Originally Posted by Azaleaj
Time to check in. In the last 10 days I've had 2-3 LDs. I've been lazy with my goals and need to set some. My LDs are more fun when I have something meaningful to do or work on. I have so many random things I want to do...practice summoning someone, ask DCs various questions, ask the dream questions about different dream symbols and about the nature of reality, learn to smell and taste, meditate, visit a jungle and the beach, listen to music, and create art. Oh I still want to see a whale and get close to it as well.
I use the peg system to remember my goals. You might want to focus on one or two goals that you are the most excited about. It would be a bonus if it is also something you feel confident about achieving. With the peg system you can continue down your list of goals in the same dream or night, if you choose to, after achieving your primary one or two goals that get you the most excited.
I've noticed in waking life I'm noticing textural details more. This is something I've noticed in lucid dreams a lot as well as times I've done hallucinogens (when I was younger). Not sure why it's carrying over into waking life but I'm really enjoying it. I love texture!
Nice! Noticing more IWL seems to be a side effect of lucid dreaming for me as well.
I start to feel bored so I decide to spin a new scene. I try twice but end up in the same scene.
I sometimes go for a random scene change but sometimes it helps to influence the new scene by thinking about where you want to end up before and as you are spinning, especially by imagining some of the sensations at your chosen new scene.
I think it's odd how you will have a clear lucid dream, remember it very well, but little pockets of it will be missing, like how did I get from this part to the next? Reading other's journals it seems to happen to others. Still no sense of smell��
I've experienced this also. I think it has to be a focal point of what you are working on to reduce this effect, and we tend to only be able to focus on one or two things at once. I think it is very possible to make it a focal point and work on it for a good while until it becomes a natural part of your lucid dreams to periodically remind yourself to stay aware and remind yourself that you are dreaming. Once it is a natural part of your lucid dreams then you can move on to another focus. So we have to decide on what to focus on first, at least for some of the bigger challenges, IMO.
On taste and smell, in your workbook you've had: "cream pie...but the cream part had a little sweet creamy flavor." And you had a "savory smell" when tasting the dirty snow. So you know it is possible. If you want to make it a priority or focal point, you probably can make good headway here. I don't focus on smell or taste unless it's part of a goal or task of the month or something but I do randomly notice tastes and smells, though not super frequently. I have a searchable DJ offline and I checked when I last mentioned smell and found a recent one where I was trying to seed a scene with smell but the last one where I actually smelled something was 31st of December 2016, a little over a month ago and it was a distinctive smell which could be a key related to our distinctive memories from waking life.
Congratulations on the lucidity!