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    Lucid Dreams

    1. [Long and detailed lucid!] Desert jumping, wife summoning and weird dream character antics

      by , 05-01-2015 at 12:52 AM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      This must be the longest and most stable lucid I ever had! Not just that, it's the 3rd lucid in a row! I'm really hyped and pumped up about that as I really seem to be getting my old strengths back.

      I'm not quite sure where and how exactly it started but the first thing I remember was in the desert.
      I lucidly observed a guy meeting his father in some kind of shop and the father looked in utter surprise, and that surprise was utterly and ridiculously emphasized by the fathers face and eyes constantly expanding and morphing. The guy was called something like Abbot I think, and the father was called Akbarra or Akharra I think. Not really sure but all the names start with an A at least. The village I was in was called Aldiba, I'm a bit more sure about that at least.
      (The names were likely inspired by the system names of Space Rangers HD)

      Then I was outside, still observing in 3rd person. The story now revolved about a man and his wife, who were sentenced to death by starvation. They both were bound to small walls, and the were covered by a rugged piece of cloth, like half a tent, preventing anyone in the village to see them and vice versa. However the man had his brain and with that his essence/soul/whatever implanted into another person, that was also visibly shown by the person at one of the walls having an opened head and no brain inside.
      (Mind you the scene was not gory, the art style was... unique, hard to describe. There was no blood and a much more purple color to the bodies.)
      His wife however died without being rescued, and he only managed to extract her brain and took it with him. The dream did not state whether it was possible to revive her from that, so for all I know maybe it would've been possible in that dream land.

      At this point I took on the perspective of that dude, albeit the actual plot the dream followed so far was pretty much dismissed. The new body was behind the wall the man was chained to, and I had to get away from the village (Aldiba). Behind the walls the desert started, so getting away was only a matter of 200m or so without being seen. The village seemed mostly empty, however there was a wandering merchant entering the village from the left but I managed to get away unseen. At this point I jumped my way through the desert, with the jumps almost being equal to flying. There were a bunch of annoying black dogs all around who intended to attack me when I came close. The first one followed me but I jumped down a steep cliff, being rather sure that the dog would very much dislike the impact, unlike me who didn't care in the dream. Not completely sure if it followed me but I think it tried, and then stopped following for obvious reasons. I think at this point a saw a forest bordering the desert to my left.
      The next dog that tried to attack my felt my annoyance through a sand fountain propelling it very high in the air, for a certainly more than just unpleasant impact. The 2 or 3 next ones got the same treatment, albeit the fountains I called then were not as strong.
      Then there was a lost dog trying to attack me. I jumped up and raised the sand along a bit, essentially burying the dog. Now I was standing on the border to a new territory. There was fertile earth and a few plants here and there. I felt the dream fading but stabilized by taking in all the details of my surroundings, mainly by moving further, watching the plants and loudly wording the details I saw. Eventually I think a reached a point where the earth kind of was on the roofs of buildings, a rather weird but interesting sight.

      I went into a building at some point and here a lot of stuff happened of which I'm not completely certain in which order it happened.

      I was in a staircase, and there was an elevator door, it was a normal single metal door which a big piece of glass allowing to look through. It looked somewhat dark and sinister. I considered breaking in and using the elevator or the shaft to get around but decided against it.
      I'll describe the staircase structure from the point standing in front of the door. In front of me is the elevator, directly left to that were stairs leading down, directly right of the elevator were stairs leading up. 90° right and left from me were hallways to the rest of the building I think.

      I was on a in between level and there were a bunch of dream characters. For some weird reason I thought about turning that place into a living space which... didn't make very much sense.

      Eventually on that level I decided trying to summon my wife for shared dreaming. The dream actually gave me an interface, listing her artist name. The interface obstructed like 80% of my view. I looked at it and eventually found a summon button on the far left. After clicking it a piece of color was gone from the button, stuck to my finger as a small piece of paper. I consciously took notice that the dream basically giving me an interface made out of paper, which I found funny and interesting. As nothing happened yet I clicked the button again. Eventually she was summoned in a very fiery and somewhat flaming form, albeit the dream/my subconscious/something realized that it was not possible to actuall drag her into the dream and the avatar was replaced with... Samus Aran in her Varia Suit, albeit a somewhat more gray variant. I followed her, instinctively knowing though that I didn't manage to summon my wife. We ran past a bunch of people and my mother, or at least her voice asked me about the severe injuries of someone. That someone had his butt injured (butthurt pun? I wasn't butthurt myself though so no clue what or who...) but I didn't particularly care and responded that I knew about it, but didn't care, not intend on getting dragged into the pace of the dream characters and their weird antics. Eventually though the dream faded and this time I couldn't stabilize it again.

