Fell asleep at: 11:30 PM Woke up at: 7:40 AM Dream 111: Hitchhiker's Guide For Getting Whatever You Want Nighttime; Grandma's house. A raging party is going on outside. I'm in the living room, watching Spanish television, thinking to myself "Wow, Latino TV is lewd as hell. There are also a lot of clowns." Then I pull a tablet out of my pocket which resembles the Guide from the Hitchhiker's Guide, though a yellow one and slightly extended. It has three LED lights on the side, red, green, and yellow. It turns out to be a genie in a bottle, so to speak. And as is turns out, the three lights stand for something. Red is for 'Evil', Yellow is 'Neutral', and Green is 'Helpful'. Under the Red section one of the wishes is 'Create a clone and kill it/Create life then kill it'. I decide to use the machine to stop the party outside. Everyone leaves but they leave all their trash on the patio. Then the dream ended. Dream 112: Not Really The Last of Us The dream starts with a zombie covered in some dark green goo--which I presume is the cause of the apocalypse--chasing down a woman in her house. It pins her down on the floor and bites her ear off. I see the lights flickering on and off in the house. Now suddenly in the house, I bolt it and run away as fast as I can from the goopy monstrocity. Then the dream ended.
Day 34 & 1/2: Fell asleep at: 7:50 PM Woke up at: 10:30 PM I tried to induce a WILD as I was falling asleep, but then I got too excited and ended up postponing my sleep ten minutes ahead. I decided it was better to just leave it up to a couple mantras before I went to sleep. And, prepare yourself, this entry is going to go real dark real quick. Dream 40: Wonder Science Me and my family were coming back from HEB when we see a large van with about a thousand large cables running out of it. A large scientist-type figure (Who just vaguely resembled my old Chemistry sub) comes riding on his bicycle, which I can only assume gives power to some of his instruments inside the van. He gives us a lecture about the power of following your dreams, how he's currently doing, and tells us to do the same. He calls his particular brand of science "wonder science", in reference to how he researches and tests things that he is passionate/wondrous about. He hands us all business cards and then the dream ended. Dream 41: This is where it gets dark. Again, my increased daytime awareness has almost completely transferred into my dreams. It really feels like I'm there and that I at least have partial control over my surroundings. My vision is also no longer as blurry, a tell-tale sign of awareness. So, I'm in my sister's room, just talking to her about...Well, I can't quite remember. I even notice that my elbow is very pink-ish, and I joke about myself being a half-gum-half-man hybrid. In any case, I come to realize one of the pillows has three blood stains on it. I ask my sister about it, and when she turns around, I knew exactly what was going on. She had three cut marks on the underside of her arm. She told me something about how, specifically, she does this, and I immediately tune her out. I don't need 'that' in my life, I'm gonna go see if someone can help. I go out the door in a terrified stupor, and then the dream ended. Dream 42: Miscellaneous Nonsense A bunch of random, interconnected chaos. One scene has me (Along with two other friends of mine) descending a large well. I pull out an HUD similar to most video game creation tools and build platforms below me as I go down the long, winding well. In the bottom of the well lies a magma dome. A large, circular platform made of solidified magma surrounded by a lake of lava. For some reason, the temperature doesn't kill me within 20 seconds of being exposed. I have to connect three 'keys' into this large black obelisk before the lava rises. I do just that, plugging in three stone keys into their designated slots. I am then booted into a dark hotel room. I see silhouettes, but I can't quite make out who it is exactly. I'm guessing a man, about adult age, just sitting around in his chair.
Day 22, 23, and 24: Fell asleep at: 11:30 Woke up at: 7:00 Dream 22, 23, and 24: All of them were not really dreams in the slightest. Just random images. Day 25: Fell asleep at: 11:30 Woke up at: 7:30 Dream 25: I Now Know My Greatest Fear Walking around the band hall, it seems people are preparing for the parade that's going on today. Pfft, losers. THIS GUY doesn't need to go... But I should learn to keep my big mouth shut... I find my way to Band Hall #3, where the uniforms for the percussionists are being stored. Mocking them, I told them "Good luck with the parade, and don't get horse crap on your shoes." Walking outside the room, I notice something a bit peculiar... My right foot has now been TWISTED inward. You know that thing that happens when you get a cramp and your toes forcefully move themselves in either direction? Well that was me. But with my whole foot. I have to get to an ambulance. I hobble on one foot, desperately clutching the other as I try to make my way towards my mom's car. My reading teacher acknowledges my situation, but stoppes making fun of me when she sees me collapse on the floor. Now my entire JAWLINE is forcefully pushed to the left. I can't speak, can't move, and now I can't even see--as my vision quickly turns tunnel. For ten whole seconds I am in the worst, most painful, most powerless state I have ever been in. And then the dream ended.
Fell asleep at: 12:00 A.M. Woke up at: 9:00 A.M. Nightmare: I'm in my parents' car when I start picking at the inside of my mouth. There's something...stuck up there. So, logically of course, I pick at it with a freaking pair of scissors. I finally get that thing out (That think being a piece of my tooth); Then my gums start to bleed. I stuff my mouth inside a towel and wait for it to pass. My mouth feels numb just thinking about it...
