EDIT: REPOSTED in the Induction Techniques forum. It's been in the Research forum for over a week with ZERO ANSWERS -.-
Hey there. First of all, I'm new to these forums, I just registered today.. However, I've been lurking here for at least ten months now, so I'm definitely not new to LDing. I haven't posted an introduction or anything like that, but I thought what better way to start out than to post up a method I haven't ever seen here before? Also, this went into the Research forum due to the fact that it has not been tested properly. I might repost it in or have it moved to the induction techniques forum if you think I should.
A while ago, I got an idea. For a school project, I've had to write everything important I've done down into a day-book (AKA. Journal/Diary.. They just called them daybooks at my school.) Anyways, I discovered something. As most of us probably know, the stuff we think about right before bed affects our dreams a lot. However, something I didn't know is that writing stuff down into a journal affects your dreams even more. It might have something to do with the way I remember things (I'm better at remembering things I write down), but still I'm sure it'll work out just as well for you.
My first point being made here is that when you write something down you've done into a journal right before you go to bed, you'll be 99% sure to dream of it in some shape or form. If I write something about some important thing I've seen during the day, I'll dream about it. It's almost certain I will after writing it down, at least in my experience. I need more people to test it, though.
Now, my second point is an obvious one.. If you do a reality check every time you see something or do something, say, like walking through a door.. You'll eventually do it in a dream and become lucid.. Right? See where I'm going with this?
Now, the actual method would be to choose some object you'll see a lot, but not too much during the day.. Like a blackboard, if you go to school. Now, this is an already-known and fairly basic technique, but my idea is to combine the journal-writing with the old technique to have very, very good odds of dreaming about whatever you chose. Normally, it might take days or months before you dream of a blackboard.. With this, it should happen within the first day if everything goes as planned.
The actual technique would be to go through your normal day, but every time you see a blackboard, make sure you do a RC! After that, take a closer look at the blackboard and pay attention to some of the details. Now, when you've done this for a couple of days and have gotten used to doing RCs when seeing a blackboard, you're ready to proceed. You want to wait until you're right about to jump into your bed. Get a pen, and start writing about your day. Normally, you'd write everything you've done down. It doesn't have to take long, though, just get a few details in. Honestly, half a page is enough, but I recommend about one A4 page. Now, this time you have to write down what you've done today, but you have to focus on the blackboards to make sure you dream about them! Something like "Today, in the first class, I walked into our Literature room.. I immediately noticed the giant blackboard hanging on the wall. I could see the whole room reflected in it. I immediately did a reality check. <insert more random stuff from your day here> <insert a blackboard from another room here> <repeat as necessary>" - That would definitely work out for me.. I know I'd dream of blackboards in some shape or form that night for sure.. It's worked every single time for me. However, if you do get unlucky, you'll just have another day tomorrow. Also, make sure you exaggerate as much as possible while still making it seem realistic. You just want to focus on the item you chose, in this case blackboards.
Obviously, you don't have to do blackboards. You can do chairs, windows, a friend, anything you like. It was just an example.
So, a repetition of the technique:
1) Choose item
2) Notice the item every time you see it, make sure you RC, pay attention to details
3) Write down something in your Journal/Daybook/Diary about the chosen item right before bed
4) Dream about it that night due to writing, then do a reality check and become lucid like you practiced
5) ???
6) Profit
Now, why am I posting this here? For several reasons.
A) It's not a currently known method (if you can even call it a method? I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure 99% of LDers doing RCs don't implement a day-journal for this kind of stuff. I thought you guys would learn something new.)
B) I'm sure you guys can help come up with new ideas to improve the technique
C) I'd like other people to test it.
I tested it a while back, but honestly.. I wasn't serious enough about doing the RCs. However, I was serious about writing in the daybook, and I can tell you for sure that if you write something down right before bed, you're 99% likely to dream about it that night.. So I don't see why this technique wouldn't work. I'm focusing on CAN-WILD/DEILD right now, though, so I'm too busy to try it right now.. So the real reason I'm posting this here is for everyone to try it out and post the results!
I hope I've given a few people who read this some new ideas and stuff to think about.
Please, try this, and make sure you report back here with your results and findings. Also please post if you have suggestions/feedback. Thank you!