      However it felt like a good 30-40 minutes of lucidity all in all, which is amazingly awesome.

      3 days in a row I sleep with Chakra aligned minerals beside my bed, and 3 days in a row do I get lucid. Did the minerals help? I have a healthy amount of skepticism, but the results really speak for them self and the speak is more than just a bit statistically significant. Whether they 'purify my energy' or just cause a positive psychological reaction, I'll believe in the positive results.
    2. WILDing from an uncoscious state into a white room

      by , 05-01-2015 at 12:09 AM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      Actually the title mostly sums it up already, the whole dream started with me kind of WILDing, albeit it wasn't actually a WILD as I did that from an unconscious sleep state. It's interesting to start a dream like that though. I was lying in a white room (totally unlike my actual room) and I tried to stabilize and get further into dreaming, and only in the beginning did I believe for a short moment that the room was my bedroom. I remember a slightly changing and weird shaped lamp or something in the room, I also think there was a large wood wardrobe.

      Important to note, I had this dream yesterday, giving me 2 dreams in a row now, the last time that happened... I don't even know, it's been years.
      Tags: 1st person, day
    3. Parallel dimension company

      by , 04-28-2015 at 07:05 PM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      I'm not perfectly sure where precisely this dream started. I was together with a very large group of people in a 'company'. Actually this 'company' was just now being built, it was being built in an entirely separate dimension from ours, that began empty, but eventually the building, the parking lot, and indirectly also a beach, an ocean and a sky where created.
      There was this one girl which had black hair, at first. To be honest everyone had black hair but that was a cloaking from the normal human society, their true hair colors where all somewhat purple or lavender. Her hair was lavender and she seemed to have a strong love interest in me, and it felt that while we were sitting in a train her interest in my calmed down, but I became interested in her. We arrived in a parking lot where I became weirdly
      lucid and parked a car by making it fly, though I really had to consciously fill in a lot of details which were not filled in by the dream (like sitting in the car, opening the door, and how I should be placed while doing these thing). Then the dream faded.

      To be honest, I've been playing around with layering crystals close to my bed while sleeping, I picked the crystals according to Chakras, because why the hell not, the worst that could happen is nothing. Two of the stones I picked were the Atlantisite and the Tiger Iron, which previously had brought me the dreams with the purple haired dream demon Maya.
      So the same stone helped along with putting 3 things into my dreams, more lively and engaging people, love interests and purple hair. My conclusion is that there is a high statistical chance that the crystals or at least those two had a positive energetic or at least psychological effect. I'll resume the experiment, hoping the positive effects won't fade, like usually all things of the kind do for me.
    4. Night glass facade, and summoning Ryuuko

      by , 04-28-2015 at 06:47 PM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      I was in some huge building, it was night and dark. I've been standing on some kind of ledge in the building and there was a huge glass facade in front of me. The floors were not actually connected to that wall, but rather one could fall down right beside the glass facade. On the facade there were weird crane/elevator like bots. I thought about reworking on of them in some way as I felt some danger from outside the building. Then I become somewhat lucid, and for some weird reason decided to summon Ryuuko (my dream alter ego) which carried me down onto on of the levels, which quite frankly didn't make sense.

      Unfortunately I only knew that I summoned Ryuuko, I didn't even see her.

      Updated 06-10-2017 at 11:03 PM by 48127

      lucid , non-lucid
    5. Lucidity mirror and turning into Gardevoir

      by , 04-28-2015 at 06:36 PM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      This dream was... weird, specifically weird. There was some kind of cupboard or so, and in one of the shelves was essentially a wall, like a mixture of a mirror and water. In the dream I've put my face through this material which caused instant lucidity, and oddly enough made me immediately consciously turn into a Gardevoir (yes, the green and white Pokémon). My face which I could see reflected looked already a huge lot like a female Gardevoir with some human features left when the dream already faded.

