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    Thread: The Real Problem With Homosexuality

    1. #76
      Old hand... snuzpilot's Avatar
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      I'll buy that predetermined thing Not!!!I had a landlord that was married and had children, he bought a gay bar and TURNED GAY!!!!!
      Last edited by snuzpilot; 02-03-2010 at 08:57 AM. Reason: insert

    2. #77
      Master of Logic Achievements:
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      Quote Originally Posted by HaRd_WiReD View Post
      wow, did you really ban him? lol
      You bet. I have zeh ultimate powahs. Beg me not to terminate your life.

      Is the guy above me serious?

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    3. #78
      Miss Sixy <span class='glow_FFFFFF'>Maria92</span>'s Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by snuzpilot View Post
      I'll buy that predetermined thing Not!!!I had a landlord that was married and had children, he bought a gay bar and TURNED GAY!!!!!
      Correlation is not equal to causation. That is a post hoc fallacy, mate.

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    4. #79
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      "homosexuals ought to have the foresight that it will probably be very hard to find a suitable partner."

      - This sexual orientation and gender identity didn't exactly come with a manual and money-back guarantee when they manufactured us, or a warning that says "Partner sold separately."

      "I have heard and can easily imagine that many gay men, who don't exactly have their feet on the ground, will squander a lot of their time in fleeting relationships or simply shagging a lot because they are unable to handle the emotional implications"

      - I heard the same about straight men. I guess we should all be women then.

      "however the people in question do so out of conformity or desperation, because they are confused."

      - True that. And also because most people want a "masculine/feminine relationship," so in their attempt to conform to society's expectation, they become confused because their feelings oppose the confirmity. Also:

      "Political correctness has gone so far through the roof that many people dismiss this obvious problem and make it out as if any man/man or woman/woman relationship can be just as fulfilling as any man/woman relationship. We don't live in a unisexual utopia; this is a lie."

      - I think that applies to all relationships. We don't live in any kind of relationship utopia. Do you know anyone who has a "perfect" relationship that never experienced problems? Thought so. Straight or not, problems will come. A relationship can be as fulfilling as the two people involved want it to be.

      " I wonder, what comes first for homosexuals? The physical attraction or the emotional attraction? "

      It's the same question with guys. You know the stereotype about straight guys and straight girls in a relationship? Guys look for sex, and girls look for love. Fancy that.

      Anyway, I like the honest ideas presented. I'll try to read the rest of the thread when I return (^_^)

    5. #80
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      This thread was a waste of time and energy, started by a mad man. You can ignore it.
      hermine_hesse likes this.

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    6. #81
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      Quote Originally Posted by Idolfan View Post
      No one move this to R/s! This is not about religion at all!

      Some of you might have seen me sticking up for homosexuality in the past. What I want to get very clear from the start is that this is not a point against all types of homosexual behaviour, and it certainly does not pertain to what should be legal and illegal. Instead it is a warning, rather like you tell people to wear condomns without actually making it illegal for them not to (but I bloody would ).

      Studies such as this: Symmetry Of Homosexual Brain Resembles That Of Opposite Sex, Swedish Study Finds have been used in defense of the argument that homosexuality is predetermined. While this solves some issues, I believe it causes others.

      I have had the notion for a long time that there is something fundamental in human nature about uniting masculine and feminine aspects in relationships. I don't know for certain whether this is instinctive, but it's obviously culturally and in most cases socially prefferable for one partner to adopt a masculine role, and another a feminine role.

      I hear too many people saying, "Look, some men just love other men, some women just love other women, that's it", as if it's that simple. It's obviously not! If most homosexuals have the brain structure of the opposite sex, then who are they going to find when they seek another homosexual partner? In most cases, someone who has the same brain structure. In this case we no longer have, for example, two gay men, we have to gay man lesbians.

      Why is this a problem? It is not. As long as you don't want a masculine/feminine relationship*. However, most people DO. And for good reason. Obviously, there are people out there who are exceptions to the rule (I consider myself to be one), and that's okay. However, homosexuals ought to have the foresight that it will probably be very hard to find a suitable partner.

