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    Fragment of Dreams

    1. #151 - Hardcore attempt at DEILD

      by , 11-06-2015 at 10:20 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Intensive DEILD attempt 1:
      I set my alarm to go off at 2 for a WBTB and to empty my bladder so it wouldn't distract me when I woke up for DEILD later in the night. I then went back to bed quickly and tried doing some SSILD cycles, but I think I fell asleep on the first long cycle O_O. I seem to remember waking up too soon and tried getting back to sleep again (my alarm for DEILD was set to go at 3:30am and every 15 minutes after to a total of 8 times) so I turned off the first DEILD alarm to give myself more time to fall asleep. After that I managed to wake up several times to the sound of really loud rooster screeching 'COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO!' next to my pillow. It think I'll change this tone because it became seriously annoying . I did manage to lie still atleast 3 times upon waking up I think, but I didn't stay still. I always ended up moving. Also I had poor recall because of this and ended up sleeping in.

      I can't recall the order of all these dreams (except the first and last one)

      Dream 1 - FA?
      I remember waking to the sound of my alarm at 2 and rolling around and getting up but it was crazy weird because I thought I was in a dream. The feeling I had as I woke up was like deja vu. I think I woke up as my body was about to enter REM which gave me this weird feeling (not really a dream but oh well).

      Dream 2 - Script
      I remember a vague dream about the dream occurring in a dream script. Imagine reading a book and then imagining what's happening as you read, that's pretty much what this dream was like. I had done a bunch of reading before going to bed, it was like a block of text was scrolling up and there were these supporting images forming in the background that played out the story.

      Dream experience: 4 (unique)
      Dream awareness: 0 (completely unaware)

      Dream 3 - Compare and contrast
      Me and another person are in a room, not very detailed and everything isn't that focused. We're talking about something and comparing them together, but none of it makes any sense really.

      Dream experience: 2 (pretty uneventful)
      Dream awareness: 1 (emotion)

      Dream 4 - Drawing book
      I seem to be at my parents house with my family somewhere around. There are 2 parts to this dream, 1 where I'm 'awake' and another where I'm doing the same thing but in a 'dream'. In the first part I think I'm in the lounge and I have a book out. It's pretty much related to schoolwork where I'm doodling out these boxes and filling them in with time lapses to illustrate a change over time in something. The first one was to do with whales. It was a box divided into 4 segments and each depicted a whale going from one stage to the next. I think there were 3 other boxes with diagrams depicting other concepts (I had a feeling they were geology related) though I only saw 2 others and without enough clarity to make out what they were. The next part of the dream I'm 'asleep' and I'm dreaming out the same scenario in the house, this time my daughter is there though and I'm showing her what I've done. I put the book down on the ground and open it up and I can show four pages at the same time (this should be impossible since a normal book can only show 2 pages (left and right leafs)). My parents come and tell me that it's time to go, we're going out somewhere tonight I think, probably dinner.

      Dream experience: 5 (longer with 2 'parts' - kind of unique transition)
      Dream awareness: 3 (I had some inkling of a feeling that I was present, as well as being able to focus on details)
    2. #148 - bad recall

      by , 11-03-2015 at 09:39 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Dream fragment - I remember there being something about a friend called Jamie, whom I was ignoring for reasons. I think we might have been outside near a car and I didn't really want to talk to him.

      Terrible recall, I went to bed at about and hour later than usual and none of my DEILD alarms woke me up. I think it's kind of related to the physical exertion from yesterday, which usually leads to me having deeper sleeps during the following night. I also felt like my awareness in ADA was lacking yesterday, like I was tuning out of everything more often and couldn't maintain focus on my surroundings without some internal dialogue distracting me.
      Tags: jamie
      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    3. #147 - Poison caterpillars / Family Guy / FA / Trippiest dream ever

      by , 11-02-2015 at 10:21 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)

      Set up a DEILD alarm for 1:30, 3:20 and 5:10 last night, trying different alarm tones for each. I found that the 'rooster' sound woke me up but the others didn't. After kind of putting off dedicating effort into DEILD I decided last night that I'd give it a proper try, so when I woke up I actually managed to lie completely still with my eyes closed. I remember reading some advice somewhere that you should focus on a point, so I focused on the centre of my forehead. It kind of felt like meditating in a way. I decided that it was a good enough attempt for the night just knowing that I could do that if I wanted to, then I got up for a WBTB.

