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    Thread: Sensei's Workbook

    1. #1
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      Sensei's Workbook

      Hey, I am a beginner lucid dreamer. I am hoping to get some more specific help. I have only had 25 lucid dreams, but 11 of them have been since the beginning of September, 4 since the beginning of October.

      I had a couple of random LDs when I was younger, starting with nightmares and randomly realizing it when I was young.

      They have just been getting more and more since I started at June 12th. Which is very exciting.

      I normally realize I started out by realizing that something was strange and then doing a reality check and being like HOLY CRAP! I didn't actually think that this was a dream! After a couple like that I started just randomly thinking I'm in a dream, hex yeah.. Now most are like that. If I have a lucid dream early in the night, then I normally have another one later on.

      I have had a DEILD and a WILD (would that just count as 2 WILDs?), the rest of them have been like the ones described above.

      I have been increasing my dream recall as much as possible, up until I started LDing, I had 1 dream every night. After trying harder it went to about 1 and a half a night. After starting my DJ right before September it went to 2 a night (66 dreams in Septemer). And I had 21 Dreams in the last week, and am hoping to keep up 3 a night for a while.

      My biggest problem is stability, if I remember to stabilize I do great, I had a couple 20 min LDs, and I had another that looked like it would last longer, but my alarm went off in my head and woke me up (it goes off right before my actual alarm, and it rips me right out of dreams, whether I want it to or not). I have only stabilized in two dreams, and have known how to for the entire LDing experience. So 2/25 isn't a very good success rate for that.

      I have added it to my mantra in the last few nights, but that is all I can think of.

      My current short term goals are:

      fly (I struggle with it lately)
      go to space (flying, teleporting, or riding a spaceship)

      My long term goals are:

      Have a persistent realm (like Hyu) Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Hyu's Adventures - Dream Journals

      Blow up the moon (or earth, any planet would do. )

      visit my own town and have all my family DCs together at one time.

      I have a ton others, but those are the ones that I am concentrating on. I made this way too long. I must look crazy
      Last edited by Sensei; 05-22-2014 at 04:25 AM.

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      Hey BrandonBoss,

      Welcome to the class, I'm sure Matte87 will be overjoyed to see you here Sounds like you've been fairly lucky with your lucids, maybe you're a natural but just don't know it yet ;D Stability issues is something we have in common though, it's a rare occurrence when I remember to stabilise xD You have cool goals! In this class you'll learn to fly over time or use different methods entirely, it's all up to you I made it one of my goals to fly when I joined and after about a month I can fly with ease, you'll get there Also the blow up a planet one made me smile, any ideas as to how you'd do that? ;D


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      weeeeelll.... I have to fly first. I think an anime move would do it, something from Dragon Ball Z might work. if not, then I will fly to the planet core and decide from there.

      I have been trying my own type of dream control to learn how to fly, I can manipulate fire and use telekinesis in all lucid dreams, and it happens a lot in non lucids as well. So I am trying that with flying now. If it doesn't work then I'm just gonna ask a DC for a redbull, then I will be fine.

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      Welcome to class!

      You're doing very well from what I can read, and you're doing it right! Keep track of your progress, that way you have evidence of you getting somewhere. Dream control will come in time so don't worry about it. Also you need to make sure you stabilize in every dream you have. Tell yourself you can't start having fun until you've stabilized and try to remember to stabilize every minute or so. You can visualize yourself doing this.

      I fly by jumping on the spot and looking down, holding my hands out. Imagine yourself being shot right up, or pulled by some force.

      If you're good with telekinesis, perhaps you could lift yourself with it and fly that way?

      If you're wondering about something, don't hesitate to ask! Also good luck in the competition

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      Do I have to put all my dreams on here or just lucid ones? I was about to write them out, but it is a hassle to write each dream twice so I decided to ask.

      And what is REM rebound?
      Last edited by Sensei; 10-08-2012 at 08:01 PM.

    6. #6
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      Only lucids need a link for you to get points. REM rebound is when you deprive yourself of sleep, 5 hours or less, to enhance your next REM periods. You will then spend more time in REM and therefore have longer dreams
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      When does the next REM period have to be by for REM rebound? The next night or an afternoon nap? (I haven't been sleeping well lately I went to bed at 10 and slept from 130-6 last night).

