Perhaps setting the intention before going to sleep will help you remember. Like a mental note. Have you tried that? |
So, when I get lucid, I am always semi-lucid, and it seems I just can't get out of it. I always just seem to act out my intentions without much lucidity, instead of doing something to get me more lucid or even stabilize the dream, and I'm not sure how to combat that. How do I get myself to remember? |
Perhaps setting the intention before going to sleep will help you remember. Like a mental note. Have you tried that? |
Are you becoming lucid through RC's? Also, could you clarify, is the initial moment of lucidity strong and then it tapers off into semi-lucidity or does it start off semi-lucid to begin with once you realise you're dreaming? |
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Singled out from some of my favourite quotes from Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri: "Risks of [Planet] flowering: considerable. But rewards of godhood: who can measure? - Usurper Judaa'Maar: Courage: to question."
I would maybe suggest trying to bring more awareness/ lucidity into your daily life. Do you reality check? Whilst reality checking try bring more attention to the moment and your surroundings and how it feels to be here and now. I try to make sure this is the first thing I do when doing an RC and when I become lucid. I encounter the same problem a lot though and usually skip this step in favour of a more obvious and easy to remember dream goal. Memory isn’t always the best in dreams so making a plan before bed sometimes helps this issue. |