      Dream 1 - Poison caterpillars
      This dream was pretty interesting, I woke to the 3:20 DEILD alarm and tried cementing it to memory which I found a bit easier than I would if I had moved around. I was in a room at night time, my friend John was here too and we seemed to be in a survival kind of scenario. We had to go to sleep for the night so we each had our own floor mattress and bedding. I lay down to go to sleep but at some point in the night a friend from back home called Fraser showed up. He was the guy we were trying to survive against. He placed these caterpillar-worms on us that were tiny at first (~1cm long), but soon grew to be maybe 7cm long. They poison you just by touch and have these alternating purple to green bands along their body. I remember one crawling on me and thinking that the touch of it was stinging. Fraser came in and took the grown up caterpillars, like it was supposed to be every ones goal to get them (like a quest item?). I was pretending to be dead I think so he wouldn't notice I was still alive despite being poisoned.

      Dream fragment - anime artist?
      I remember a group of people on a sunny day walking down a pathway by the road and they were somehow related to anime/manga. Possibly the artists who make it

      Dream 2 - Family guy
      I remember having a dream where I think I might have been Bryan from Family Guy. The dream was telling the story of how Stewy and Bryan met and how they came to become a part of the Griffin family. Apparently Stewy was adopted alongside Bryan it seems. I think I (Bryan, who at the time I called Mike because I forgot his actual name) went to a one-off job. I met Stewy there who I seemed to hit it off really well with, we ended up become tight comrades and somehow headed off on a journey together in a car (feels like third person during this so I don't think I'm Bryan anymore). They end up getting adopted into the Griffin family which I find weird because I thought Stewy was born as a Griffin.

      FA - I seemed to remember writing 'Stewy and Mike' into my phone so I could recall the dream later, but when I woke up later on and I looked at my phone... there was nothing! Dun dun dun!

      Dream 3 - Trippiest Dream Ever
      I'm lying in bed in the middle of the night surfing the internet on my phone. It's the first time looking at a screen in a dream where it isn't actually in 'full screen'. I think I come across some music website. Basically it has an artistic anime-style kind of epic drawing. The whole background has this intense vividness to it, which was hued in a surreal purple colour. It has this anime girl that looks like she's jumped forward and reaching out for something with a smile. The art style really impressed me and caught my eye. The website plays music, but for some reason I was too quick to click on the next link and skipped to a new page. Damn. I backspace and head to the previous window. Huh? The background has changed?? It's now a new drawing in the same epic style, a different girl (different clothes, face, haircut, etc) with a different colour hue (possibly orange this time). I refresh the page -- it changes again. Now it's like a steel grey. I think the girl on this one might have had a short fringe with silvery hair. Wow this is all pretty cool, but I really wanted to see the one from the first page. I keep refreshing a couple more times cycling through the art, some of which comes up multiple times. I end up talking to the person who apparently makes it all, the artist herself. I'm not sure how we're communicating, it's like she's communicating through the screen. I'm also sitting at my desk with my laptop in front of me instead of being on my iPhone. I can't remember what we were talking about, possibly about who she is and how she may or may not be the artist? Shit gets crazy as we talk though. Like... absolutely chaotic. She shows me the art on her website and it's no longer static. Some of which is video clips but they flash past my eyes so fast. One clip is from Bakemonogatari (an anime) as a hint, suggesting that she is the artist who draws it (which in my head explains why her art is so amazing). But it just gets so crazy because it's all so vivid and fast, the next part there's an image of an anime girl who mimics the artists words. Her movements come in a strobe-like fashion, the screen flickers rapidly, her face appearing to tilt right while her smile broadens into this insane toothy grin with wide eyes. What the f*ck is going on? Everything is so colourful and vivid with so much change in the lighting. Orange, green, blue, purple, black, white. It's quite beautiful. Next scene she sends me porn which I try to ignore, then realize that it's still open on my browser. I have to close it down manually. I open up a screen which shows all my active apps and try delete it, only to find that there's an endless stream of porn videos open on my phone/laptop. How the hell did this happen?? If someone saw this they'd think I was a pervert. There's just too much and I don't even know what happens but I wake up, realizing that I'm now in my room for real. It was just so realistic though.

