualize with? Just RC-ing?
    2. PercyLucid's Avatar
      Nop. Just that turning lucid was a must. I had no choice but to turn lucid. I told to myself that I will be lucid 100% and focused on the feeling I have when lucid.