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      It'll be longer the next time you're in REM, so I'd say during your next nightly sleep. However I haven't tried a REM rebound and then napping, might work, give it a shot!

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      dang, couldn't get to sleep in the afternoon, and my night was so interrupted by crazy neighbors that I didn't remember a single dream, just fragments!

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      I found myself in a backyard. my most common dream sign, and I don't even think about doing a reality check, I know that it is a dream (I forgot that there are points for it ). I have run through my head what to do over and over, but it is very hazy. Stabilize! I barely remember. It doesn't seem like a dream at all, it seems like I am just being an idiot in real life and looking at my hands, listening, and trying to feel the breeze around me (I always forget to look around more to get that stabilized). I didn't look around to see my surroundings much, but there is nice grass under my feet, and I am in the back yard of a four story mansion. I can feel it now though, I am in the dream, I almost take off running, but what I wanted to do rushed into my mind. I have to summon something! I reach in my pocket, and nothing is in there, I knew that would happen, so I went on to plan B for summoning, I closed my eyes and thought Of course it is not in there, you left the Red Bull in your back pocket. I reach back there, and pull out a small Red Bull can, it is about three inches high. I pop the top and start drinking. It tastes a lot sweeter than Red Bull, I don't really like Red Bull anyways, but Red Bull gives you wings, and I want to fly.

      It takes about thirty seconds to down the tiny can. I look around at the back yard and I am floating, I do not have wings though, but I am floating! I am above the four story house almost at the tops of the trees that I will be trying to go over in a second. One eye messes up and everything looks less clear from that eye. I completely forget how to stabilize
      and wake into a false awakening into the same back yard that I was just in, but I am completely absorbed in the next dream.

      notes: Very hard for me to fly, but I was floating for a bit! so much excitement, my first lucids I did it with ease, but now I think I have my confidence back with it.

      Edit: I just remembered what made me lucid! It was a mirror I saw in my dream, as soon as I saw it I thought I don't want to look in that. Why am I afraid of looking in mirrors? This is a dream! I picked it up and saw myself with a full beard, which I thought was the funniest thing ever. I dropped the mirror and turned around, then I was standing in a backyard! doesn't change any points, but it helps me realize what makes me lucid.
      Last edited by Sensei; 10-11-2012 at 07:45 PM.

    11. #11
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      2 lucid dreams last night. Very lame ones, but I'm hoping to get lucid again today for a nap after church.

      lucid #1
      I am walking around a forest, on a mission trying to get from one end to the other, and then boom! I realize it is a dream. The second I realize, I wake up. Very frustrating.

      lucid #2
      I am overseeing an Iron (Fe) factory and I am starting to get a bunch of feedback from a lot of different people that doesn't make sense, this alerts me to the fact that I am dreaming, I knew I could easily wake up because of the light in my room, so I try to move slowly to try and stabilize. I see a light getting brighter and brighter and wake up.

      Very lame, some people wouldn't even call them lucids, but it fulfills my one rule, If you at any time say or think "I am dreaming." inside a dream, then it is lucid. even if you are just watching yourself do this. It is your thoughts, your amount of control is just really low.

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      I hit some goals early this month. I don't count any dreams in my goals unless I write them down, and since I really like seeing progress this has led to me writing down every dream for about 2 months.
      Anyways, in August I wanted 5 lucid dreams and barely got it. Then I September I wanted 5 again and barely got 6. So I thought that naturally I would try for 7 this month.

      At the beginning of this month I started trying out SSILD, which is a very strange technique, but paired with the other techniques, I figured I could try it out and see what happens.
      the first day I had 2 LDs and the second I had 1. After that I had 6 nights of not being able to sleep because of some family issues I was dealing with (everything is more than fine now) Those days had very little results in terms of vivid dreams, but just a lot of normal dreams. Then I started getting back to sleep on time and having a few more LDs when I remembered to do SSILD paired with the other stuff I do.

