False Awakening
Day 829: Fell asleep at: 3:00 AM Woke up at: 9:00 AM Dream 119: Tooth-Conscious I'm in my house, possibly a FA, and I go over to the restroom to look at myself in the mirror. I find that my two front teeth are horrendously mangled, crooked and with a wide gap in between. I begin to freak out, wondering how my teeth got this bad. Then I woke up for real. Day 830: Fell asleep at: 3:00 AM Woke up at: 1:00 PM Dream 120: Monster Hunting I'm in a house, a moderately expensive one it looks like, almost certainly not my own. I'm sitting on the couch playing a Monster Hunter game with my family, which is odd, as MH doesn't support split-screen nor is it the kind of game my family would play. My dad, who usually wouldn't play anything more complex than Mario Kart, is complaining how we've only been killing easy monsters. So, in retaliation, I select a mission involving hunting a Tetsucabra and Glavenus at once. It absolutely wipes the floor with the rest of my family, but at this point I'm too involved with my performance to really care. As I'm soloing the Glavenus, I find something...off about it. Every now and then it will let loose a stream of blue Pikmin from its gaping maw, sapping my health away. I'm juggling between slashing it with my Great Sword and guzzling Mega Potions and getting nowhere real fast. Then the dream ended.
Didn't recall anything on Day 48, except for some vague imagery. Fell sleep around 11:00 PM and woke up around 7:00 AM. Dream counter: 59. Day 49 is when things start to pick up. I guess thanks to reading up on both Sageous's 'Lucid Dreaming Fundamentals' and FryingMan's 'Unified Theory of Lucid Dreaming', as well as Sensei's 'Thanks For All The Fish', Dolphin's 'Essentials to Having A Lucid Dream', and some ancient, long-forgotten DJs I found in the grandfathered DJ forum. Needless to say, this couldn't have been possible without them. So, thanks if any of you are reading this. Day 49: Fell asleep at: 11:00 PM Woke up at: 3:00 AM and 6:30 AM Pre-WBTB Dream 58: Lucid Once More! Riding with my family in the large SUV. From where we're going, I can recognize that we are going out of downtown and headed towards the high school, but we're going in the completely wrong direction from where we should be going. Usually we go towards the intersection on the way to school, and out of the neighborhood caught in between the school and downtown. Immediately, I get that "feeling" that Sensei elaborated on in his post, and I just went with it. No further questioning required. I open the car door and gingerly step out. I think the car might've stopped on my way out. Everything was super vivid and really bright, too--something someone would associate with a bright summer day. I don't exactly take in the time to soak it in, I'm just so excited to have gotten this far. I spot a girl by the side of a building, some stuff happens, and I then try to change up the dream environment. I woke up shortly after. Not because of a sudden "jolt" of excitement (If that were the case I would have woken up a whole lot earlier), but I think because I caught the LD near the end of a major REM period, that and I lost my train of thought sometime near the end of my lucidity. I have a system set up where, whenever I get lost in my thoughts, I interrupt whatever's going on and either observe my surroundings or do an RC. It's a really efficient system, mostly because I tend to fantasize about things on a regular basis. This is basically the only way I RC now, when I'm not being observant/aware. I really regret not having this system down-pat, as I feel it could have helped me not to lose track of myself at the end of my LD. I woke up subsequently after that LD. I walked around a little bit, pondered whether to write down the dream in my DJ, and just decided to use a mnemonic technique to remember it in the morning. I thought having a really bright phone screen in my face during the middle of the night would only keep me up. Post WBTB: Dream 59: False Awakening and an LD in one night? Nice. Pretty much what it says on the tin. I had a FA where, during the middle of the night, I got up to record my previous LD, alongside a dream I don't remember happening at any point. Dream 60: Tantalizing Trump Towers I'm in this barren, empty room with pillars and a kitchen set in the back. Everything was colored pink, or a really faded red--one or the other. Then I lost my train of thought (Or, in the context of this dream journal, pulled into the Thinkspace). It was about Trump Tower, the one situated at New York City. Apparently, the design of the tower has this window that, if directly shone upon by the sun, would then blast concentrated solar energy upon Central Park, setting it ablaze. Pretty...interesting to say the least. Dream 61: Tower Defense-Os Nothing much to this one. Just something about a tower defense game only with classes duking it out on top of a sea of milk and corn flakes. SIDE_NOTES: 1. To make this less of a headache to read, I bolded the titles for each dream. I'm always for convenience (Maybe because I'm really lazy), so I hope this helps for people who want something easier to digest.
