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    1. 18/10/2015

      by , 10-18-2015 at 07:51 AM
      My dream recall has been almost nil for several days now. All my family have been unwell so I suppose I have been pre-occupied.

      This morning I remembered some small details at last:

      1) A collegue was telling me that he wanted to start running open surgeries and I remember telling him in detail why it was such a bad idea.

      2) I was going to do a finger joint replacement and was worried about damaging the vascular bundle. Eventually I worked out how to do it. I was running through the operation in my imagination.
    2. 15/10/2015

      by , 10-15-2015 at 06:50 AM
      Dream1: I am a medical student and turn up in a very old run down clinic, there's red wallpaper peeling off the walls, it's an opthalmology clinic. I hang around waiting to speak to the opthalmologist but he's examining a patient.
      Later a woman had just had a Caesarian section. I am sewing up after. I get told off for starting out with the wrong suture pattern and have to explain myself. The senior doctor looks impressed that I know what I'm talking about and lets me get on with the right pattern.

      Dream 2: In some sort of walled gardens, I'm shown all the ponds and how they are looked after. Sitting in a chair with an old friend. He goes to the shop, a woman sits in his place, but moves when he gets back and he brings back a long till receipt. We eat some food.
      Sort of muddled at this point. I'm putting a bag in a car because I have to go home but can't until much later. It's dark, cold and misty. For some reason the car is falling to pieces but I can lock the door so I think my bag will be safe. I'm going back with another friend to his flat to spend some time until I can go home and forget who he lives with and he reminds me. We spend time at his flat, I can't remember what happened there.

      Updated 10-15-2015 at 06:54 AM by 88643

      Tags: medical
    3. 14/10/2015

      by , 10-14-2015 at 06:52 AM
      Stood in a large hall, there were lots of brand new red four wheel drive vehicles around. It was announced that because of the expense of posting the company was going to give us a vwhicle each and we could deliver the post ourselves. I sat in mine, it was an old land rover, and was excited startng it up becasue it was an old vintage vehicle and felt really old.
      I drove it home and parked it in front of our my childhood home.
      I went inside it was lunchtime, then noticed the land rover had gone missing. I was looking for my father. Now the inside of our house had become2 large canteens there were lts of people getting lunch. I couldn't find my father. Everything had suddenly become miltary. I had missed lunch and the canteen staff were packing away.
      I found my father outside he had taken the vehicle on army manoevres and wasn't sure if I was actually allowed to drive it. He explained everything to me.
      I went for a walk and on coming back I wondered where everyone was as there was no-one around. I was told they were in another building nearby. I went in and there was a murder mystery happening and a dead body on the floor.
      I went outside again, it was even more military now and I was in the army. I talked to some army personnel. More vehicles were coming back from manoevres. It was evening and I was walking back to barracks and thought that I had always wanted to be in the army and was quite excited.
      Tags: driving, father
    4. 13/10/2015

      by , 10-13-2015 at 07:11 AM
      Fragment: opening a door of a flat looking out into a passgaeway, I remember that the brickwork was very ornate.

      I was in a large room. A very famous plastic surgeon was giving a talk at a podium in the middle of the room. I don't remember much of the talk, there was lots of movement around the room, I can't remember why. I wanted to go to theatre with the surgeon, he was explaining why only medical students could go with him at the moment but that he was going to make space for other doctors.
      Then the queen was going to have liposuction. I can't remember much about it. I'm not sure if it was the same dream but I also knew she was going to die in the next couple of days and was thinking about what was going to be on TV after her death.
      Then I was watching an Australian talking about the death of someone else who was supposed to be famous, but I had never head of them,and it was getting boring. He was stood outside a small building with TV cameras around him.

      I was in a small back garden my wife had sent me out and I was looking through a large rack of blankets for one particular one but it wasn't there. Suddenly there were about five fighter planes in the sky and I recognosed that they were new futuristic planes and I was really excited. I leant against the garden fence to watch but it almost gave way. The planes flew around making lots of noise. Then I realised that there was a large barn in the field behind and hundreds of people were coming out after the air display. I went back into the house which was a small flat, and lots of people came back with me.
      I saw an old friend and thought 'why didn't he let me know about the display? In the old days he would have asked me if I wanted to go with him.'
    5. 11/10/2015

      by , 10-11-2015 at 09:01 PM
      Tried SSILD again this afternoon. In the second cycle I went into a lucid(ish) dream during the visual focus phase, so within about 1 minute of closing my eyes.