      On my 20th day of no PMO using the Brainbuddy app. Safe to say that it definitely affected my last dream O_O. My dream recall improved last night too (the 2 nights before my exam yesterday were below my average by quite a bit). From today onwards I have a lot of spare time until I head back to the North Island. I'll be dedicating a lot more time to my dream practices I think from now on (i.e. ADA, DEILD, meditation, + other related stuff like reading ETWOLD)
    4. #140 - Gym / The law

      by , 10-26-2015 at 08:58 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)

      Dream 1 - Gym
      I remember being on the pathway near the gym and looking out over the nearby green grass rugby field. There are the typical huge trees that are spaced alongside the walkway, but I don't recall actually doing anything

      Dream 2 - The law
      I forgot the better part of the dream and only remember the ending. I seem to be running after someone in the mall. I think I might be a girl? O_O. There is someone who is with me and while we're on the chase we pass through a clothing store. The store clerk is a young person who does something rude (like purposely gets in our way or pushes us).. This pisses me off, there are apparently laws against people like me hitting people like him (possibly sexism related?). My partner thinks we should just leave but I get this sudden 'I ain't taking shit from you' attitude . "Let's get him for that" I say, and trip up another young guy (he had a surfer kind of blonde afro hairstyle and a few pimples) who was just walking into the store. The guy stumbles forward and slams into the store clerk. The store clerk is on the ground in front of a changing room so I step over and casually open the door, slamming it into his face brutal. Apparently if a shop door hits someone then it isn't the fault of the customer, it's the store clerks fault ^_^ there are some weird rules in this dream. I seem to be a guy again (phew) and I need to go toilet. I'm with a few friends (John, Dave and another guy called Fraser) and I tell them I'm going to the restroom. I use the urinal and the others decided they need to go to, they all come and take a leak. For some reason I keep on going for ages, I started first and finished last ^^ such a weird dream.

      Updated 10-27-2015 at 12:41 AM by 71238

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. #139 - compliment / awesome dad

      by , 10-25-2015 at 09:29 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)

      My flatmate had a random burst of energy and offered if I wanted to go to the gym with him at 9:30pm. I ended up managing to get into bed around 11:30pm so my sleep wasn't that great. Interestingly though I decided to meditate before going to bed, and for the first time that I can remember, I actually felt myself falling asleep.. I think meditating in bed before I go to sleep might be good for me so I'll trial it again. I also had a whole bunch of WILD visions, where I could see the dream forming. It was pretty cool, it happened several times and each time it would dissipate (probably because of inexperience and because it was too early in the night). I woke up at 3am for a WBTB and decided I'd try meditating again. I did a mindfulness practice on my body, starting from the feet and working my way to the head until I held my whole body in awareness. Unfortunately I became too aware and lay in bed in a sort of borderline-sleep state from 3:30-6:00, bored as f*ck... I managed to recall two dreams (one from earlier in the night and another from 6:30-7:30).

      Dream 1 - Compliment
      More of a dream fragment, I was sitting in the lounge in my flat playing guitar and watching TV. No one was supposed to be home so I just decided to start singing. I love to sing but I REALLY suck lol, so I was just enjoying it . Then my flatmate Olly walks past and looks at me a bit surprised. I look up at him from the relaxed position I'm in as I sit on the couch. I don't seem to stop singing, I kind of keep going, trying to finish the verse I'm singing. It takes a few seconds and then he's like "Hey maybe your singing voice isn't as bad as you thought". Damn that felt nice hearing him say that ^_^

