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    The Dream Magic Experiment

    Malls and Escalators

    by , 09-02-2013 at 06:10 AM (626 Views)
    1. I was in a mall. I took the escalator going down. I lied down on it and looked up to a psychedelic sky, blue, black, yellow, white, all blending in. I can't tell if it was night or day. I took pictures every 'step' of the way down. Lightning, photos, angles or angels. When I reached the bottom step, I thought of someone I tried to court recently (2 months ago), and I felt jealous.

    2. I was wandering aimlessly around the mall. I can't seem to reach my destination, but I don't even know what my destination is. There was an escalator going up, but I didn't think it will lead me to my unknown destination. I just keep walking, jumping even. I didn't feel frustrated. I seemed to be enjoying just walking around aimlessly.

    NOTE: I meditated before going to sleep for 15 minutes and watched the hypnagogic images. This might have influenced the psychedelic sky. I also thought of that person I tried to court before sleeping. Wrote a short interpretation of the dream in my notebook which proved enlightening.

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