      I was stood by a wall with a grass verge and was puilled towards a door with green light behind it, some sort of disco, as I went in I was saying to myself that I must hold onto my lucidity, saw a window and decided to fly towards it, took off, then got shocked at what I had just done and woke up.
      Probably the lowest grade of lucidity as I don't remember being very concious about being lucid, just thinking about it and remembering to try to hold on to it, even though I wasn't truly lucid and I didn't even really remember what that meant, and trying to fly.
    6. 9/10/2015

      by , 10-09-2015 at 07:48 AM
      Poor dream recall today. Tried SSILD last night for the first time.

      Driving a large bus, not sure why, bit of recurring theme driving a large vehicle and finding it difficult. Turned left off a main road and was in front of the library I used to use as a child and wanted to stop but an old woman was telling me that I couldn't stop there the bus stop was at the other side of the carpark so I had to drive around.

      I have waited too long since I woke up so other dreams now faded, and I can't remember them.
      Tags: driving
    7. 7/10/2015

      by , 10-07-2015 at 08:14 AM
      I was watching an outside play, it was in a desserted quarry type landscape, I was high up watching it over an army style fence. One part of the play was in the back of a truck the other outside a small building. The play was very boring.
      Then I was inside the building and I was watching a documentary about child abuse and it was quite graphic I watched a boy being almost drowned by a man, then thrown around, but it was almost like a cartoon. Then I knew the man was going to sexually abuse the boy and he told him to go upstairs.
      The next thing I was sitting with the abuser but now he was in prison and I was going to let him come and vist my house for lunch and I told him he had to behave in front of my mother. Then I felt extreme revulsion at what he had done and turned away but knew I had to forgive him.

      I wandered into a shop and looked around for a chocolate milkshake drink, couldn't find one and asked at the counter. I was directed outside to the back of the shop where there was a market selling fruit. I looked through all the boxes of fruit - it wasn't in good condition. Then I continued looking for a milkshake. There were fridges lined up against the shop wall and I searched through three of them. The dream detail was good at this point I remember seeing all the contents of the fridges in detail and feeling the cold. I couldn't see a milkshake but noticed some coconut milk and thought maybe that would do.

      It was a night of looking for milkshakes!! I was stood outside a newsagent there was a nice garden outside it, and again I wanted to go in and buy a milkshake. I went through the door it was a large wooden door. Inside it turned into a restaurant and I went over to the counter where it was really busy. I heard a woman next to me talking about medicine and asked her about it. Then I was served and I noticed the man serving was wearing a paramedic uniform, and then another paramedic came to stand next to me at the counter. We started talking and they mentionned an email I had sent when I resigned from the ambulance service and how angry I had sounded in it, I didn't remember sending an email or being angry so was quite surprised.

      In another dream I was on a London street having a lesson and remember looking up at the buildings they were covered in scaffolding and I could see inside them.
      Tags: london, milkshake
    8. 6/10/2015

      by , 10-06-2015 at 06:30 AM
      I can hardly remember anything this morning.

      Running around the East End of London with my son (?) doing something. I can remember being stood near the Thames but not much else, and looking at a mobile phone needing to be back at another location for some reason.
      Tags: london
    9. 10/5/2015

      by , 10-05-2015 at 07:30 AM
      I was in a department store which was more like a big multi-storey carpark. I was irritated that they had made the lanes so narrow. I drove to one level and bought some cigarettes (I don't smoke). the cashier was really friendly and thought I was only 18. As I paid for them they turned into a banana and the cashier said how nice it would be to relax with the banana and to smoke.
      Then I was on the top level of the carpark looking for somewhere to park whilst I waited for my wife. There were some tiny parking spots located up on the wall and I decided to try parking in one. The next bit was bizarre - I was trying to lock the car into place and I was then locking a crash helmit into place instead and then a boy's head was inside the helmit and he was my son and I started talking to him.

      I was making a salad, and my children's headmaster was watching. I started out on a cake cooling rack but it fell through so I washed up a plastic bowl and used that. Genesis was playing on the radio.

      I was crossing a road and was annoyed with a driver so stood in the middle of the road to annoy him even more, but he just drove around me. I was furious.
    10. 2/10/2015

      by , 10-02-2015 at 07:05 AM
      Found myelf driving a fire engine. I had a friend and her children with me, we had to get to a large exercise of some sort and I thought it would be a fun thing to do. It was the middle of the night. The address we had to get to was on my mobile phone. I asked my friend to read where we had to get to from the mobile phone but all she did was ask why I hadn't checked before we set off and why we were just following the fire engine in front, and refused to tell me where we were going.
      I had to stop so pulled off into a side street, then I woke up.
    11. 30/9/2015

      by , 09-30-2015 at 07:12 AM
      Can only remember one dream this morning:

