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    Hanging with Barak and Arrested

    by , 07-19-2011 at 07:45 PM (599 Views)
    I'm hanging out with Barak Obama back stage at a big rally. He's paralyzed with nerves and is speaking in a very hoarse voice. Eventually he runs up on stage and I am trying to hold open a door for Michelle. This is a metal stadium door with a hydraulic close lever. As I hold it the door grows 50x50 feet away from me, so now I'm just this tiny thing holding down a giant door. The door is closing around me and falling over the top of me. I want to hear the speech the President is making but this door keeps attacking me.

    I give a this lady I know a ride home from the rally. She leaves her phone and camera in my car. She calls me from someone else's phone and has me look through my car until I find it. My car is a mess. I find the phone but not the camera. I leave the phone at her apartment complex.

    Driving home I get pulled over for running a stop sign. The cop is riding with my friend Amy. She looks in my car and sees a small blue wire coat hanger and starts to freak out. She says it's the same hanger that her niece had with her when she was abducted. The cop starts to arrest me and I am defending myself, saying "look if that's the only evidence you have there's no reason to arrest me. I've never even met the girl, my car is trashed, if this was true there would be evidence all over it."

    My lawyer shows up and it's a shirtless hippy with a soul patch. He's just telling me to go with it while he cleans trash out of his car. He's looking for something that he can't find. I ask him if he needs gas money to get home and he snaps that he has plenty of gas money, just because he looks like this doesn't mean he doesn't bill by the hour.
    hashmash89 likes this.

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    non-lucid , memorable


    1. superchaz's Avatar
      lol nice