Hey guys,
Just dropping by to say I'm still training LDing everyday but I just didn't have any LD since October the 22nd...
I'm not in a dorm anymore so I'm trying WILD a bit but I still need to get used to the pace of my new job, usually when I come home (pretty late) I'm too exhausted to WBTB during the night, but I'm working a lot on all that.
I know it's not the place but I'd like to go in detail concerning my last wild attempt:
It was around 6AM (woken up by an earthquake...), I was tired enough to try so I put some peaceful music and I don't move at all. As usual my hands get numb (I don't really feel them anymore and I don't know how they're placed on the bed), I feel like I'm sinking, my visual senses go weird, like it's expanding and then getting thinner then nothing... I wait for another wave thinking it would come back and staying calm, focusing on my breathing (mindfulness style), the music suddenly stops (it does that on my smartphone when I use youtube inthe browser, I got the music directly for next time because it's frustrating), after waiting another 10 minutes still nothing and without the music I can't help getting impatient and disappointed so I stopped.
Is that normal? Why was everything going smoothly and then stopped all of a sudden?
Apart from that, still training my prospective memory, still trying to be mindful all day and meditating every day (with my app), it's been 73 days now !
Also, I was looking at my LDing bookmarks and decided to listen to Sensei's podcasts. I was listening to one titled "When I first started Lucid Dreaming, I wish someone would have told me..." and he talked about LD count barriers. As he said that 25 LDs is more or less 6 months in, I got depressed as I realized I've been at it for 27 months (with breaks I agree but still) with only around 15 LDs...
So I decided to write a calendar with all my LDs indicated on it. I'm pumped up because I realize than even after all this time it's still my top priority but I also feel like I'm not doing things right...
I'd like to get more consistent in my efforts. I'm doing a sleep oriented meditation pack, hopefully it will bring great results since one of my biggest issues is that I have trouble sleeping (esp when trying to induce through MILD or SSILD). One of the first big steps towards frequent lucidity would be regular sleeping schedules so I'll do my best.
My goals right now are:
- Get at least 1 LD before the end of the month, 2 if possible.
- Get at least 1 LD a week in December
- Set up my sleeping schedules :1AM to 8-9AM. I can't do otherwise because of my job since sometimes my shift ends at 11PM and sometimes I begin at 10AM, I'll try to arrange that.
- Keep on working on mindfulness and improve my technique.
Also, should I use different techniques at the same time? In ETWOLD, Stephen Laberge wrote that we should try all the techniques written in the book to see which one work.
Right now I try to induce through MILD, SSILD and WILD (don't like this term, too inaccurate, it's the hypnagogic imagery technique I'm using.) but not every night I'm afraud because I'm worried it will make me sleepless (I sometimes end up not sleeping for 2-3 hours even with DILD techniques which are supposed to be "sleep friendly", until now I didn't want to try WILDing to much because I thought this inability to fall asleep when I try LDing would hinder my progress but now I realize that on the contrary it could help me a great deal in WILDing. What do you guys think about it ?
Do you think we should try all techniques on some sort of rotating program ? Like 2 techniques for a month ?
Sorry for such an unorganized message, yesterday was a long day and I'm exhausted.
Have a nice day/night !