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    Percy's Void of Thoughts

    Odd Donkey Kong game.

    by , 09-06-2010 at 04:34 PM (370 Views)
    Odd Donkey Kong game. (Non-lucid)


    Not a bad night. A long fragment, a medium long dream and a long lucid dream.


    I was playing a odd Donkey Kong video game and I beat the final boss. For some reason, I had to beat the final boss again, so I did remaining untouched. I saw the credits flashing very fast.

    I saw a menu with like five different options to beat again the final boss. One was grabbing all the coins that popped out, other one you had to have a perfect game and one was arcade mode. I chose arcade mode.

    The game now looked like the very first Donkey Kong game, but a little 3D. I almost got all the way up, however, the game went to fast when I was almost going to make it that I crushed in the wall and died. I attempted a few times, but died.

    I was at home and for some reason, I had to find my cats, so I did. I found also two different cats in addition. I knew I had to go outside to find more. I saw a door by the wall, it was the first time I saw that door. I could not reached but a smal step appeared from nowhere. I was told that the step only spawned to people with good work ethics.

    I stepped and opened the door. There was a black cat. It was very big and looked like a dog, but it was a cat. The cat licked me and it felt like a dog's tongue, but the face of this animal was a cat's face.

    I saw a garden. It was date and the grass was tall. I saw a white puppy and a white cat, playing. I saw a few unknown DC playing with the animals. I knew I had to make the cats play together to accomplish something. I woke up.

    Missed Dream Signs:
    - I was playing a video game (I never play them now)
    - I was in an odd house.
    - A step spawned from nowhere.
    - The dog-cat animal i saw.

    What I would have done if lucid:
    - Head for a ToTY.

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