Fell asleep at: 11:00 PM Woke up at: 6:00 AM Fell back asleep at: 6:00 AM Woke up,again, at: 7:00 AM Nightmare: I'm in my room, reading notes on this particular bug that, if ingested, could cause a slow and painful death. The scientists shown on the paper are Albert Einstein and Michio Kako for some reason, though both aren't exactly biologists. They both have opposing viewpoints: With Einstein's being grim and Kako's being optimistic. I'm drinking out of a cup of water and there I eat it. I accidentally swallowed the nightmarish bug, causing my body to slowly go limp. I inch out of my bedroom and make my way over to the restroom. I can barely stand on my own two feet, and slowly approaching death's bed. I look in the mirror, a foggy one. The whole room was humid. Someone probably took a shower before me. Anyway, I wipe off the fog from the mirror and see myself, barely keeping my head up above the sink, with droopy eyelids that show the tissue behind them. Then I wake up. NOTES: 1. A very vivid dream. I remember waking up with a sense of dread today and it took a few hours for it to wear off.
Prelude: Okay, so I had just rescued two new puppies about a few days ago. Yeah, sure, they're adorable and all that, but I don't think my mind has gotten used to them apparently. They pee and poop just around every square foot of my house in between when I take them outside to relieve themselves (Which is one every hour or two), and that stress of having to clean up after them directly ties into the dreams I've been having. Interesting stuff indeed. Fell asleep at: 2:00 AM Woke up at: 10:00 AM NIGHTMARE I'm at a house in the countryside. The sky is red and the clouds are black, indicating a sunset. Me and some people I know take refuge in the first floor of the building. The second floor is filled to the brim with bats, so we can't go there. I don't exactly know what happened while I was there, but I begin to have a flashback to when the apocalypse first began. It started during a normal school day. The flashback starts off with me and my friend, Eloy, running through the halls with a bunch of other panicked schoolkids. We discuss where or what class we should hole up in. I'm on my way to my Biology teacher, and he's on his way somewhere else. Funnily enough I was also moving in a chair with wheels while this is happening. I lose track of Eloy, and I'm stuck, alone, in a barren hallway. I lost my way and I cannot find my Biology teacher. Immediately I start bolting it, running away as fast as I can from the hordes of zombies headed my way. I have never run so fast in my entire life. "The past is dead, your fate is sealed." Music plays in my head, highlighting the intense situation I am placed in. It sounds like the Biolizard theme from SA2 but with rewritten lyrics (That quote above is from that dream song). I find the employee break room. There are a bunch of distressed, depressed teachers who have given up on survival and are waiting it out. I look through a box of appliances. I try looking for a knife to stab any zombies in the head in case one ever came by. Instead I find a pizza cutter and some cookie cutters. The dream ends not long after that, but I distinctly remember recalling my previous nightmare and how I couldn't punch or fight properly in that dream. It's possible I could have been on the cusp of lucidity.
Updated 11-26-2017 at 07:45 PM by 93490
Fell asleep at: 1:00 PM Woke up at: 3:00 PM NIGHTMARE The dream starts off with me and my family driving home. It's a bright, sunny day, nothing could go wrong, could it? Then all of a sudden my brother screams in terror. "It's a giant hand!!" He says. I look around for a couple seconds and see a huge, white hand pick up a car and crush it in its hands. It then seems to pummel the ground before it, sending us all into a deep panic. "This is it, this is the end. No. No, no, no, no, no, this can't be real!" I think to myself, utterly frozen as to what's going on. My mother swerves into another lane, cutting through some grass and to a less crowded lane. My mom floors it, but not before a strange, oddly polygonal being floats in with a plume of dust surrounding it. I don't quite remember what it did, but it killed more people in the dream. It was oddly ethereal in appearance. But, due to all the surrounding chaos, my mom crashes the car into a large rock. Flames erupt around us, and the polygonal monster is back, surrounding us in a dust devil. A large, slimy monster with a million eyes starts trying to bust into our car, towards my mother and sister. I think, "Maybe this is a dream! Monsters, you have no power over me!", but to no avail. This slimy, green monster with a million eyes starts closing in on me and my family. In a feat of rage, fright, and courage, I decide to kill it with my own two hands. I try punching it, but my punches felt weak, as if something were holding me down. I then do the most logical thing, and try gouging its eyes out. It's a disgusting display, but I wrap my hands around one of its eyes and smoosh it out of existence. I yell right in front of it as I try to inflict massive damage on this giant enemy slime. Then the dream ended. It--it felt so REAL! As if I were to die at any moment! It was quite surreal, and I was more than ecstatic to have woken up and to be reminded it was all just a bad dream. NOTES 1. This was my first nightmare I've had in months. Maybe stress? I mean, I did think the supervolcano erupted today (Don't worry, people were just burning sugarcane behind my house). 2. I remember my arms felt weak during my "fight" with the Blogg (That's what I'm calling it). Another tell-tale dream sign to many people. 3. I think I tried to get lucid, but due to the monsters overriding my power I wasn't able to get very far.