Im not sure which dream came first chronologically. Lucid- I dont remember what the dream plot was before getting lucid, but i was on a long and wide garden path during a sunny day and there were children running around playing. The main path was long (i couldnt see the end) with lots of smaller tributary paths at even intervals with square patches where flowers grew to chest-height. the hand-size stones that made up the paths were also square. I think I was playing a game with the children + i was my male twin. I didnt do a RC, i just noticed i was dreaming. Once i realized this, I looked around for something to explore and one of the kids started chasing me (in good fun). I ran but focused on the feelings of running-the ground beneath me, the wind flying past, etc to strengthen the dream. This worked ! but then my cat woke me up or the alarm rang idk. ...opened the door for my cat and then tried to sleep a bit more before my alarm rang.... non-lucid - dont remember much about this one but it seemed significant and was (sort of) about the book im reading. I was my male twin again. I think i was playing a game gone sour between me and 'my feminine' vs another person and their opposite (i dont remember if i was playing against the man or woman). The significant thing was that the longer 'my feminine' stayed with my opponent, the more she was turned against me. I remember her changing colors from my black and blue to my oppontnt's white and yellow (or the other way around idk). She didnt look like me so I wonder who she was supposed to represent.