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    Inner World حلم Gamma Waves

    Strictly Professional DA + DILD

    by , 04-12-2015 at 11:23 PM (385 Views)
    I am walking in a hallway with two other people, that appear to be 1 male and 1 female both in suits. One of them just finish their conversation with an assistant. As we continue walking for a couple of more minutes. One of them stated "did you see that shadow behind us?" The guy in the suit replies yes and without any of us saying anything else, we begin to walk faster. Soon we made a right and I remember saying I've been through that door located at the far left of the hallway before, it was from another dream.

    Though the guy insist we take the other side of the hallway. It was at this time that it became apparent that we were running from something. The guy began panicking and told us to run. I quickly jump down a few stairs and rushto the entrance door. Ahead of me was the guy in the suit but for some reason he could not continue moving forward. I ran pass him and then realize the building was some how forcing him back. I pulled my hand out in a attempt to grab him back.

    But the entrance door threw him back inside the building and the doors shut rapidly after. My knees fell to the ground, while the shoppers outside were either stunned or haven't notice anything odd. That's when I felt a tug, I began to struggle to get off the road. Felt as if my legs were glued to the road and soon I began to be pulled back to the store. The feeling of my skin being torn was quite consistent. I grab on to a woman shopping cart, then pleaded to her to not continue moving toward the store.

    She look at me with a look of disgust and proceeded to ignore me. I then decided to force the cart around which contain her young child inside. This causes a rather unpleasant reaction from her, she begins making several attacks toward me. Which eventually threw me off the cart. Once that happen she prepares to lunge at me, so I quickly flop my hands and grab a chair from a blue truck. I made a swing near her face and told her to stay back.

    She then insults me constantly. I took this time to feel how bruise up I am. I didn't even feel like I could walk properly. I sat down near 3 guys who were planning a way to deal with the chaotic building. I then realize I was dreaming after thinking about what ways would be best to stop the building. I ask one of the 3 in a white sweater, if it were possible to become lucid before hand. He began struggling to come up with an answer.

    Then the one in the military shirt demanded answer about how we're going to engange this type of situation. I then explain to him that the building can control anything inside and we needed to destroy it outside without being in it's magnetic range. I started brain storming but before we could act on our plans I had woken up. Lucidity Time: 2 minutes.

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