Jules, myself and 1 or 2 others from my old broadcasting course were in this banquet hall. There were few tables, maybe 6 that only sat about 4 people side by side. Each were nicely decorated with white china, polished silver serving dishes and 3 elaborate flower arrangements for the centre pieces (3 per table). At the front of the room, there was a one-person table, similarly decorated, but it was next to a podium for a presentation. There was a projector screen as well.
Some servers were laying out things that looked like fancy ping pong paddles, each were white and decorated with flowers. Jules told us it was for if we needed something from the server, you hold up a paddle.
He said that despite the lavishness, we were all here to learn something, so have our notebooks ready. But he seemed mischievous about something.
As people started coming in, more people from my radio class started showing up. Jules was dismayed, because he hadn't meant for everyone to be invited, but it filled up the seats, and they didn't appear to be taking someone else's reserved seat, so Jules commented it was probably better that we filled the hall.
At that moment, Darren came out, and I nearly died, because it was someone I "knew." He sat down at the front table. He was hosting our lunch! He thanked us all for coming. Two other DC's (closer to my age) were giving a presentation on something as we ate, but I wasn't paying attention. I was staring at Darren.
At a break between the meal and dessert, he invited everyone to the front for questions and autographs. It was crowded at first, so I hung back. One of the DC's approached me, and started to tell me something, and the dream crumbled.
I remember thinking, "Oh, that's just fantastic, you stupid DC! You had to ruin my dream!" I chained back in. I knew it was a dream, but I didn't have a ton of control. Not that I wanted it. I just wanted to spend time with dream-Darren.
I was back in the room, but the crowd had cleared out from around Darren. I was flipping through the notebook I brought, looking for a suitable page to autograph, and they were all scribbled on with what looked like notes from work.
I found a page that didn't look so horrible and approached him. I asked him if he was still signing, and he gave me a genuinely warm smile and said of course. I wanted to tell him so many things, but I thought it would sound like gushing, so I stood there and smiled at him. He said something to me about always work hard at what I do. Hard work is what gets you places. I told him I would do my very best and sat down. I said to him, "Thank you, Darren." He smiled at me.
Dream broke, and I actually managed to chain it again.
Everyone was gathering up their things to leave. I wanted to say something to him, I wasn't sure what yet. Someone else was talking to him and was taking longer than a second, so I sat back down at my seat and laid my head down (I was feeling sleepy). I could notably see the backs of my eyelids, just the way they look in real life, when I close my eyes in a lit room. I raised my head again and he was free again. I got up and lost my balance (I almost fell backwards). Darren kind of laughed and I said, "Whoops! Inertia or something!" I was going to shake his hand, but he motioned me in for a hug. He whispered in my ear, "I remember you." I was stunned. He didn't let go of me for about 30 seconds. When we parted, he said something else, but I can't remember what it was.
Dream ended again. I chained again.
I wasn't in the banquet room anymore. I was on the 3rd floor of my building, looking at the wooden horse statue. The elevator dinged, and my neighbour, who is a bonafide medium (well, she has me convinced anyways. She's the one who confirmed who my guide spirit is) got off it. I recalled that she hasn't been in a dream of mine for a while. I was kind of flustered and told her I'd been doing some dream-chaining, I wanted to tell her about Darren. She looked confused, but didn't get to say anything, because the dream ended.
I didn't chain again at this point, it was already 10:15 in the morning!