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    The Dream Magic Experiment

    Nov 20, 2012 - Dark Streets of Home

    by , 11-23-2012 at 05:46 AM (413 Views)
    I was walking in a mostly empty street. I was going home. It was night. At first it was a street in the current city I'm living irl, but as I walked, I got lost. I passed by the street I should turn. I walked back and saw the streets were already too dark. One street has a bridge and the other has a big dog hidden in the dark. There's no light. I walked on, and chose one street. My 'mind' went ahead of me and saw my destination: our home in our hometown (not the current city IRL). That's where I will end up. I continued walking, and I'm seeing the familiar locations of homes even in the dark. There are lights inside the houses.

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    Tags: dark, dog, home, street
