I know there are people studying whether or not lucid dreams have impact on physical health, so i figure that would be a good thing to work on in my life.

also.. interesting stuff from last night

3:15 (fitbit worked)
up and across the house, took 8mg of galantamine
18 min meditation before bed
no day work
4 dreams 1 lucid all quality in the 3-4 range

the lucid dream was crazy, I was in the audience of a theater production, It took several tries to do the nose pinch, i had to try really hard to get it to work. I knew i was dreaming but i couldn't prove it. one of the people sitting next to me got angry at me for doing a reality check. He said "I don't want this to be your dream, I like my life" I get the NP to work and I'm immediately in the empty space and it's wild.

Now i'm lucid in the black space. I can feel cozy and asleep in my bed but also i'm drifting in and out of the memories of the dreams of the night and i shift between out of body watching the dreams segment and then i can control my body from my bed and then i'm in my body then out again. there are different scenes in different fields of vision like portals?