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    Serenity's Silver Millennium


    by , 09-29-2010 at 12:30 AM (540 Views)
    September 26, 2010

    Just some fragments, today... Slept between 9am-4pm

    Theatre fragment
    I was with mum at a show. We both had iPods with us. I was listening to something with mine, on headphones, but for some reason, I kept trying to play something on hers, out loud. This guy in front of us was getting upset, and I got pissed off at him for touching mum's iPod.

    Work Glee Club fragment
    Walking through my current work site, I see this old radio classmate is there with a group of people. They are in the glee club for work, and I'm silently jealous, because I want to be in it, but because I'm a contracted security guard, I can't.

    Downtown fragment
    I'm downtown, on a street corner. I see my reflection in a shop window and notice my shirt is on inside out. I had a "sudden snap of awareness" but I ignored all the tell-tale signs to get lucid, because I was lost in thought with something.

    Picture of a lake fragment
    Staring at a blue-green mountain lake (surrounded by red rocks). The water was so clear, you could see to the bottom. At first, I thought I was looking at Warcraft graphics, but then realized it was real.

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    non-lucid , dream fragment


    1. Samael's Avatar
      Sounds like the lake fragment involved a high level of awareness. Dreams like that are pretty neat, ones where you're just looking at a scene, and the view is amazing.