      Dream 2 - Awesome dad
      I remember being with my dad and he was driving us away from my university. We were heading to the university that he worked at (he doesn't in RL). It's not as prestigious as my own university, its reputation is that some of the people are a bit dumb . We arrive and enter through a white archway front entrance and rolled into a small courtyard with parking all over the place. There's a narrow road with diagonal parking spaces but they're all filled up, we drive down there anyways hoping to find a space at the end. It feels so vivid it's unbelievable. Like I can remember lots of random details... The sky was bright blue, I remember the clothing that some people wore (kind of artsy looking students, upon looking at them I thought they had some kind of school uniform too). I can remember the main building and how the windows looked (far too hard to explain), and I remember peering outside of the window to my left and spotting some cute looking girls looking my way . I thought to myself that this university would have been cool to go to, the whole place felt alive. I was still in the car with my dad driving down that narrow road looking for a park, but we reached the end and nothing. He then starts backing up the car and just goes so fast, he's looking behind us as he drives and looks so comfortable driving. I think to myself how good at driving he must be, especially since the road was so narrow. It really blew my mind. I notice also how damn long the road seems to be, was it always this long? We've been reversing for ages. I know that the road wasn't this long when we first went down it (low level awareness but I didn't get lucid). We're finally out and he turns the car around. "How come you didn't send me to this university?" I ask
      "Because I worked too damn hard" he replies (or something along those lines). He wanted me to go to a good university, though in RL he had no influence on my choice ^_^.
      I have to go back to my university now, so we both step out of the car. The place around us is quite active, there's a lot of people walking around since it's the middle of the day at a university. I run around the car and give my dad a big hug, "Love you dad!" I say with a profound sense of affection. I felt like my dad was just awesome . I wasn't even the slightest bit embarrassed about all the people that were looking at us. I head to the front entrance of the university by myself so I can catch a taxi home. The end.
    6. #138 - Hot Fuzz / Sand pit / Superheroes

      by , 10-24-2015 at 10:19 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)

      We finally got Freeview TV last night, we haven't had TV in this flat since last year ^_^ it had a pretty strong influence on my first couple dreams.

      Dream 1 - Hot Fuzz

      I watched my favourite comedy movie last night, 'Hot Fuzz'. Such a kickass film, the camera angles, foreshadowing, the way they bring back the lines they've said earlier in the film, everything about this movie is great . Anyways, I remember being a police officer in a room similar to the police office from the film. There were other officers around me too, I must be training them or something as they get more skilled by following me around. This kind of relates to the movie how Simon Pegg is really good at his job, in this case I seem to influencing the others into being better too. I think we were then in a large dining hall and I got some kind of formal training in martial arts...? Can barely remember this.

      Dream Fragments

      The dream following 'Hot Fuzz' where I was also a police officer but doing different things.

      I remember making porridge and putting some brown sugar into it at some point... Though this might not have been a dream

      Dream 2 - Sand pit
      There's some competition going on where everyone is split in to groups and have to dig a sand pit (I'm guessing it was on the beach). The day itself was gloomy and the sky was grey. Our sand pit seemed to have burrows underneath it, it was already about 1m deep. I think I did something like blew a big hole in the centre of the pit, exposing these burrows. They were lined with this reddish staining and it may have had a glistening effect to it too (possibly a kind of slime? I didn't touch it though). I jump down to the side by the sand pit and have to start filling it in again using a bucket I found. It seems like each group is only allowed one tool to use between them and we have a shovel and 2 buckets. The buckets were already in the pit so I wonder if it's okay, though I know I'm cheating by using them .

      Dream 3 - Superheroes
      Another hero dream? The area we're in is barren with dark dirt beneath us and cloudy skies above. Heroes are fighting villains all around me, and I myself and locked in battle with a villain wearing a pseudo-suit (it's red and covers the whole body, including the head and face). It seems like there is a bunch of these villains wearing fake-suits that give them super powers, someones evil scheme to fight the superheros. I slash into the fake suit and manage to cut it open, but inside was the man who was behind it all. The suit detaches and hovers beside him (it maintains its form as if it still had someone in it). The villain in front of me has a yellow suit on and a brutish looking evil face, I feel like I've seen him before as a well-known villain, but I don't think he actually exists. I'm no match for him, by stripping the red suit, he is now able to use his full power! I dash away and jump, I arch my blade/hand (I'm not sure if I had this before or not) through the air and slice the red suit in half, destroying it, as I make my escape. I spot Martian Manhunter nearby and jump onto him.
      "Fly away! Now!" I shout, he complies understanding the seriousness of the situation. The villain is on the ground behind us as we shoot into the sky. I'm glad that he can't fly, but I know that the only one who can save us it... Superman! Unfortunately he's locked in battle with Superwoman (who is apparently a villain in my dream). I get out this kryptonite cream and tell the Martian we need to finish Superwoman off and take down the main evil villain. We charge at them and I slam the burning kryptonite cream (which ignited) against the back of Superwoman. She honestly looked more like the hulk, just completely ripped and huge. I can't recall much of what happened next but I think we win? Superman and Superwoman have to go inside this room together with the principal or something and discuss something with him, while me and a few others have to wait outside in the hallway. I'm sitting in the way of one of the others and ask him if he wants me to move so he can pass into the hall, I move anyways and he says "nah that's oka-... oh, alright then".
    7. #137 - After first day of ADA (All Day Awareness), and #1 + #2

      by , 10-23-2015 at 08:53 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)

