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    Idea: Meditation To Practice Walk Control (Sensei's Post)

    by , 03-14-2023 at 08:05 PM (182 Views)
    I came across a 2015 post by Sensei about active versus passive control:

    In there, he makes an analogy about walking to the fridge and how that is a simple learned behavior for us, but challenging to his son who was taking his first steps. In a similar way, confidence and skill to achieve lucid dreaming goals can be attained.

    Memory control is a similar idea, but has an obvious flaw: when one is doing something new there is no memory to pull on. Sensei suggests (if I am understanding correctly) to essentially pretend there is a memory of yourself achieving whatever goal that is.

    My idea to execute on that is to visualize myself practicing something like Firebending from Avatar: The Last Airbender while meditating normally. This can then serve as the memory needed to achieve actual dream control in a lucid dream.

    Thanks Sensei!

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    Updated 03-14-2023 at 08:18 PM by 99808

    side notes