      *(having the physical body of the opposite psychological sex makes no immediate difference to the emotions of a relationship, so this doesn't count)

      I don't know much about gay 'culture', but I have heard and can easily imagine that many gay men, who don't exactly have their feet on the ground, will squander a lot of their time in fleeting relationships or simply shagging a lot because they are unable to handle the emotional implications. If this is how someone prefers to live, this is not a problem, however the people in question do so out of conformity or desperation, because they are confused.

      I think there should be big changes made in public education about homosexuality. Political correctness has gone so far through the roof that many people dismiss this obvious problem and make it out as if any man/man or woman/woman relationship can be just as fulfilling as any man/woman relationship. We don't live in a unisexual utopia; this is a lie.

      Since both statistically (see link) and by general knowledge, we know that effeminite gay people tend to far outweigh their counterparts, this in theory renders the chances of successful gay relationships to be far less than straight ones. If this is not the case, and gay relationships are just as successful, then the only other option is that it should be possible for anyone to love anyone romantically regardless of whether they have a masculine or feminine psychology. A lot of straight people aren't going to like this.

      However, I would be extremely skeptical of any study done in this field because it's quite possible that the vast majority of gay couples involve the minority group. Which leaves a lot of very unhappy, single gay people. I haven't looked this up yet, but if I get any replies I will provide more info when I can.

      (if you are furious about my claims, please keep your responses passionately angry, so I know how it feels)
      Most of your claims are completely off base but I'd like to strike at what I believe is the root of your argument.

      Life is about experimenting, and we're all experiments. Some of us are experiments that orbit closer to the mainstream, but that doesn't make us correct. Logic cannot be applied to how someone ought to behave, logic does not necessitate success. Life does not have to be logical all the time. People do not have to make logical sense in order to be functional. Nature does not follow logic or organization based on our human/cultural parameters. Nothing is off-limits to the experimental nature of existence. Nature considers every possibility because that is the best way to anticipate every possibility. Whether or not every experiment makes logical sense from your view of the world is irrelevant. Your view of the world is not true. No one's is, it's all translated from perception and inferred or assumed based on an infinitely tiny amount of knowledge. No outcome can be perfectly predicted, the only thing we are capable of assessing is probability. Therefore, we are incapable of determining objectively what a functional model is, no matter how much logic we apply. So live and let live because you don't have all the answers, you're just guessing like everybody else.

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    7. #82
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      Reading the OP, I'm really trying to figure out what the post means. Could somebody translate it for me? From what I gathered OP has rambled about how gay people may not be able to hold relationships?

    8. #83
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      Quote Originally Posted by Marvo View Post
      This thread was a waste of time and energy, started by a mad man. You can ignore it.

      Lost count of how many lucid dreams I've had

    9. #84
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      I think it's worth necro-ing this thread just for the humor value of post #76

    10. #85
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      Reason: insert
      Last edited by Original Poster; 09-04-2012 at 08:11 AM. Reason: insert
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      Everything works out in the end, sometimes even badly.

    11. #86
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      Given a choice, I would like to like a guy, but the only thing I ever like about them is they looked good, I doubt I can even last long with them. Weird as it sounds, lesbian couples however are turning me off, especially if one of the partner looks/dresses like a guy. I don't even know what my brain is thinking, not to mention a heterosexual person.

    12. #87
      Dreaming Shaman ZeraCook's Avatar
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      Just some random non homophobic straight dropping in to leave my opinion. I would have to say the only reason anyone who is straight has a problem with homosexuality is because they have mixed feelings themselves and don't like the feelings they can't control so they take it out on people who they are like deep down inside, and say its wrong, more to convince themselves if anything.

      I think the same thing when a guy says the kind of music I listen to is gay. They probs only think its gay because the guy singing made them feel an emotion and they don't know how to deal with another guy making them feel emotions, especially the more seducing harmonies, so they say the music is gay. I never hear your music is bad, nope just gay.

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    13. #88
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      Nah man, pretty much all anti-gay bigotry boils down to "ewwwwww grooooss" - that's it. Any rationalization about how it "destroys family" or any such bullshit is easy to dispel (with actual data), and pretty much everyone who is trying to limit their rights is responding to nothing else than a primitive, knee-jerk reaction. There isn't a drop of rationality behind their hatred.

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