      Dream fragment
      I remember some dream about being in my bed, I had woken up and was just pretty pent up from not 'doing the deed' because of the Brainbuddy app. Some stuff happened and I was annoyed because I convinced myself to do it despite knowing I didn't want to. I had watched Rick and Morty season 2 about a week ago which I think had some influence. When Little Rick is around and is like "a teenagers worst enemy is his own mind" or something along those lines - felt like I was under a similar influence.

      Yesterday was my first day doing ADA (and some more meditation), I felt like at the end of the day I had some intense mental fatigue. My head ached slightly whenever I brought my attention to focus on the things I was doing instead of slipping into autopilot. I slept pretty well, it didn't take too long to fall asleep (an hour I think, which is really good for me ). I think it was a combined effect of the mental fatigue from ADA and physical fatigue from running... But during the night I just had absolutely horrendous dream recall. My mind was just too exhausted to have the mental capacity needed to recalling a dream.

      I decided I'd like to write up a dream from my book when I first started, before I transitioned to posting online.
      Dream Journal Book
      #1 - Rugby
      Throwing around a rugby ball, I think with someone else? - the first dream I ever recorded I've come a long way lol

      #2 - First death in a dream / Shapeshifting weretigers

      Dream 1 - First death in a dream
      I was some kind of official who had acquired some information, and I had some friends who decide to protect me by confessing to my crime for me and taking the blame. They then weren't in the room (I had left before) that I returned to because I had a bucket that had my shoes in it or something... O_O? I left again and went up a flight of metal spiralling stairs. I waited there thinking for a bit and then a high ranking official in a military uniform (kind of reminds me of a Gestapo) walks in and shoots me right in the heart. I can feel the blood warming my chest.. I'm lying on the ground still. The man walks away. I reach around and touch the wound and I'm overwhelmed with disbelief. Some part of me seems to think that everything will be okay though.

      Dream 2 - Shapeshifting were-tigers
      Shapeshifting were-tigers take over the town in part of a conspiracy. It's a place to use these funny flying things to take over the world (I drew a picture here, it looks like a cross between a manatee and a puffer-fish that is 15 inches long with brown skin and spots on it. It looks really weird). Third-person style dream, it follows a kid who is a were-tiger that is shocked to see so many were-tigers killing the human townsfolk mercilessly. Then the view shifts to a bunch of campers in these large double-decker bus-sized vans, some of which have colour patched up blankets all over them. The main camper-van leader sees what's happening and tells his friends to run and his wife to start the van so she can take the kids and escape.. He plans to be a voluntary scapegoat. Were-tigers approach in a gang-like style, and by this point it has become first person with me as the camper dude standing his ground. I punch the biggest were-tiger straight in the nose and start brawling to divert attention so my family can escape. The boss were-tiger makes a comment to his friend like "Haha you got socked in the face!", to which I add "Yeah he's the biggest so I figured I'd start with him". I seem to realise that I won't live if I continue fighting (since I'm outnumbered and well.. They're were-tigers O_O). I decide to cool it down and hang with them, biding my time. They're apparently cool with this and maybe I earned their respect?
    8. #117 - finally remembered a dream

      by , 09-25-2015 at 06:16 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: non-dream
      Blue: non-lucid
      Red: lucid

      Dream 1 - Long hair
      So I had a dream where I saw my reflection and I had some kickass hairstyle. I felt like a damn lion. My fringe was kind of short and spiked up at the front, the rest of my hair was long and straight but kind of flowed into spikes too. The appearance itself looked electric. I can't remember clearly but I think my hair was white too. I wandered around for a while thinking how badass I looked, catching snippets of looks into reflections from car windows and stuff. But I had yet to properly look into a mirror, and when I did... Man I was shocked O_O. Like my hairline had receded and it looked all weird, then I woke up... What a bad end to such a cool hair style :/

      Dream 2 - dream fragment
      I remember racing cars and stuff.. Super vague.

