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    Two Lucid This Morning

    by , 01-28-2017 at 06:46 PM (325 Views)
    Meditated: had a lucid where I just say outside and took everything in. I stared at the moon and watched it warp. Collapsed to the ground and had a false awakening. Continued the lucid dream to my backyard and looked into a pit of rocks and sticks. Then game over. Woke up and tried to meditate back into dream but instead had vivid non-lucid dreams of getting chased by huge monsters, post-apocalyptic water shortages, meeting a talking Zapdos , seeing old school chums.

    Gotta work on that re-entry.
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    1. NyxCC's Avatar
      Congrats on the lds! What sort of meditation do you do before going back to sleep?