      Updated 11-14-2016 at 09:22 PM by 48127

      lucid , non-lucid
    6. Driving from the backseat

      by , 03-26-2015 at 03:08 PM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      So... in this dream I was driving a car from the backseat as if it was normal. Then the police stopped me and I freaked out a little, realizing that this was probably illegal. The whole weirdness of the situation made me do a nose pinch reality check, and the policemen (there were 2 but I only properly saw the face of 1) gave me a strange look. I didn't believe this was not a dream so I did another nose-pinch reality check, this time it worked and I knew I was dreaming. Now the policemen gave me an oddly satisfied look and then the scene switched, and I was suddenly in some kind of artificial cavern underground, though natural light came in through places in the ceiling. I spent the rest of the dream really taking in the details touching and manipulating the sand on the ground, appreciating how real everything felt.
    7. Flying up high and walking on metaphorical water

      by , 12-26-2014 at 08:20 PM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      Partially due to technical issues, mostly due to laziness and a lack of time I procrastinated posting this dream.

      In the dream I became lucid and had to struggle with trying to control the dream and flying for a moment, then I managed to get through a window and I fly up into a beautiful blue sky, then I saw myself from above and zoomed out further, somewhat like in the game Spore. The dream felt rather awesome. Then I found myself walking on some water and wanted to fly higher, but then I realized that the water was just a metaphor or the highest plane I could move up to at that time.
    8. Elevator escape and a Dreamsphere Chronicles attempt

      by , 11-06-2014 at 09:37 PM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      As far as I can remember the dream began with me being chased by something or someone inside of a big building. Once again its dimensions were not from this world, it had 6 or more elevators in the middle and an absolutely exceptional spacey staircase. There was stuff and garbage lying all around and in order to get to the lower levels to escape I had to remove the garbage, for whatever reason. I apparently couldn't use any stairs, or didn't have the idea. Eventually I arrived at level 2 in an elevator, and realized something odd about the dream, pinched my nose and realized I was dreaming.

      The elevator opened to a maintenance shaft, through which I floated instead of crawling. I turned around once, not sure why, but the path behind me did not change at least. I exited the building but was still rather high above the ground, a dangerous or deadly height for a normal human. I thought about turning into Ryuuko, so I did that and glided down there, the place was somewhat industrial yet rural. While flying I saw myself from behind for a short moment, and again Ryuukos scales were mostly green, this time however the inner parts of the wings were a flashy blue. I looked at my hands, I could see the claws but the proportions were off, the fingers had totally wrong lengths, which I could fix however. While they were largely covered in green scales, the insides of the hands looked rather human in color if I remember right. I landed on something container like and I thought about trying to breathe fire, but remembered I didn't have the skill and needed some skill points from quests and the likes to enable it. There were a few people close by (I think they wore cloaks or something along those lines), so I tried talking to them but when I was asking for a quest I suddenly couldn't talk anymore and
      woke up with a rather dry mouth. Meh.

      Well, I tried to stabilize a little with my mind but I think I should've paid it more attention. Also next time I turn into Ryuuko I should try to not just adapt to her body, but her mind as well. In the beginning of the game there'd be no way she'd just go to random people and ask them for a quest. Next time around I should ask the game, the dream itself for a quest or something like that. Also the transformation was not complete again, I forgot to add the 6 tentacles on her back. Also I was obviously not in Cardia, so I need to fix that next time as well.

      Updated 11-06-2014 at 09:51 PM by 48127

      lucid , non-lucid
    9. Lucid in the dream of someone else...

      by , 10-11-2014 at 11:20 AM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      ...or at least that's what the dream and my behaviour claimed.

      I remember sitting together (with people unknown to me) in a room that was rather bleak and normal, a weird exception to my dreams, where (as I noticed upon writing this) most of the few not-fancy rooms tend to be my fake bedrooms. We were talking about stuff, but I can't remember what. Eventually I realize I'm dreaming, doing the nose-pinch RC to fully confirm my suspicion. For some reason I tightly believe that I'm in someone elses dream, and thus I have less control than usual, and I'm not trying to act up either. The scene breaks as somehow the room is filled with water and I'm busy keeping someone above the water...

      And here comes the odd part, I both remember waking up for real after the dream, and I remember it continuing in a way I can't quite chronologically put the waking up after. The rest of the night is a weird blur of things, not really typical for me and my usual direction and type of dreams.