      Notes: I've been reading A LOT lately, hours and hours and hours I've spent reading until late every night just completely immersed. That's why my dream recall has been so shoddy, as I've had a bad sleep cycle. I'm also quite indolent :/.
      Tags: hair, racing car
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. #116 - dream fragments

      by , 09-21-2015 at 04:15 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: non-dream
      Blue: non-lucid
      Red: lucid

      I've been reading a lot of manga, I've never ready any before so I ended up spending something like 20 hours during the weekend just reading. Completely sucked me in >_<
      My dreams last night were kind of a reflection of this, the events in the book were happening in front of me, I don't think I was really in the story, probably just reading it O_O.

      Edit: found that I wrote down some notes on my dream last night and I just found them. I was being driven by my friend near my old intermediate school, I had an exam that started in 4 minutes and there were lots of police cars on the road.

      My recall has been abominable lately, completely lost my ability to recall any dreams. I wake up and try to cement the dream to memory before going back to sleep. The next time I wake up I have no memory of the dream :/ don't know why it's changed suddenly.

      Updated 09-21-2015 at 11:46 AM by 71238

      Tags: manga
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. #115 - dream fragments

      by , 09-16-2015 at 11:15 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: non-dream
      Blue: non-lucid
      Red: lucid

      -I remember mountains in my first dream
      -The second dream had like 4 stages of something... I can barely remember more than that. Some fat guy walks past me in a room that I was sitting down in.

      Had massive trouble recalling these dreams, I managed to recall that last one 5 times because I kept forgetting it. It was honestly pretty brutal trying to recall my dreams for some reason.

      Had tried out a new 'technique' which didn't work, I don't think it's the kind of technique I'm compatible with. It was something along the lines of falling asleep while thinking about something new you wanted to do in a lucid dream, something that really excited you. One try isn't enough to fairly decide but I just can't see this as something that would work for m
    11. #114 - Trapped by a plant skirt/lucid on the roof/getting changed/beat up an old pal

      by , 09-15-2015 at 06:20 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: non-dream
      Blue: non-lucid
      Red: lucid

      I waited too long to write this up, completely forgot as I got caught in the hustle bustle of the day >_<

      Dream 1 - Trapped by a plant skirt
      I remember I was in a school, it seemed to be in a gymnasium. Most of this dream I forgot but I ended up in a room and there was a girl in her school uniform that I was friends with, but she decided to play a joke on me. Her skirt turned into a plant, the hem extended down and then incased me. I seemed to remember getting let out and she was enjoying teasing me or something.

      Dream 2 - Lucid on the roof (#13 more lucids to go until I've met my quota)
      I remember being at my parents house when I realised it was a dream. I was out on the driveway facing the house when I looked at my hands. I walked forward towards the maple tree by the fish pond with the intention of 'testing' to see if I was dreaming. I placed my hands on the tree and willed it to go... Which it did, it grew smoothly into the air with me holding on. I then stepped onto the roof and walked forward a bit. I noticed how calm I was, the dream felt stable. I knew I had been dreaming for a while before becoming lucid so I figured I would wake up soon (this seems to be the case a lot of the time for me). At some point I had a banana which is the same one I have in my own house at the moment. In the dream it was slightly different though, like I had taken it out of the freezer and thawed it out. Its core was slightly colder, and it had a long bruise-line down its length. I bit into it a bit with the intention of discovering more about my sense of taste in the dreamworld. It was pretty interesting... I felt the cold and crystalline crunch of the interior mix with the softer smooth exterior... The taste was bang on and there was even that slight aftertaste lingering in my mouth for a few seconds. I threw the banana away and I can't recall what happened next.

      Dream 3 - Getting changed
      I seem to remember being in changing room thinking about what shirt to wear. A couple friends were with me. I then also presented my student ID card and the cashier gave me a ticket to some kind of event called 'lava flow'... I had a friend with me that wanted to go but he/she (can't remember) didn't have an ID card.

