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    Inner World حلم Gamma Waves

    Underground Metal Bunker to Father Room DILD

    by , 06-26-2014 at 10:48 PM (451 Views)
    Dream began with me being underground in a metal bunker I recently avoided a couple of overgrown mole rats. I notice two guys at the far right and was planning to ambush them but didn't have the right weapons. So I pulled out my pip boy and realize it was partially broken. After I focus on how odd the pip boy was I became lucid and realize this was a dream, however as I became lucid the two men notice me and was ready to attack. I tried to shoot one of them with a gun but the gun wasn't working , the closest guy threw 1 punch at me as I barely dodge it. I then lift him up by the shirt and began punching him relentlessly as I continue to do so he began to insult me so I decided to kill him. I look at the other guy and told him I do not care that this is a dream , I will kill you just like your friend over there. The guy had a lamp as a head so I use a poor telekinesis to blast him knocking his lights out. I went over to continue punching him intill I was positive he was unconscious, after the fight I no longer wanted to be in this metal underground as there were way too many monsters and people for me to handle. I move some stuff out of the way so I could find a clear wall to create a door that will take me out of here. I tried to make it appear by just thinking about it but it did not work, I decided to place my hand on the wall and try to shape a door which did work. As I see the door I open it to only find a lot of books staple on the wall. I look at a corner to try to phase through but I stop the prcess as I remember in my previous Lucid dreams that my eyes can get blinded during the transition. Having a limited options I decided to close my eyes and imagine being in my Father room and there I was lying on the bed. I got up and look at the time it stated 7:57 AM I look around and decided I wanted to know what the outside looks like, I began to lift up the orange curtains and saw that it was very icy and snowy. The sky had a very magical orange morning sky as 1 of the branches block out the sun from my sight. This surprise me as I wasn't expecting the dream to make the outside to look like winter like it was an ice age. I then reach out my hand to touch the tree and as I did it did not feel cold at all I actually felt warm when the feeling of the wood occured. I then look at a glimpse of my dream journal thats when I thought about how I would write out this dream I am experiencing into my dream journal but then a non intended thought of my brother came and said you shouldn't start out your dreams with " My dream began " I thought it was weird that thoughts also lead to dreams. That's when I began thinking about how I know the brain must be at Gamma waves right now and that I wish my brother could measure so he could fully continue with the conversayion we were having yesterday. I then wanted to leave Father room and open the door to the living room it was a hit darker now as the windows aren't litting out sun light. I then assume that the sky was no longer early morning and was turning in to another ice storm. I then see my grandmother coming from outside in her work clothes. She seem to wonder if its too cold for her to go to work. This intimidate me on whether there's a chance I am actually awake in waking life but as I open the unlock front door knowing my grandmother would always lock the door I felt certain it's a dream. Right after I went out the front door I check my hands to see if they look wrong and they were wrong. I look at the roads inflanted with snow and a huge building broken on the road. As I walk I wonder why the place is torn apart now, as I continue walking on the road I tried to see if I could manifest a dream character but it didn't work. As I came up the road it began to lag a bit so I rub both my hands together and continue walking, then I saw 3 people in my way as I approach one of them I get tackled and thrown to the ground as I see one huge guy coming I struggle to maintain control over the dream but before I could do anything else I woke up. Lucidity Time 3 mins

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    Updated 06-27-2014 at 01:00 AM by 67903