      And whether I was in someone elses dream... I don't think so. I mean, there were some very atypical things in there I could imagine coming from somenoe else rather than me, and I don't consider it impossible, but if I'd have to take I guess I'd still say it probably was just me being fooled by my dream mind.
      Tags: 1st person, day
      non-lucid , lucid
    10. Falling elevators, an awesome panorama and being interrupted while lucid again

      by , 09-25-2014 at 03:39 AM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      Today I had a fairly interesting dream in which I even became lucid! What a darn fuck I've been awakened to instead waste more life, time and health in the company... Anyway,

      I was in some rather huge complex which was located in the sky, far above the clouds. It might've been roughly inspired by a documentary about the Sony center in Berlin I saw yesterday in the company. The construction largely consisted of mostly golden metal strands, with mostly glass and/or transparent materials for grounds and walls, so the clouds could be permanently seen from anywhere. I remember there was some event going on, and for some reason Sasuke could be heard, expressing his hate for purposeless people. I was distrusting the elevators I used and eventually one elevator stopped one level below the place I wanted to go out on, just that there was nothing there yet, so as the doors which were transparent anyway opened I looked down onto clouds and a long fall. I was somewhat scared (not much though) and then the elevator started dropping. It was a really long fall though, so there was plenty time to stop it, and I was talking about fixing it with some voice, and eventually it was fixed in time.

      I already was close to the ground where an astonishingly awesome panorama greeted me. It was rendered at first in the old FF8 style, I was probably on some cliff, close the ocean. Ahead of me was a big yellow platform on which I controlled some characters in FF8 style, I think there was another platform behind it, smaller and slightly to the right. Further ahead was either another island or a part of the one I was standing on, connected through the land I saw at the edge of my vision to the left. My vision also seemed to be wider than in real life. Where the beach of the opposite piece of land would've been was a stone construct with water pools and creeks, with repeating patterns.

      I've been taking in the awesome sight which grew increasingly realistic, making me lucid by sheer awesomeness and feelings!

      My fear from the situation with the elevator before turned to its opposite and I jumped down the cliff, gently gliding, until the alarm wakes me midflight...

      Updated 09-27-2014 at 11:15 PM by 48127

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    11. The first lucid in a long time where I remembered my goals and the reason I hate my job

      by , 07-16-2014 at 12:20 AM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      Today I slept throughout many shorter and longer phases, until this morning I actually became lucid in a dream, pretty much right at the start, used the nose pinch reality check.
      I was in a long corridor, and as typical for my dreams the building style was rather unique, while I remember the feeling and the looks, I'm not really sure how to describe that. What can say though is that it was rather dark and there were green colors around, with light primarily coming through the ceiling from the outside at one end of the corridor. I also remember my girlfriend being behind one of the doors, but there was no real interaction. I stopped for a moment, and closely thought about what I should do now, and I came to all the right conclusions I long since had in real life, YES, FINALLY!
      Well, I went through the corridor, I think away from the bright spot, into some kind of staircase room, there was a small window at the sloped ceiling which I wanted to open so I could fly outside where I would do my stuff.

      Just that right here my friggin alarm rings, because of my apprenticeship, and it rips me out of the first all around promising lucid I had in 2 years. I can hardly express my anger in words, and I shall not try for the sake of keeping the cursing in bay.

      Updated 06-10-2017 at 11:05 PM by 48127

    12. The (much too short) apocalyptic view and some uninteresting stuff

      by , 07-13-2014 at 07:58 PM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      Another lucid dream, once more proving to me at least some parts of me seem to be regenerating. Or not decaying further. Either way...

      ...the first part of the dream I can recall begins with me being in some kind of 'mall'. While it felt and was treated like a shopping mall, it much more looked like a home, that was maybe a little bigger than an average house. The interior was largely gray with some white, relatively normal I'd say, it didn't look fancy but acceptable by my standards. I remember the living room, there was someone I didn't know, a Playstation (1) and a staircase when walking through the room, which felt very spacious as it was connected to the other rooms, no doors or stuff that made you feel you changed the room.
      I eventually walked up the stairs, and remember a more white kitchen like room, with an silver oven placed at an convenient height to work with. Somehow I felt and noticed that the dream played during a different time than reality, I was somewhat in the past, and first upon realizing that planned to make use of it to change things for the better.
      I'm not quite sure what happened, or how, but then I'm standing on a small ledge, outside of a building, 20 m above the ground or something. The view I saw was... absolutely amazing, apocalyptic and dark. A feeling emerges I couldn't describe, a more valuable experience than I could ever get from watching even the most emotional movies in real life for hours. I'm falling down and I
      realize I'm dreaming, I feel relaxed and fine.
      I'm in a big zone, I don't even know what it was, a train station, a building, maybe just an open place with some constructions. I was testing around with gravity, and again I also was flying a little. My girlfriend was there as well, she asked me if I was still dreaming, I did an reality check and replied that I was of course still dreaming. After some more time of being lucid but somehow doing nothing fancy I felt my focus fading for a moment, then I woke up.