      At a large roundabout just like the one we used to use regularly in my home town when I was a child. I was driving wife and children in the car, in the wrong lane becasue I thought my wife had told me to go in it, then she got cross because I was in the wrong lane.
      Turned into a street and I left the family behind, can't remember why. I was then walking looking around for somewhere to park a chair (?) and loking at placed and working out if a chair would fit in. Then I was parking the car in a private space, and changed my mind and thought I would get caught, and drove out again. It was now a street full of shops. I went into a chocolate shop to buy a cake for my daughter. I ordered a very small one and was annoyed with myself for being so mean. Then I went to look for the family and was suddenly very tall and was wandering through crowds before I spotted them.
      Tags: children, wife
    12. 29/9/2015

      by , 09-29-2015 at 07:24 AM
      I was at a football ground. It was covered and quite run down but there was a large crowd in the stadium but I was walking around the side of the pitch. I notice that it was covered by a large concrete roof and thought how tatty it all looked and noticed a lot of dust everywhere. The game had started.
      Then I was at the other side of the pitch and a very important guest arrived in a big black car and he got out, he was dressed all in white and was obviously a very rich sultan, and a trolley of food was brought along. He turned around and talked to me and I though that I shouldn't really be there.

      I can't remember any more dreams. I woke 3 times with the totem sound. No false awakenings or sleep paralysis last night.
      Tags: football
    13. Smudgefish's Workbook

      by , 09-28-2015 at 07:14 AM
      Can't really remember any dreams this morning!! But something odd happened.

      I set my totem sound (Android App), which I am using as a reality check reminder hourly, to go off 3 times between 4am and 6am. I remember it going off 4 times and I ended up switching it off at 4.45am, so I obviously imagined several of them. Once I woke up to the sound I thought I was dreaming about an evil presence in the room and I couldn't move or shout. I think I was probably having false awakenings and had a sleep paralysis but didn't realise at the time I just wanted to wake, get back to normal and get back to sleep (I had a late night and was tired) - damn I could have used it to astral project if I had clicked what was going on!

      Updated 09-28-2015 at 07:17 AM by 88643

      non-lucid , false awakening
    14. 27/9/2015

      by , 09-27-2015 at 07:16 AM
      1) I walked through a large door out of a large building onto a playing field, it was night time and foggy. I could see a group of young people walking out of the main entrance probably after a night out. I wantred to get away from them so wandered into the fog, then thought I might get lost so started to walk back. Then I was flying above the field and the people were all playing football below me, they kicked the ball up to me and I tried to kick it but missed. I was flying around and noticed I was wearing a red cagool. Then I met an old friend and was at her head height, she was very friendly and said hello with a big smile, and I thought I'm flying she must be really tall! Next thing I was back down at her feet and then I forget what happened.

      2) I was cycling down a London street, really enjoying myself becasue the road was empty and I could go fast. I went over various roundabouts, then went up onto the pavement and stopped in a very clever way next to a man. I was pleased with how carefully I had come to a stop. I cycled off the pavement again.

      3) A fragment of a memory about running around naked with some other people and climbing up a drainpipe and coming out in a room on the first floor having vlimbed through a very narrow crack.

      4) A very rich, famous, overweight rather camp man was taking myself and my children shopping (I think he was a bit like one of my old patients). He was very nice. We got into his large back limosine, then we were walking up a bridge across the Thames and down on the other side and into a shop where we were going to buy Easter eggs. I asked my wife when Easter was. I chose an egg and ate a bit of it because I was so hungry and it tasted amazing.

      5) Lying on the floor looking under a cupboard trying to work out how to fix a corner of skirting board because the last bit of wood wouldn't quite fit. Then a TV screen appeared in the cupboard and there was an old film on it and I stared at the screen. A woman walked in and lay down beside me I felt like I knew her but I didn't recognise her, I told her that I wasn't really watching the film.

      Updated 09-27-2015 at 09:56 AM by 88643

    15. 25/9/2015

      by , 09-25-2015 at 06:41 AM
      In parkland. I was watching people driving around in 4 wheel drives pretending to take part in some sort of military manoeuvres.
      I was then walking off the park when a large Star treck type spaceship flew across and landed. A large crowd of people started gathering including some friends I asked how they heard about the spaceship and it was on TV already. I tried to film the spaceship using my mobile phone but it wouldn't focus and I thought I'm never going to get proof of this. The aliens started showing a film that was really boring and I was expecting something very exciting.
      Then the spaceship took off. Next thing I saw it parked up on a remote island, Daniel Radcliff came walking past and said something about it being the second time he had been abducted.
      Tags: spaceship
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