      So if I wake up around 4, and wake myself up enough to go through it 3 or 4 times, then I normally have an LD. If I wake myself up too much and just keep doing it over and over, then I have trouble sleeping and don't LD. If I don't wake myself up enough then I get like half way through doing it and fall asleep. But it seems to be working a lot. I think I found a good group of techniques for myself.

      anyways, 7 LDs for this month as of today. 17 days early of my target date.

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      I knew you had it in you to go far, keep on doing exactly what you're doing and make sure you increase your goals to something grander. I had in mind to visit a whole new world and let the story continue on from where I left it or something like that, every time I came back.
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      Previous Lucid Task: Flying [X]
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      OK! here goes!

      I wake up and write some small things about my dreams down. Sad I missed another layer 0 clues (In my dream I was talking to people from this forum IRL, and they were giving me loads of advice on LDing). I then decided to chant (like a mantra, but a little different since it is changing almost every time I go to sleep) that I would RC next time something weird happens. I go back to bed.

      Lucid 1

      I am talking to someone on the phone. I look up at the sky. There is a huge black hole in the sky (only way to describe this is a rip in dimensions like Bleach) I stare at it for a minute, and then it closes. The clouds go back to normal around it somehow. I think about it and decide to tell the person on the phone that no one even knows what causes the big black tears in the sky, but then I remember that I need to RC more. I look at my hands, they are blurry (my hands are never missing fingers, they are normally just short fingers or hard to see). I know that it is a dream now! I start to stabilize and start seeing everything become more stable, but then I try to feel more of what is on my body, and it feels like a blanket. I start feeling it more and I wake up.

      I RC and write down part of my dream and go back to sleep.

      Lucid 2

      I am walking down an alleyway similar to the last one in my dream. I suddenly become lucid. I check my hands and they look normal. Try to put my finger through my hand, but it is solid. I plug my nose and I can breath. (I was pretty aware at this point, so I knew I should RC first). I start stabilizing and can feel no wind, which was going to be my way to fly. I finish stabilizing.
      I look around at the landscape. I am behind a school. There is a tree with low hanging fruit about 20 feet up. I am not great at flying, but I decide to fly. I run backwards a bit and feel some wind, I try to use that to give myself an idea how to fly. I try jumping, but fall on my back (this unstabilizes me for a bit). My sister walks up and asks me what I am doing. I reply that I am going to fly, but pay no attention to her because she is a DC. The dream fades.

      I wake up, RC, write down a few things and go back to sleep.

      Lucid 3
      I am in about the same place. I suddenly think Reality check! I perform a reality check and wake up.

      I wake up in my old room, walk over to my old window and start writing down my dream. I spill some stuff on my hand, wash it off and then go back to bed.

      I am about to merge onto the highway, I have been on this highway before. I know that it is a dream. I forgo RCing, and take my car up the on ramp, it just keeps going up and up and up. There is a random girl DC next to me and she tells me to slow down. I tell her I know what I am doing. I lift the car off the road and fly around for a while, going really high! I am pretty excited. I do an RC and stabilize, as I do this the car starts getting wobbly. I decide to jump out. I am not the best at flying, because my confidence in it was shaken a while ago, but I know I can do this (didn't realize that had I not flown I would have done task 2 ) The ground is flying towards me. It is just like skydiving (I was really high in the car). I look at a point and decide that I will stop there and look at the houses. I stop in the air suddenly. I flew around the city for a few minutes and then woke up.

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      going back to bed for a WBTB now (my computer screen is dim. )

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      Hey, I found Hufik's gravity RC tutorial, has anyone but him tried and been successful?

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      Had 6 LDs this morning. First was DILD/MILD. Second was WILD, then two DEILDs. Then a DILD/MILD with another DEILD attached.

      Pretty excited. I mostly practiced getting clarity and moving around in my dream body. Didn't do anything too special. Kind of just practicing natural dream control of moving my body with things like climbing and running without anything supernatural. not overly exciting, but actually really fun when yar in it. I had to leave my house 4 times. The last time I tried to leave through a mirror, because I didn't want to go all the way out of the apartment. That didn't work, but then I warped the entire apartment so that I could leave my room, turn, turn, turn, turn, and I was standing at the door to outside without moving. Not really transporting since I watched the house move around me. I think I learned a lot this month about LDing, hoping to surpass myself next month.