      Man, if just for once I would actually start doing something relevant upon becoming lucid...
    13. Big forest mountain

      by , 06-23-2014 at 10:44 PM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      This dream likely started somewhere earlier, but I have a gap in my memory here.

      The first thing I remember was that I was flying a few meter above the forest of a ridiculously huge mountain, it went down at an angle of around 45°, and I was aiming for a very certain person, which was marked with a blue symbol in my vision. There were a few trees which were higher than others, the color was a dark, strong green and it was a bright and pleasant day. Soon I reached the bottom, and barely managed to stop without colliding with anything since I picked up quite a pace. Down there also was one exceptionally big tree. I landed gently, the ground was covered with some very light gras patched. Somewhere here I became lucid, once again through realization only. I didn't really do anything fancy though and lost lucidity fast. From here I only remember I found the person I was searching for and sat down on the table were he/she was waiting. The table was big enough fo 6 people and there seemed to be more tables and other things around.

      Well, I wish I would've stayed lucid so I could've made something out of it, but I got lucid again after barely more than a week, so now I'm definitely sure that things are looking up.
      lucid , non-lucid
    14. Invasion, thunder- and meteorstorm

      by , 06-15-2014 at 11:15 AM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      Most impressively I had yet another lucid, barely a week later than my previous one! This seems to bode well for me, as I expected my next lucid may very well be another full month ahead.

      I was close to some kind of mildly futuristic building which spannd one half of my vision. Behind my was a huge plane, surrounded by trees in the distance. There was some kind of invasion and a huge amount of lifefrms trying to kill me, and I had an somewhat awkward fight, where I eventually crawled over those that were standing on a ramp, outside the building, that ramp was right outside the building, the first part going towards the building before making a 90 degree turn and connecting to a protruding platform of the building. There eventually I came to some kind of truce with the attackers.
      [Small gap where I'm not sure what happened]
      I'm still at the same place, the invaders now gone, and I think someone else was close by. I was looking into the plane, the sky was clouded and an eerie light was emitting from above. Thunders started to appear, with a strong red color and I enjoyed the view, then a cluster of meteors came through the clouds, somewhat startling me, but also making me realize
      I was dreaming. I tried to call forth such a meteorstorm again, but instead saw some phosphenia like stuff, though I felt I was close. I was walking away from the plane, probably through the building into some kind of empty city, trying to recall what exactly I wanted to do in my lucidity, but failing in doing so.
      Eventually I had a false awakening after which I was talking with my girlfriend about something.

      But hey, at least I tried to remember, now I have to work on being able to do so next time.
    15. Nonsensical missile, flying and a mountain panorama

      by , 06-06-2014 at 11:07 PM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      My last lucid was already weeks or months ago, and my last lucid with good control and details was defnitely months ago.

      It began with some kind of event, it was night and there were many people in something like a stadium. There was some kind of woman with a deo-spray goblet (WTF...) on a pedestal, closely surrounded by people. During this part of the dream I was not yet existent and only observed. The woman flew away with a missile and some dude clung to her missile with a rope. He wanted to get up to her, there was some dialog I could remember, but honestly it was pretty nonsensical stuff, like comments from the dude about the age of the woman. He eventually stopped on a clocktower or something, held the missile and let it rotate around the tower so it would speed up and he could get up to the woman. The physics here we're pretty broken.

      Eventually one of them, the dude I think, dropped down from the missile into the city. I then assumed his position, searching for the woman, but there was no one anywhere in the city. I came around a corner, it was day again, the street was empty, and there were boring buildings to both sides of the street. My mind suddenly became a lot more clear, I wanted to do a reality check, but considering the events that previously happened
      I knew that I was dreaming and no RC was necessary. Instead I focussed on stabilizing, imagined wings, flapped my arms and started to fly, immediately it was like the gravity was largely negated for me. I couldn't properly imagine the wings but kept on trying to train myself a little. When I flew up I got to see an absolutely astonishing panorama of nature with mountains and greenery, the closest mountain had a sharp stone peak at the top, but none of the mountains were covered with snow or something like that. I could see at least as good as in reality, maybe even a little better. I kept flying for many minutes until my mind got clouded a tiny little bit again. I flew into a building, probably a school, and there I met a particular weird monster with a magic wand (both from UT2k4, the so called magic wand is a different version of the shock rifle). It fired at someone and I planned to rob the weapon from it, but then I lost my focus on the dream for a moment and woke up. It somehow was similar to dropping something out of carelessness, I might've been able to continue the dream otherwise I guess.

      Unfortunately I didn't remember any of the things I wanted to do in my lucids, and so only flew around.
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