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    An Insomniac's Dream Journal

    Day 105: Time Skips Are Fun

    by , 05-26-2018 at 04:12 PM (512 Views)
    Whoa, did not expect to be gone for 26 days (Around that anyway, I don't care). And I missed my 100th day anniversary, so that's a shame. But enough of that, let's get started.

    Dream 87: Bus

    Just a fragment. I remember sitting on the window seat of a bus while looking out through the window. It was sunset, and there were two girls in the parking lot, a couple. I stared at them for a couple seconds until the taller one with the shorter hair looked at me and I looked away.

    Dream 88: Educational Hijinks

    Except there are no hijinks to be found. I was just getting from one class to the other--not very interesting. This was also a pretty dull fragment.

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