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      Quote Originally Posted by BrandonBoss View Post
      Hey, I found Hufik's gravity RC tutorial, has anyone but him tried and been successful?
      Actually that is a form of ADA (All Day Awareness) and is one of the ultimate DILD techniques, can get a bit too much though if you walk around and think about being awake all day long. It works great though, I tried practicing ADA during the day and MILD during the night and I was pretty successful for a time.

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      And wow 6 dreams, congratz! I've only had 4 at the most and I used supplements then. You should really set a long term goal and start working towards achieving it.

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      I think that I have decided a couple long term and short term goals to work on.

      I had another lucid last night. About 20 minutes, flying getting out of my room, and flying around town with a bunch of friends, very very fun. Getting better at stabilizing and keeping lucidity.

      They are going to be trying, but they have a time limit, so if I am not ready I can try other things. without getting too disappointed.

      Short term goals:
      I want to do the next 2 months TOTMs. I will start with the basic, and if I finish that I will move on to the advanced tasks. I want to finish all of them before the new year. When I finish them I will only concentrate on learning more control.

      Long Term Goals:
      It is actually going to be a long list of short term goal after short term goal, but I want to do next years TOTY. I will try and finish before the end of March (very difficult, but I like pressure). That will give me 1 week for each. If I finish one early, then I will have extra time, if I don't finish one within a week then I will switch to the next task. Very difficult, but I plan to be working diligently in the next two months to prepare for this.

      If I do not finish by the end of March, then I will stop trying for them.

      These will be hard, but since I will be adopting lucid dreaming as one of my main hobbies, I wish to rise to the top of it. I also would like to have a persistent realm, but I won't try this until after March.

      Thank you for your help and encouragement, I will be asking questions in the next few months as I attempt these tasks.

      If there is a competition in the next couple months I would love to join. I just won't make it a priority to complete small things like interacting with DCs every dream and making my 3 step task a priority in order to maximize points. It will just be something to track my progress more. I love LDing.

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      Unless the tasks of the year don't appeal to me, then I will have to think of something else.

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      Sounds like a good plan! Those ToTY can be kinda tricky, but they're great long term goals, I'm sure you'll have lots of fun trying to achieve them

      And there will be a competition in a while. I'm thinking of creating a sign up thread in about a week, most likely it'll start in around 2½ weeks, it depends a bit on how many people who has signed up. Also you're banned from Lower League in the next one. It's all Upper for you

      Keep on dreaming!

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      I just hope they are goals I can get excited about, or I'll have to do something else. .

      I am excited about the competition as well, I was planning on signing up for higher league I am excited for the competition up there. Hoping a lot of people will join. This month has been a big breakthrough on the amount of LDs I have. I am hoping to continue getting more and more each month. I do not like going backwards.

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      Too much excitement will hinder you from achieving it in the dream though, so watch out for that No one likes going backwards, but sometimes it happens. Make sure you stay on the horse if it happens to you, it'll pick up again. I kinda lost motivation when it happened to me and my recall hit a dryspell and my LD rate went from 14 a month down to 2-3.

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      Ah, I keep forgetting a few of the things that help me LD, having quite a few techniques helps, but it seems like I forget them when the time comes. I knew I had too many techniques, but I was hoping to be an exception to the rule (stupid me, I read all the techniques as well as testimonials and asking people what works well so that this wouldn't happen!).

      Anyways, slimming down what I do till I can master a few things.

      Doing my DJ lately has been hard, i have been doing it, but missing out on detail as well as the time the dream happened and all. I am hoping to get my DJing back down to an art by the end of this week.

      Hoping your competition will pop up soon. I think that this will increase my resolve as well, it seemed to help tons last month. I have 5 lucids this month so far and am shooting for 12. Last month at this time I had 5 LDs as well, and I had a lot of them directly after that.

      Changed my profile pic and avatar to suit my dreaming self, I am constantly on fire and controlling fire in my dreams, like Natsu Dragneel. So since he is a big inspiration, I am hoping that will help too!

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