Animals and missed dream signs
, 10-29-2010 at 04:17 AM (594 Views)
October 28, 2010
The injured chick (NLD)
I was at a school, and some of the cast members from the play I was just in were my classmates. I found a baby chick in the hall, and picked it up. I wanted to make sure I could put him somewhere where he wouldn't get trampled. I can't remember where that was, it may've been on a ledge or something. I remember going to class, but not much about that.
I came back to the chick, and he was wearing a splint, now. I decided it was time to release him back outside. As I was holding him, he was doing his best to escape. I ended up cupping my hands right around him until I got right outside. I held my hand out, and the little chick blinked and looked around, but didn't move. "Go on," I encouraged him. But still, he just happily sat on my outstretched hand.
I was then approached by a beautiful white fluffy duck. I held the baby chick out to her, and she took him in her beak. But before she left, she was really a white fluffy shih-tzu. I then recall overhearing some gossip that a dog ate a baby chick for lunch, and I thought, "No, no, no... that was a duck! I did not just hand over a baby chick to be ate by a dog!" and the dream ended.
Topless fragment (aggravatingly NLD)
I'm sitting in a coffee shop and realize I'm shirtless. "This happens in dreams a lot to me, but for some reason I did this in real life. Why am I walking around without my shirt on?" I thought. I'm so embarrassed by this. I leaned into the table so no one could see me.
Mike came in and sat down across from me. "What the hell are you doing?" he asked.
"Shield me so I can get my shirt back on," I responded. I did my best to wiggle into my shirt without revealing anything. Success. Dream end.
Farm fragment (NLD)
There's a farm full of different types of animals. I see my baby chick is around, with his mother duck. Yay!
But, what catches my attention in this dream, is this... dog? He looks odd. Kinda cute. Like a pug, but... not... in some way. "What kind of dog are you?" I asked him.
"I'm a pitbull," the dog says.
"You are not," I say.
Sailormoon fragment (NLD)
At a school again. In a basement area of some sort? Mamoru is down there, and the senshi and I (untransformed) find him. He says something about being attacked, and wanting to fight them. I told him we will take care of it. To calm him down, I held him in my arms and whispered-sang a japanese song to him.
It wasn't this song, but it was a lot like it...
Forest path fragment (NLD)
I was in a natural park-type area. There were certain animals that were "zoned," if you will. And for some reason, I was moving ones from one area and putting them into this other. I ran back and forth between the two areas a few times. On my last trip, I noticed some animals grouped up, staring at this one... at first I thought it was a wolf, but then realized it was a coyote. The coyote looked like he was ready to jump me. Dream ended before anything happened.