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    Serenity's Silver Millennium

    More Beatles...

    by , 09-25-2010 at 08:15 PM (557 Views)
    More Beatles...

    September 25, 2010

    Asleep by 1:30-ish

    Fly on the wall
    I was watching the Beatles create harmonies to a new song (circa 1964-ish, judging by their looks). Paul was at the piano, John was writing everything down. They would each add their voice in single-y, then try it together.

    Then, I was looking through Paul's eyes, and reading sheet music while we were recording the song.

    WBTB at 5:30 (natural wake-up). Tried to WILD, but failed (I need to stop lying on my side, it's too comfy). 7am, alarm rang. Back to bed.

    This part of the morning was long, as I didn't do any note-taking, I just needed to sleep (night shift tonight).

    I was working at McDonalds. The store was in chaos, but I was quite calm. I started cleaning meat trays, prepping them for the lunch rush. I barely got through one, when apparently, orders had already been taken, now I'm the one behind.

    I tried my best to catch up, but I had to wait for fries to cook, because apparently, those all fell on my shoulders, too. I started catching up, though, by keeping my cool. However, before the dream ended, I was serving out cold food It's only McDonalds, though, so I didn't really feel too bad.

    McDonalds/Beatles fragment
    Dream chain. Ringo was working the till. I asked him if I could have small fries and drink with my meal. Paul was in the back making food.

    Evil book fragment
    Dream chain. It started out from the McDonalds. These people were being haunted by this evil book they had discovered. I think it was a book on black magic (thanks Walms). I offered to replace the book where they found it.

    I was in this stuffy and pitch black cave. I placed the book into this large crevice in the wall, and was pulling on a cord. This closed a rock wall to seal in the book, but it was like closing a window shade. I was very uneasy about being in the pitch darkness with an evil book, but nothing happened.

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    non-lucid , dream fragment
