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    Memorable Dreams

    1. Lucid!

      , 02-10-2011 at 03:18 PM
      non dream - dream - lucid - semi-lucid - false-awakening

      Last night I decided I should give my effords a break, because the night before I was unable to sleep (not a dream, I can assure you that wasn't a dream) and slept only 2 houres in the end, and because I had a very big dry spell and thought I was just trying too hard. But guess what happened? The night I decided to stop trying for a while I actually had a lucid! so here it is:

      I am at school, everything seems normal so far, but I decide to do a reality check, I try the nose-pinch RC and it turns out I'm dreaming! I am surprised, but don't get overexcited like the last time. I decide to try the finger through hand RC, just to see what it looks like. My finger bends and it hurts like hell, I am surprised that it hurts so much, even though I know I am dreaming. Than I get an idea, even though I know my DCs aren't real, I want to scare them, and what better way to scare a bunch of DCs than comitting dream-suicide (also I wondered what it felt like to die in a dream...)? So I decide to jump from the staircase, because it's higher in my dream than in reality. Before I jump I do a final RC, I breath a few times through a pinched nose and try the finger through hand RC again, with the same result as before. I also stare at my hands to see what they look like and to stay stable. I jump, and hit the ground, it doesn't hurt but it feels really strange and then everything went black and blurry and I wake up. I'm now sitting on the long bench we eat on at school sometimes, and I am sittig next to two guys from my class.I still have a little bit of an idea what is going on, and do some weird dream-control stuff. Than one of the boys asks me to do something, and I say I can't, because the DC of the guy I was going to do it to was too weak/blurry. Then my English techer walks in, and someone (might have been me) asks him what his patronus looks like (:-|) and he says red and like a jellyfish or something simular to a jellyfish. I think this is a weird situation and realise that I get FULLY lucid.I think of what I could do next and forget to stabelise myself. I wake up with some sort of a weird euforic awesome feeling, and whisper 'Wow, I just had a lucid...'. Then I am considering writing it down. I first decide not to do it, because I was taking a break. But I then realise it's a shame to forget this expirience and write it down.

      Dream Signs: 6 fingers, slight change of enviroment, patronus-weirdness
    2. Dreaming about not being able to sleep?

      , 02-04-2011 at 08:16 PM
      I dreamed that I wasn't able to get to sleep, that I was lying awake for houres and houres. And I had problems with my WBTB-alarm clock, which I had to set later and later evey hour to wake up at the right time. I remember going on the computer to check my hyves (=dutch facebook-thingie).
      non-lucid , memorable
    3. OMG, my recall is getting worse, some sort of semi-lucidish dream... only fragments

      , 01-26-2011 at 02:45 PM
      Tonight I went to sleep a little too late (I couldn't sleep -.-' fucked up my WILD attempt) and it was like I was looking at someone elses Lucid, I can only remember a few fragments:
      Something with a doctor who did some sort of Inception-ish things in other peoples dreams. Something with a woman who was accused for something (murder?). Something with water that went red (blood?). Doctor walking through wall.
    4. O.o weirdness

      , 01-24-2011 at 02:58 PM
      So tonight I had a really strange expirience. I was trying to keep myself stable and the weirdest thing ever happened! I didn't have any problem on gaining lucidity and RCs and all. But when I tried to keep myself stable (the thing with looking at your hands and stuff) I would end op staring at my hand for what felt like hours and losing lucidity because I was starting to realise what I was doing. Then I would wake up, this happened like five times this night. My dream recall is also not very clear, but I do remember I ended up trying to push my hands through a wall because I thought I could do that in a dream.

      Updated 01-25-2011 at 05:37 PM by 41459

      lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    5. very long lucid

      , 01-23-2011 at 12:16 PM
      I was playing Pokémon for some reason (WTF!!! I never play Pokémon!!) together with someone (I only remember her being female) and thought this was kinda strange, so I decided to do a reality check, so I pinched my nose and tried to breathe, and I could. I did some Passive Dream Control on the game, I made the characters do stuff they couldn't do in the real game. I did some other stuff but I can't really remember what. Now I'm in the back of the car with my crush, she has non-alcoholic wine (and I don't even like wine!! must be because I talked about wine before I went to bed..). It started to get kinda romantic (dude, I wished I would never wake up at that point) and the drive disappears!! My crush takes over the car and puts it an the side. Now my mom is here, and she sais something about the wine not really being wine or something. There was something with a rocket too, because I tried to summon zero-gravity, but didn't succeed. And there was something with some sort of a fair-trade shop and an old lady.....

      Dream Signs: A rocket, I didn't feel my muscles while moving my body, changing of scene, people appearing.

      Updated 01-25-2011 at 05:38 PM by 41459

      lucid , memorable , dream fragment