October 25, 26, 27
, 10-29-2010 at 04:14 AM (618 Views)
October 25, 2010
Nothing? Can't remember. No notes.
October 26, 2010
Walms fragment (NLD)
I'm an observer in this dream. Walms is driving a car with other people in it. They stop somewhere to camp, but the others are being rowdy and noisy. Walms is upset because he can't sleep.
Hair fragment (NLD)
I have short blue hair like Sailor Mercury's.
Raccoon fragment (NLD)
I have a pet raccoon. May have been somewhat lucid in this fragment, as I recall wondering where this raccoon came from (my city doesn't have many... in fact, I've never seen one here, and I live way out in the suburbs). The raccoon is quite well trained. Like a dog. Even scratches on the door to be let out so he can do his business.
English Vacation (NLD)
The dream starts out at a bus terminal. I'm with Jack and his parents. We chatter there for a bit until the bus comes. It has the same logos as my city's transit, which confuses me, a little.
The bus takes us to Southport (fun fact: since I don't know UK geography very well... I actually thought Southport was... well, southern. I didn't realize it was close to Blackpool. This is actually somewhat relevant... read on). It drops us off at this swimming pool. I don't recall much here, other than being in the deep end and trying to use this red ball to float. I see Jack's brother there too. I also have the strong urge to text Julia, figuring that Southport and London aren't too far from each other (ha!)... I want us to meet up. I remind myself to text her once we're done with the pool.
Jack and I spy a hot tub off to the side. On the way, I see this little girl eyeballing my red ball. I asked her, "Did you want to play with this?"
"Yeah!" she says, excitedly.
"Here you go," I said, and handed it to her. I thought to myself, "This is weird for me... now I'm the one with the accent..."
We get to the hot tub, but it's kind of weird... there isn't much to it, other than to dip your feet into, but there are also two jellyfish in there! One of them pokes his head above water, looking like
I got my feet out of the water, and the jelly fish floated towards me. It landed on me, and I held it by it's tentacle-thingies. I felt shooting pain in my arms (like the same pain you get from an electric shock), and attempted to throw it back into the water. The grabby tentacles stopped it from going very far, though, and it came back for round 2. I woke up.
October 27, 2010
I have a goal to try and complete the advanced challenge in the next couple of days, so I tried to focus on a goal of chatting with a ghost in a Victorian house (this house is a reoccuring location in my dreams, and it IS haunted. One of my dream guides used to take me there all the time).
An Extremely Riveting dream... (NLD)
Jack had to get to his mum's to help her with something, but he said he could be there whenever. I decided to plan around this, and meet my mum for chats, too. However, as the dream gets on, it's coming up to 4pm, which is kind of a let-down, because my mum won't hang out that late (for reals, she's obsessed with Warcraft raiding :bored: ).
During this time span, there was some kind of work related thing in there, but I can't really remember it. I do recall seeing Rachael, and I had a slight lucid moment where I thought, "At least I got her right, this time." (Hearkening back to a dream from a few nights ago where she appeared, but her DC didn't resemble her at all, so I had to rack my sleeping brain for what she really looks like, and change her).
At some point, I went down to a basement. It was completely bare, except for some hanging lightbulbs. I pulled each cord. Some worked and some didn't. I wanted them all to work, because if it was dark at all, then I might encounter some ghosts, which I didn't want (apparently). :sad1:
I also recall squeezing around this intentionally too narrow play apparatus of some sort.