#151 - Hardcore attempt at DEILD
, 11-06-2015 at 10:20 PM (649 Views)
Intensive DEILD attempt 1:
I set my alarm to go off at 2 for a WBTB and to empty my bladder so it wouldn't distract me when I woke up for DEILD later in the night. I then went back to bed quickly and tried doing some SSILD cycles, but I think I fell asleep on the first long cycle O_O. I seem to remember waking up too soon and tried getting back to sleep again (my alarm for DEILD was set to go at 3:30am and every 15 minutes after to a total of 8 times) so I turned off the first DEILD alarm to give myself more time to fall asleep. After that I managed to wake up several times to the sound of really loud rooster screeching 'COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO!' next to my pillow. It think I'll change this tone because it became seriously annoying. I did manage to lie still atleast 3 times upon waking up I think, but I didn't stay still. I always ended up moving. Also I had poor recall because of this and ended up sleeping in.
I can't recall the order of all these dreams (except the first and last one)
Dream 1 - FA?
I remember waking to the sound of my alarm at 2 and rolling around and getting up but it was crazy weird because I thought I was in a dream. The feeling I had as I woke up was like deja vu. I think I woke up as my body was about to enter REM which gave me this weird feeling (not really a dream but oh well).
Dream 2 - Script
I remember a vague dream about the dream occurring in a dream script. Imagine reading a book and then imagining what's happening as you read, that's pretty much what this dream was like. I had done a bunch of reading before going to bed, it was like a block of text was scrolling up and there were these supporting images forming in the background that played out the story.
Dream experience: 4 (unique)
Dream awareness: 0 (completely unaware)
Dream 3 - Compare and contrast
Me and another person are in a room, not very detailed and everything isn't that focused. We're talking about something and comparing them together, but none of it makes any sense really.
Dream experience: 2 (pretty uneventful)
Dream awareness: 1 (emotion)
Dream 4 - Drawing book
I seem to be at my parents house with my family somewhere around. There are 2 parts to this dream, 1 where I'm 'awake' and another where I'm doing the same thing but in a 'dream'. In the first part I think I'm in the lounge and I have a book out. It's pretty much related to schoolwork where I'm doodling out these boxes and filling them in with time lapses to illustrate a change over time in something. The first one was to do with whales. It was a box divided into 4 segments and each depicted a whale going from one stage to the next. I think there were 3 other boxes with diagrams depicting other concepts (I had a feeling they were geology related) though I only saw 2 others and without enough clarity to make out what they were. The next part of the dream I'm 'asleep' and I'm dreaming out the same scenario in the house, this time my daughter is there though and I'm showing her what I've done. I put the book down on the ground and open it up and I can show four pages at the same time (this should be impossible since a normal book can only show 2 pages (left and right leafs)). My parents come and tell me that it's time to go, we're going out somewhere tonight I think, probably dinner.
Dream experience: 5 (longer with 2 'parts' - kind of unique transition)
Dream awareness: 3 (I had some inkling of a feeling that I was present, as well as being able to focus on details)