Probably Not What Goat Meat Tastes Like But Whatever
, 12-28-2017 at 07:50 PM (505 Views)
Fell asleep at: 2:00 AM
Woke up at: 12:00 PM
It seems to me I am in the desert, almost keeling over due to the lack of food in my system. The "narrator" of the dream (Who sounds a lot like Oxhorn who, in short, sounds like Tom Hanks) says I am on a quest to find a "warm animal".
Apparently the temperature is so hot that animals in the desert literally cook from the inside out. I come across a dead goat, or some other creature like that, and pick apart nicely sliced pieces of meat from its body.
It tastes savory, but also something that could be served at a barbecue due to its peppery sort of taste. It's also kind of spicy, and the meat itself was reddish orange with black spots, implying it was cooked recently. It was, as expected, pretty warm for being recently cut meat from a goat's body. I snuck along a bag full of the stuff along with me.
I come across another traveller, but from this point on I don't really remember much. He talks to me about where he can find this meat, and I told him that those goats are all over the desert, not wanting to give up my share.
And the rest is all fuzzy images from that point on.
1. First time I ever engaged in taste in a dream, though non lucid. Sadly, I don't think goat meat counts as junk food so no TOTM for me.
2. Now I suddenly don't feel hungry for some reason.