I have revamped the shape of the game. It was dots around one point. Now the plot is going to go forward in backspiraling circles.
The purpose of doing these tasks in order is to build your character.
The game continues to take place around the town of Denn in the Land of Aud.
These tasks must be completed in order. You may do as many as you want per level (rank) in one dream. You may do both tasks for each adventure in one dream, or two dreams. Bonus tasks may be done at any time if you are of that level, or have advanced beyond it.
How To Get Started
For New Players
Create a character. Don't tell us about it. Incubate the dream. Do the first task in a dream, which is looking at yourself in your character in a mirror. After you have the dream, log it in your DJ, then copy and paste it into the Real Playaz thread.
For Veterans
If you have already completed the first task, and become your character in a dream, please post the old dream in the new Real Playaz thread. Any old dreams of Denn or being in your character, please add to the new thread:
Denn Awakens
For Everyone
Once you have completed the first dream, you are actually playing the game, and have earned the rank of Player, and the title Shapeshifter. I am not saying this to exclude anyone, this is simply fact. This game is not played over the internet. This game is played in dreams, and dreams alone. I am simply the facilitator, and I may even be a Dungeonmaster, depending on your perspective. So, if you have not done the first task, you are not playing a role in a dream, are you? And if you do become a character you have altered your shape, therefore you are literally a shapeshifter. All the ideas of ranks and titles in this game are literal. Once you earn a title you may put it in your DV title or signature if you so choose. You may create a signature of your character once you have completed the first task and actually become it.
Even if you did not complete a task, but had a dream of Denn or being in your character, post the dream in Denn Awakens anyway.
Rank: Non-Player
Shapeshifter Adventure
1) Go into the forest of Denn. There you will find a free standing mirror. Look at yourself in your character in the mirror.
Post the dream here:
Real Playaz
Completing this task earns you the title of Shapeshifter.
Now you are playing the game, and have earned the rank of Player.
All dreams from Player level on, please post here:
Denn Awakens
Rank: Player
Warrior Adventure
1) Go into the town of Denn, and find the Free Market. Select a fine weapon and armor. It will cost Nothing.
2) Go fight something with your shiny new gear.
Completing this adventure earns you the title of Warrior.
Beastmaster Adventure
1) Go to the forest of Denn, and find an animal familiar to be your companion.
2) Go fight something with your shiny new friend.
Completing this adventure earns you the title of Beastmaster.
Green Fairy Brawl Adventure
1)Go into the Green Fairy and have a drink.
2) Start a brawl.
Completing this adventure earns you the title of Brawler.
Rank: Intermediate
This level will be unlocked once a dreamer completes the above level.
Rank: Advanced
This level will be unlocked once a dreamer completes the above level.
Rank: Expert
This level will be unlocked once a dreamer completes the above level.
This level will be unlocked once a dreamer completes the above level.
The Setting
This game takes place in the mythical medieval town of Denn in the Land of Aud. Denn is built on a plain in a temperate climate near mountains in a thick forest. There is a market in town called the Free Market. Everything there costs Nothing. There is a bar in the town, the Green Fairy. There is a large fountain in the town square.
Outside of the town, in the forest lurks many creatures to do battle with, against, eat, gain wisdom from.
The land of Aud gets more and more strange the farther you get from Denn.
The Character
You are the main character. This story is told in the first person, and is written by you... well, me too. Write in your DJ in the present tense. You can be any type of character you want. When you create your character, don't tell us about it. Don't tell anyone. I am preventing you from gaining satisfaction from talking about your goal until you actually complete it. Use the energy from the frustration of not being able to talk about it as impetus to drive you forward to complete the first task so you can actually be in the game.
Don't Panic. Have fun.