Updated 04-04-2018 at 04:25 AM by 93490
Nine whole months since I joined this forum and I'm still a terrible procrastinator. Now you see why my User Title is the "Master Procrastinator?" So, to all future dream journal bingers out there, PLEASE don't miss more than three days of consecutive dream journalling. It really does do a number on your recall and motivation in general. Day 26: Fell asleep at: 2:30 AM Woke up at: 9:15 AM Dream 26: Pizza House Party Going over to the counter (Which has been removed in real life but not in the dream), I pick up four slices of pizza. They have a store-bought cardboard tray, but the pizza itself is restaurant-tier. I go back to the couch along with my dad, and it seems like the couches and coffee table are arranged correctly. I didn't make the connection between the two (The counter being in the wrong place but the furniture in the correct order), which no doubt would've made a solid LD. I'm not quite satisfied yet. I decide to go get some of the last pizza before everybody else does. Now there's even more pizza on the counter. Everybody else goes to get some more pizza, and I end up only getting about two slices. I think to myself, "Well, I already ate four slices, so..." and just accept it. I briefly chow down on my second helping. I go over to throw my plate away when I bump into a little white machine with a GPS monitor on it, which is situated in front of my mom's room. My dad tells me to be careful. Guy's got foot problems, and I figured whatever it was, he didn't want me touching. I walk away from it so that I wouldn't be held responsible for it. Day 27: Fell asleep at: 1:00 AM Woke up at: 8:00 AM Dream 27: Jostled by the Mob Exiting out of the hallways, I make my way into a little outdoor area within my school. An influx of students exit from all sides, all 600+ of them. All of us are headed straight for the staircase outside of the band hall. Once we get there, I begin to get jostled by a whole bunch of M's friends. I even see the girl who looks an awful lot like my friend's sister, who's the only face I can remember. We all sit down on the stairs that somehow stretch all the way across the building. Some guy is singing an overly emotional song about...something I can't quite remember. He starts picking out people from the audience to sing along, meanwhile I bust out a calculator that can somehow run GBA-era Pokemon games. Nice. The guy next to me sees what I'm doing, and motions the singer to point at me. He then stares at me playing Pokemon on my calculator and stares at it instead. He then pulls out a calculator and I begin to tink he wants to know how I got it done. Jokes on him, I ain't telling. Day 28: Fell asleep at: 4:00 AM Woke up at: 11:00 AM Dream 28: Uh...Pups? A short one. I dreamt that Nemo and Cleo took the forms of two overly large bugs, both yellow in color. I still tried to put them in their cage though. Dream 29: HANDS OFF, MAN. I'm in an unknown house. My brother is lying on the floor, minding his own business. The both of us are talking about joining a club or something when he does the unthinkable. The guy gets up, walks over to me, and crushes my babymaker something fierce. You can tell how much I wanted to kill my DC brother after that... Dream 30: AGAIN?! I was on the couch, just barely waking up from a dream. My dad and my brother are pacing around the couch, wondering who's gonna take out the pups. My dad elects my brother, who then elects me. I have this stupid half-smiling, half asleep look on my face, trying to convince them that I'm still asleep. I pull out my phone, confident that they'd be none of the wiser. Then my brother kicks me hard, again, in the one bone that matters. You can tell how much I REALLY wanted to kill him after that... Thankfully it was just a dream, so no harm done. Day 29 & 30: Fell asleep at: 1:00 AM Woke up at: 9:00 AM Dreams 31 & 32: Nothing Fragments again. Day 31: Fell asleep at: 4:00 AM Woke up at: 1:00 AM Dream 33: The Rich Get Asylum Another narration dream, this time starring the voice of DiGi Valentine. In a corrupt, poverty-stricken city, the ones raking in the dome are the owners of an insane asylum. Extortion, money laundering, and exploitation are their main methods of making money. Dream 34: T'was A Mirage I look at the TV, astounded by the fact. My 5-6 year old copy of Super Mario Galaxy 2, scratched to hell and back, is finally functional! Everything is just how I remember it. I grab the controller, but I don't like how loud it is. I lower the volume on my TV using the buttons installed on the TV itself, and then immediately, the game crashes. And then I crash, emotionally. I hate this. Dream 35: Shirtless and Witless I start off in a computer lab, the room darkened accompanied with the busying sound of keyboards clacking. The dismissal bell signals the end of the school day. I get up and go through the hallway to the school parking lot. But then I realize something, both my pants and my shirt are missing, leaving me with semi-translucent red underwear. It was bitterly cold, and I rushed back to class, using my backpack to cover up my half-naked self. Unfortunately for me, the teacher was still in the class. I went to my desk and grabbed my shirt and pants and put them on before she noticed. I waved a polite goodbye and left in relief.
Updated 03-17-2018 at 11:52 PM by 93490