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    The Dream Magic Experiment

    Battles and Heroes

    by , 10-25-2011 at 04:33 PM (444 Views)
    I was on a travel. I remember SM and an airport. I was in a computer game. We were heroes with powers. We rode on a train in the mountains. Then we found that in the middle of a... sea, or swamp, the tracks were broken. The two of us fell into the water.

    I was able to land on a some broken wooden parts of the train. The water is... dirty greenish yellow. There was something in the water, so I hurried to the shore. I arrived on a yellow-sanded beach. My companion is still on the sea. I stayed away from the shore, but I saw that my companion set up a trap as soon as he reached land. I asked what he was doing, and then I saw a sea goblin (or whatever) rise out of the water after him. He caught it, and the trap prevented the creature from going back to the water, therefore weakening it. We captured it, and we got... fruits.

    After that, we ran and entered a secret base in that mountain. We played what seemed like a computer game. We play as a pair, facing monsters in 2D and defeating them. There was one character that uses a dragon-like laser to attack the enemies.

    Then it turned very real. We were fighting. We won at first, and then we lost. Everybody died, but one or two of us. One was a girl who was one of the main characters in the previous "game," and the other is a boy that wasn't the main character. The boy main character died. Now we're planning to resurrect the rest to help oppose the evil that is rising.

    I was in a building, with people who a group of people wearing business attire. They were planning the next move. They're sending us out.

    Rob was there. He gave me instructions about where to drive and find the hideout without being followed. He also suggested I don't leave the car in the target area to avoid detection. But the instructions were so complicated, I didn't want to follow them. When I went out with my accomplice, I asked him if he's going to leave his car in the area, or if he's going to go back and park the car. We both agreed it's troublesome to do that, so we parked it near the target area/hotel.

    Inside, there were a lot of people in formal attire. Then I noticed another guy. An enemy agent. I thought he was an ally at first. I walked outside, and tried to hide in the green bushes (it's veeeery green), but it wasn't very effective. I realized he might shoot me, so I ran deeper into the bushes instead of just staying near the edge to spy on him.

    After some short running, he released his powers. We were near a plaza or something. There were five floating balls (like the dragon balls). Each has different powers. I was able to fight back, and defeated him. I was stronger magically than physically. He dropped to the ground, body facing down. He said something, before he disintegrated into the ground, and his head disintegrated into the skull of a cat.

    I saw a primitive torture machine made by a primitive kid.

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