Is it possible to create something from nothing? Here is what I am going to propose. This may be an idea out there already but it is just my possible belief that things can be created out of nothing. Let me just explain.

Here you see the mathematical equation: 0 = 0
1 -1 = 0

As you can see this is first grade math at work. There is no value in the number zero, thus representing nothing. Now by adding something and then subtracting something, it still equals the same thing. What if the universe worked like this? This theory would also prove the theory of anti-matter or dark matter. So basically, you are taking nothing (0) and turning it into something (1 -1) by simply splitting it apart and keeping it apart in two different places. Would you agree that all matter would represent positive numbers and all anti-matter represents negative numbers? I could then even take it a step further by saying that what if there was an intelligent being that "split the number zero" to make something out of nothing. Therefore creating our universe. Of course our universe is WAY more complex than this equation. But just think of how many numbers you can add/subtract, divide/multiply, square/square-root, etc and still have the number equal to zero. This could prove that you can make something out of nothing. Or, for that matter, a "something" and an "anti-something."

If anyone would like to add to this, or comment if it has been thought of before, please do. I would like to hear everyone's opinions