      Dream 4 - Beat up an old pal
      There are two groups of people in the area each living in a separate house. My group decided to surprise the other group with a fun game of tag, but like a warfare variant where you pretend to stab people or shoot them O_o. I think it's night time when we head over and start running around wreaking havoc, but they were apparently already playing a different game when we get there. I don't know where the rest of my group is and I'm in a dark hallway. I spot a girl running out and I 'pretend stab' her with an invisible knife. She seems confused as fuck. I realize just how awkward the situation actually is when they have no idea what's going on. I then ponder why the rest of my group hasn't made an impact yet and spread the word that the game is on... I decide to go look for them and turn left, opening a door to a well-lit room. As I walk in a spot my group all tied up together. I approach them and say something like "Hey girls" (even though they're all guys). My friend Daniel has these glittery hats on and I realize that they've had glitter and lipbalm put on them by the girls in this group... I notice that my comment probably offended them, Daniel just stands up and leaves without saying anything. I get a bit pissy when a different Daniel shows up and starts making out with his boyfriend (he's gay IRL so no surprises there). They were doing FAR too much in front of everyone and it just seemed rude, like they were just going at it in more than a few ways O_O. It pissed me off so much that I decided to smack some sense into him. I can't remember exactly what I did but I did something which took the whole scene too far. I suddenly felt like the bad guy in all this mess and just felt really down about it.
    12. #112 - cows

      by , 09-11-2015 at 05:09 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: non-dream
      Blue: non-lucid
      Red: lucid

      Had trouble recalling my dreams for the past couple days. Just remember this one scene from last night where there were a bunch of cows chasing me and I jumped a fence or something... It's not much of a dream.
      Tags: cows
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. #58 - On a bush track

      by , 11-25-2014 at 11:19 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: Non-dream
      Blue: Non-lucid
      Red: Lucid

      Dream 1 - On a bush track
      I'm running along a bush track, there's dense shrubbery (nothing tall or above head-height) on either side of me and it's a sunny day. I'm not too far from the coast and I'm heading away from it, uphill. I trip over something and land with my hands halting my fall, there is a huntsman spider ear and I scramble away from it. I have the feeling like it can't really do anything to me but I still felt the need to get away from it.

      Dreamlets - Something about seeing my friend D, playing a guitar, another scene where I'm running behind my other friend S and I'm really slow for some reason.

      Note: Have been slowed down lately by chores and friends + general holiday relaxation and not wanting to do anything.
    14. #56 - Choose a dream/Fish & Chips/freaky WILD event

      by , 11-18-2014 at 10:40 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: Non-dream
      Blue: Non-lucid
      Red: Lucid

      Dream 1 - Choose a dream (3:09am)
      Vaguely remember this dream, something about choosing which dream I wanted to go into next, there were sheep involved and I think someone I knew was playing a guitar and the started playing a song that I've been learning, but they were showing off about it or something.

      Dream 2 - Fish & Chips
      I'm walking through my hometown at night, I'm in the parking lot and I see my friend D. He seems to have a job at the local fish and chips shop, he offers to make me a meal but it wasn't fish and chips, it was like some crazy dessert pavlova-look-a-like that was super extravagant and exotic.

      Dream 3 - WILD (closest thing I've had to a WILD success)
      I'm trying to go through my SSILD cycles, I start to notice a WILD transition come on (vibrations and hypnogogia). I try not to focus on them too much like I did the other two times this is happened to me (which I screwed up >_<) and nearly lost it at one point. But then I realized I could egg the vibrations to intensify by using my jaw, tensing it or something. The vibrations intensify to an extreme level, my jaw is buzzing and grinding and vibrating so much the I feel like my tooth is about to break. I make it to the dream, but as I do this my tooth shatters.
      I think "Oh ****, my tooth!" My first instinct was to wake up, so I do this and hop out of bed, I spit the tooth into my hand, I can feel the missing slot in my mouth where my tooth was... I stare at the tooth in my hand in disbelief...
      I wake up. I had been in a false awakening
    15. #50 - Thugs from the hood

      by , 11-07-2014 at 11:14 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: Non-dream
      Blue: Non-lucid
      Red: Lucid

      Didn't have very good dream recall last night, I think I'll have to direct more attention to dream recall for a good week or so to bring it back to what it used to be.

      Dream Fragment - Thugs from the hood
      This probably has something to do with my own experiences. Me my friends were crossing at the traffic lights, it was day time. The side we were crossing to had a car waiting at the stoplights, some islanders got out and told the women I was walking with to get in the car. A couple of them were getting ready to clock me, and I push the women behind me and told them to run. I also remember that the car was technically on the wrong side of the road - in New Zealand we drive on the left side, this car was on the right side .
      Tags: car, inverted, thugs
      non-lucid , dream fragment
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