Hi Fogelbise,

Thanks for your answer!

Quote Originally Posted by fogelbise View Post
Is there a chance that you were actually in a dream and that is why the external sound from your device stopped? It is always a good idea to use some motionless RC's to check if you really are lying awake in bed or if you are in a False Awakening or a "False Still Awake" you might call it. It does happen. That said, WILD's are not my expertise. Have you ever posted in the "Post your wild attempts here" thread that Sageous runs? Let me know if you don't know where to find it and I can look up the link.
I RCed but it wasn't a motionless one, pretty sure I was awake. I saw the post, it's somewhere in my bookmarks, I guess I'll post on it thanks !

No the device stopped because that's what it does after a while when I open youtube on my browser (smartphone) and lock the phone (not the first time it happens unfortunately!).

I definitely wouldn't worry about the LD count/6 months thing. Everyone has different circumstances they are working with (different stresses are big) and like you said, you had breaks in between. Try to focus on whatever helped you feel "pumped up."
Thing is, I still don't know what made me able to have 3 LDs in last April !
And yes my efforts haven't always been consistent.

Oh the reverse eye blink, I completely forgot about this technique, thanks !

If you don't really like a particular technique, I see no problem in resigning it to a "maybe try later list." It is better to find practices that you mostly enjoy while also producing results and momentum. [...] If this sounds good to you, I see nothing wrong with it. I would just avoid doing something that feels like a pain in the butt…something that would make you less likely to keep up regular practice towards your long term lucid dreaming goals.
You're probably right, I guess my whole approach is too rigid and forced at times... It's just I don't know how to make it natural, I've read some things from Sensei (I think) saying that the less beliefs you have the easier but I'm kinda stuck into a "everything must be lined up" mindset (meditation, mindfulness throughout the day, no screens at night, good sleeping schedules, etc...) even though I've had LDs on nights where I would go to bed around 3AM after 7h of gaming or no mindfulness, or just in the first 6 hours !