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    Dreaming about not being able to sleep?

    , 02-04-2011 at 08:16 PM (5490 Views)
    I dreamed that I wasn't able to get to sleep, that I was lying awake for houres and houres. And I had problems with my WBTB-alarm clock, which I had to set later and later evey hour to wake up at the right time. I remember going on the computer to check my hyves (=dutch facebook-thingie).

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    non-lucid , memorable


    1. whitedreams's Avatar
      haha thats awfull
    2. You's Avatar
      Should've done a reality check...
    3. Hazel's Avatar
      We have a name for that on another forum I'm on. INRALD- I'm Not Really Awake Lucid Dream. Basically, every time you're having problems sleeping, do a reality check, because this happens more often than you might realize.
    4. You's Avatar
      wow, that's really strange...